Friday, December 8, 2023

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago......







Stay safe out there and enjoy the weekend!!



  1. #23, "I was told there would be no math involved." Excellent post! Thanks, Irish!

  2. #29 - Apparantly in 1952 Indiana was a country

    1. Interesting catch. I didn't see that.

    2. That’s what State means.
      Time for more of them to start acting like it. Instead of just California, and New York.

  3. #2 haha, even the older ones like when the cork pops still. 😉😂

  4. Replies
    1. From what I can gather she is AI Generated.

      Here is the twitter account that searches lead back to. All are AI. I suspect.

  5. ohhhhh so nice. thanks an enjoy your self also

  6. Nice pudding on 3, nice bandoliers on 5, nice lungs on 7, nice bouncy on 8, 12, 22, nice everything on 22, hi, Diana, nice undercarriage on 48, nice whatever on 52, hi, Bettie, nice 50s on 71, nice banzai on 146, nice bedwarmers on 154.

    PS Noble sentiment on 4, 88.

  7. An old D.I. friend of mine (I did not serve) would say regarding this post, "Out-f*cking-standing! Well done!"

  8. Some many gifs of women flashing us with their spectacular assets, I'm stunned and thankful. Famous faces, Betty, Genie, Linda twice, Mary Ann, hope there isn't anyone I didn't recognize. A couple of really fine red heads and the ubiquitous Detroit iron of the past.

    Thanks and have a great weekend. Walk between the rain drops to stay dry ;-)).


    1. I think #99 is Leanna Decker. A lovely redhead from Ashland, KY. My son lives there.

    2. #99 is Megan Deluca

  9. Very well done, some beautiful women. The last three are spot on.

    1. You're welcome and I think everyone that reads those , can agree with the last three sentiments.

  10. Please stop with the Broncos.Me an my friends had many back in the 70/80s built them up and beat the shit out of them off road..who knew? None of us still have one now.

    1. Is that because you can do better now or are there other factors?

    2. I had 4 in my career and still reminisce about the good ol days. I wish I could afford one of the old girls with all teh modern conveniences...

  11. Replies
    1. Might be a tight fit for a real glory hole. hehehehhe

  12. Of all the planes, trains, and automobiles, and yes the beautiful ladies .....the broken bolt extractor hit home....
    You ain’t never experienced the utter gone to hell throwing wrenches beating anything within reach with a crescent wrench kicking the dog and kids ....and finally calming down and wondering now how the heck do I get this bolt out...

    1. Yeah extractor or not I really hate broken bolts. Also: A year or two ago, a buddy tore down an engine with problems and determined that it most likely started with a broken bolt in the block… put in that way at the factory and shipped right out for the customer to find later; the entire affair was a major [bleep!]

    2. Had a friend who would describe a woman as “ugly as a busted EasyOut”

    3. When you break a bolt, you're phukked. When you break the extractor, you're so far beyond phukked you can't catch the bus back to phukked. Been there many a time.

    4. Learned from a mechanic, MIG a nut to the broken bolt. (The welding wire won’t stick to iron, or aluminum)
      Then turn it out with a wrench. Have done it many a times. On my mistakes, and a lot in f friends when they find out you can do that.

  13. #118 - Bill, that you?

  14. Excellent and humorous and bulbous set tonight thanks

  15. I look forward to Fridays now. Thanks or the Spitfire. Chief!

  16. Replies
    1. I think I said something like that when I found her picture.

  17. #78 Ha, Jeannie, “You misunderstood me” he said in a really tiny voice.

