Thursday, December 17, 2020

Remember the young man, Harrison Deal, who was dating GA governor Kemp's daughter and was a staffer of Sen. Kelly Loeffler who killed in an auto "accident" later thought to be a car bombing?

 The Georgia Bureau of Investigation's agent who was investigating this case, James O'Sullivan, was found dead of an apparent "suicide" this past Monday. 


  1. Replies
    1. My thoughts exactly - somebody's been taking lessons from Hitlery, OR it's the same team...

    2. Precisely.

      But their crew is improving.
      It used to take them 2-3 shots to the head to get the guy to properly suicide himself.

    3. Excellent observation by one of many of my favorite bloggers. Thanks for that it gave me a hardy laugh.

  2. Sounds like we have a serious liberal hive that needs to be sterilized down here....

  3. If anyone else is even assigned to the investigation, they'll do a "Barr" out of self preservation and find nothing. The murderous thugs have taken control. This is not news either.

    1. It's no longer known as a "Barr".
      It is now a "Roberts", as in Justice.

  4. If anyone else is even assigned to the investigation, they'll do a "Barr" out of self preservation and find nothing. The murderous thugs have taken control. This is not news either.

  5. It is easy to get rid of a body in South Georgia. All you need is a swamp with some gators.

    What is happening is somebody, "not from around here", is trying to send a message to Kemp and Loeffler.

  6. Clintonista wet boys still out there......

  7. I guess you could call that a "Snow Job". Similar to what Kamala is familiar with.

  8. I'm sure the Clinton Crime Cabal was involved in this hit.....and they've had a lot of practice (and likely includes retired CIA spooks) so they are getting better at it. Anyone who believes thwse two
    "tragedies" weren't related and scripted is either a moron or complicit with the lefts crime spree

  9. The State of America.

  10. Sadly, we as conservatives play the "fair" game. They, as leftist commies, are playing a far more dangerous game. They thought they had the beginning of eternal domination with their "wolf in sheep's clothing" Obama, but sadly for Obama, he was so afraid of being "suicided" by Clinton that he set her up as the third term of Obama. Sadly for them, he and she were hated so much by America that they took a hard right turn and elected Trump. They have worked for four long years to correct their mistake, and NOTHING will get in their way now. This is going to be a very interesting runoff election.


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