Saturday, February 4, 2023

The Last Image Taken From The Spry Barroon....


 Nice shootin' kids.....







  1. That means either N.O.R.A.D. was sleeping on the job, or is severely overrated.

    1. NORAD was moved out of the "city inside a mountain" (Cheyenne Mountain/Colorado Springs) to an Air Force facility out in the wide open spaces as part of a cost savings measure. AKA "The Mountain", it was touted to be able to take a direct hit by nuclear weapons. Since they did not build the thing out of Radio Shack parts the cost was higher than high. Indoor lake, massive blast doors, coil springs that weigh tons. Now, the Fly Guys who are protecting North America are in the equivalent of an office building.

    2. How much would you bet that Cheyenne Mountain will be used as a .gov last stand site in the event of nuclear war or CWII. Me? I'm not taking that bet.


    3. Nemo on point as usual. As George Carlson said, "It's a BIG Club and you're not in it".

      The Gov.com protects itself, you and I are not on their concern list.

      Protect your family. Rule of threes and Killhouse rules are in effect..

  2. peta is going to be pissed.... plastic in the ocean... horrors

  3. The Chicon mission was finished! Information sent.. and Now they shoot it down over the sea, destroying the equipment on board! ? LETS GO BRANDON!

  4. ? After the spy mission is finished,, and information sent! THEY shoot it down over the Atlantic.. so we never know what was on the ship..!

  5. Waited until PRC mission was completed then shot it down in a way to make salvage and analysis near impossible. Bought and paid for.

  6. Hit the payload and not the balloon. "Lets destroy everything we could learn from."

  7. So isn’t Huewi a cell phone carrier in the US. They make the 5G towers, I am positive. This thing has sent all the data as it was traveling the country. If I was a conspiracy theorist, I’d say that the Chinese mission was over and they told the WH to go ahead and shoot it down.

  8. But no word on what weapons system they used. At least this kne didn't carry a warhead to pop over an industrial/communications area. Bet the next kne will be something very special. The clncern about dropping debris on a civilian or civilian property in Montano is quite the joke. If that "balloon" came from China, it had to pass over Alaska, western Canada, before it crossed the lower 48. Nothing was done, and/or no one noticed or did anything. Seems like we are paying for a lot of useless people and equipment.

    1. Yep. This was literally a "Trial Balloon" which may or may not have had a payload, so China could claim innocence. The next one(s) will not be so benign, now that Pedo Joe has given them carte blanche.

    2. @Mike The "weapons system" was an Aim-9X Sidewinder fired from an F-22 Raptor according to the reports I've read.

      Details on the missile here: https://www.raytheonmissilesanddefense.com/what-we-do/naval-warfare/advanced-strike-weapons/aim-9x-sidewinder-missile


  9. My take for what it's worth. The balloon was multi-mission.

    An inexpensive test to see if the bribed politicians and General Miley (did I repeat myself here?) were still obedient to the CCP's bribes and instructions. Sort of like training your Dog not to take food but from your hand and having a second person try to feed the dog test.

    The US Gov.com passed, as the balloon was shot down as planned AFTER it completed its mission and all possible intelligence on the balloon is lost to deep water.

    Secondary mission was a proof of concept that a controllable airship could carry # kilos of payload over what timeframe to what level of directional control to deliver a special package. EMP and Bioweapons don't need much better that minute of square miles (yes plural miles) of accuracy to work well.

    Take a look at this for reasoning:


    Why should China fight the rifle behind each blade of grass tooth and nail when they can simply wait a few months after a balloon delivery or three?

    And the Sun Tzu style mission, more humiliation of the US Military in the eyes of the world, a low-end version of our fleeing from Afghanistan. To make the enemies of the US bolder and thus spreading our military responses wider and weaker.

    Protect your family, the paid for traitors in the District of Criminals will not.

    1. in this same vein, just possibly this thing was also spewing the next pan-seeds or so they'll claim?

  10. The F22 has a gun. Just saying.
    Why did they use a missile?
    Week late and a million dollars short.

  11. I gotta go get my ass sewed back on... ;)

  12. It doesn't look blown-up by an air-to-air missile to me. 27 years in the military and I never saw an invisible missile. Whether a missile or cannon it would leave an exhaust stream or contrail or tracer stream, the intercepting aircraft did. Seems more like a radio detonated self-destruct. And it wasn't a chink balloon, it was one of ours. Simply a distraction, a "look at this, look over here" move to focus attention away from the Project Veritas/Pfizer scandal and maybe also the Hunter Biden laptop news. Monkeywerx reports there are always a couple three of our own balloons up over the nation on any given day. Don't trust the MSM, just more proof of who actually controls the news. It does make the resident Biden look weak and controlled by China though, doesn't it? Hint, hint.

  13. 27 years in the service and you failed BASIC google fu before posting?

    Snip The Chinese government said the balloon is strictly used for meteorological research and accidentally went adrift into U.S. airspace. China's foreign ministry on Saturday expressed "strong dissatisfaction and protest" over what it called the U.S.'s "use of force to attack a civilian unmanned airship."

    MANY Sources, INCLUDING China's own news service.

    1. Just like they told us about the origin of covid and how to treat the victims - Remdesivir and ventilators? Wise up, why should China deny our vaunted MSM, Austin/Milley Pentagon and the Biden Cabal?

    2. If you try hard enough it's easy to have paralysis by analysis.

      The good thing I suppose it you don't have to DO anything, just keep analyzing until your body stops breathing.

      With all the technology to fool the senses in movies (you know like Avatar, Terminator 2 and such) even "SEEING" video seems moot. Have you noticed all the CLEVER Editing functions on Cell Phones in those ads by Google Phone-I-phone and such?

      A picture is also suspect, eh?

      What is the chance YOU are going to be somewhere to SEE with your own eyes anything important anymore?

      So, some things need to be researched and decided upon by each person in their lives, lest they sit immobilized by all the "Military Experts" and other "Experts", asking them to prove your credentials sir? AND even they can be fake, the circle continues.

      Often, I look to that old saying "Cui bono?" (Classical Latin : [kui̯ ˈbɔnoː]), in English "to whom is it a benefit?", is a Latin phrase about identifying crime suspects. It expresses the view that crimes are often committed to benefit their perpetrators, especially financially.

      People do many things but most often to their benefit.

      Clowns on the left of me, Jokers to the right, here I am stuck in the middle with you.

  14. What if it had been carrying an EMP device? Maybe next time it will: over 90% of population dead within the first year.


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