  18. 2 - I don't care if she is, admittedly, Bi-polar - I'd take my chances.
    9 - Don't stop on my account.
    11 - I'd drive the Cougar harder. No chance of damaging that.
    13 - Wow. Those are nice.
    14 - Nope. Time for the torch.
    19 - Well, now. Let the games begin.
    20 - They appear almost as excited as I would be.
    21 - But what a nice way to go.
    23 - At least that much.
    24 - Damn. Just DAMN.
    25 - Don Knotts and Loralee Czuchna. Just proof of what money and fame will get you.
    27 - Cooked to absolute perfection.
    29 - Imagine that? European nations being represented by white women? Whodathunkit?
    30 - So damn cute. Just needs to lose the hardware.
    33 - Lynda. Always gorgeous.
    39 - Wholesome lass.
    40 - Try for a nighty, next time. OK?
    42 - Damn, damn, damn.
    44 - POTN
    69 - While they are quite lovely; the idea of naked twins - together, just doesn't hold any appeal.
    74 - Definitely some trouble looking for a place to happen.
    79 - Looks chilly.
    80 - Dawn always was my favorite. Petite brunette, big brown eyes, and a rocking little body - what wasn't to like?
    83 - Pre-kids Jennifer Love Hewitt
    88 - You'll excuse me if I don't hold my breath.
    89 - I have picture just like that from sledding in Colebrook State Park. Up in Northern New Hampshire.
    90 - Indians are so cool. I'd take one over a HD any day.
    92 - POTN 1st Alternate
    95 - That platform raises some interesting possibilities. It is the perfect height.
    96 - Those legs should be in front of the camera, not behind.
    100 - 65 Falcon Ranchero
    101 - No ring. That is a good start.
    109 - 71 K10 Cheyenne Super 17680 original miles! https://www.mecum.com/lots/539069/
    110 - Warthog!
    111 - Siren luring more sailors to their doom amongst the rocks.
    115 - MILF of the Night
    121 - Starsky and Hutch - One of my favorite shows, as a kid.
    128 - Very clean, yet tasteful, retro-modded Bronco.
    129 - I love a nice seat cover.
    136 - A dime is 1mm thick. 14mm - 1mm = 13mm . NOT 12.7mm, which is 1/2". Use the right damn wrench!
    137 - That is one bad ass 78 F350 Custom Crew Cab.
    140 - Beautiful Old School original Bronco. I'll even let the 80's F150 rims slide - this time.
    145 - Another gun bunny poser. Stance is completely wrong.
    146 - Wow......
    147 - Mack LSRW548M-12188 Off Highway Six Wheeler.
    157 - So do I.

    Sorry I'm late Boss.
    Damn poachers jacked another doe, below the house.
    Me and Gustov stood guard until the Game Warden showed up.
    I'm past ready to take some fucker to the "train station" - IYKWIMAITTYD?

    Enjoy the warm spell we are going to have.
    Because it is going to pour Sunday evening and turn off cold again.
    Thanks for making a shitty night better.

    Whitehall, NY

    1. I try and figure out your POTN. She was in the 3 or so I thought would catch your eye :) Yup, lots of rain coming got some work to do around here before it hits. Have a good weekend.

  19. Great picture of Jennifer Love Hewitt!!

    1. Missed that. Which # is she? - Nemo

    2. Found it. #52. Don't know how I missed that one. - Nemo

  20. I’ve turned this website onto a few friends…. They said it rocks, I agree.

    1. Thanks, glad you and youre friends enjoy it.

  21. Outstanding sir. You outdid yourself again!

  22. Is it possible that #94 is a young Stormy Daniels


    1. Valeria lakhina Ukrainian model.


  23. If Miss Universe contestants wore those swimsuits today you would see their penis. Not a pretty thought.

  24. #39 and #61 look like alot fun. Who is #2? Jeff C in NC

  25. what do you do when you see all this and feel absolutly nothing at all...

  26. #122...sadly, motherhood will change her entirely. Shape, smile, alluring eyes....all will be gone in a couple kids and the weight of the world.

  27. Another great collection! Thank you as always for Bettie Page and Lynda Carter!
    i haven't had a chance to comment the last couple weeks, but great efforts there too!
    Great babes and vehicles all around!
    Thanks for all you do!

  28. I like a bald eagle as much as anybody. But, I am glad to see that the beaver is not extinct. BobT

    1. I see what you did there. Thanks for stopping by Bob.

  29. Please tell me #142 is not AI. She looks familiar, but I don't trust my old eyes or memory anymore.

    1. Maybe airbrushed. It's hard to tell nowadays.

  30. I could help her level them out with my “torpedo “

  31. 138 needs to bear my offspring.

  32. The B-58 "Hustler" at #35......... Why? It was a boat anchor from the beginning.

  33. #115's face is the spitting image of my sister...

    1. I'm surprised, that all this time of posting FFFF, no one has recognized someone or something.

    2. Maybe it is your sister. Just saying.

  34. #64 and #138 - WOW!.

  35. Outstanding gallery, as usual, Irish! Killed a bottle of Jameson in your honor!


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