Monday, December 4, 2023

FBI was blackmailing Biden (and other mindboggling stuff)



  1. And so..........

  2. Crap, I called that years ago. If there is an Announced investigation, and anyone with two brain cells knows that regardless of what is found, Nothing is going to happen, unless it's against an actual Patriot, you have to know the investigators are looking at actionable evidence. Just digging deep enough to justify blackmail is easy. And we Still don't have Epstein's evidence,, but I'm just Sure that after he Killed himself, coff, coff,, someone Promised the American people that That investigation would press forward..
    The master of the Dropped Ball? The investigation is nearing the end, promising public statements, you can almost hear the handcuffs coming out and
    BOOM! Something just went wrong.
    Trey Gowdy.

  3. "40 agents working for 15 years" and nothing done.

  4. Be skeptical, doubt what you read. That's healthy. But, stating that nothing will happen, or has happened, is resignation.

    This "Biden" is a double - a controlled destruction of the D party and the UniParty Swamp.

  5. Without having watched the video, but wasn't blackmailing sitting politicians the basis of the F.B.I. since the beginning? J. Edgar kept files on all the politicians so that if they stepped out of line (defined as looking to cut his budget), he could quietly tell them to increase his budget -- and they wood.

    If they don't have anything to actively go against you (like General Flynn) they can still make the process the punishment. Failing that, they can go after your kids. I doubt if there is anyone that is squeaky clean with only squeaky clean relatives.

  6. Yeah, but, but, but... the "vast majority" are super duper good guys who would NEVER do such a thing! I'm sure that any minute now, those agents who just didn't know their agency was completely corrupt, are going to take immediate action and arrest there corrupt leadership! I'm just sure of it!

    1. Exactly....
      Taken at 3200fps is the only justice we citizens will ever get.

  7. Sure it wasn’t The Clintons blackmailing the FBI to Blackmail pedo joe and his klan???
    Remember her FBI raid after Vince Foaters Murder??? Hmmm??

    1. I'm sure the FBI had the goods on the clintons long before either of them ran for federal office..which makes me wonder if that was WHY they ran for office...how deep does the control go?

      of course, you can't blackmail an accomplice...remember the stack of 300 FBI files "found" in the clinton residence?


      how many of the people whose files they illegally obtained are still in power somewhere today? more than a few..

  8. The criminals deep state bureaucrats at the FBI, CIA etc have been collecting dirt on every elected politician they could and using for blackmail purposes. This practice goes back to the origins of these agencies. J. Edgar Hoover was notorious for his use of blackmail.

  9. Reinhard Heydrich the leader of the SicherheitsDienst (Security Service) was the most feared NSDAP member.
    After Czech Patriots killed him in a bold broad daylight attack, Himmler gained access to his safe for all of the dossiers and there was even on der Fuhrer.

    1. This.
      Surround the J Edgar Hoover building, shoot anything that comes out if it, shoot anything inside of it.

  10. Withholding judgement until we get the videos from Commander. Dogs never lie!

  11. This means nothing. It is valueless without resolute and definitive action.Termnate employment and benefits of the highest echelon of those involved. No retirement, 401K, health insurance, etc. Then, there will be some value to it.

      Take their retirement away? You fucking pussy...

    2. I wouldn't say it was valueless. The value is information. I too would like to see REAL punishment meted out accordingly. On the bright side we must see that a lot of this corruption that has bubbled to the surface of the swamp in recent years would still be unknown to many Americans who keep their heads buried in the sand (bread and circuses) if it were not for DJT. Nothing has been done yet in the way of trialing and punishing the plethora of rotten self-serving politicos, but IMHO business is not being conducted as usual. Sure, most on here know or at least have an idea as to what is wrong and have had suspicions about various facets of corruption for decades, but things take time to change. Think back to the early 1990s. Recollect back to how there were only three television networks and how 95% of all the newspapers were owned by the same people who owned the three networks. Then there were the democrats (in those days probably some were more conservative than "far right Republicans" today) who controlled both houses of Congress and had the majority for over 40 YEARS. Things are still not as they should be and I'll admit sometimes the future seems bleak, but there is hope and there has been progress in the right direction even though there have setbacks too. I'm sure the publisher of "Poor Richard's Almanac" had his doubts when the colonies were being oppressed by Great Britain, but sitting around with our thumbs up our asses is not going to change much for sure. LIke you Red's woodsman, I would like to see immediate action, but will take the small wins for now.

  12. shut down the FBI and open the archives like they did with the east german stazi


    I'm sure the contents will be game changing....

  13. Nothing will happen. We know the Biden corruption. They know we know. They don't care if we know because it's a big D.C. club that consists of Democrats & Republican Deepstaters and we ain't in it.

  14. Ten bucks says nothing, aside from "Complete and full investigation" will happen.


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