Saturday, December 19, 2020

Covid 19 Up Close and Personal, A Post Sponsered by Kettle One*....

 So, Here we go with the shit I've been dealing with...


The previous week.. 12/7-12/11

Regarding work, at which we have had no cases since this started in January.

One positive case confirmed.

Flu like symptoms experienced nothing more. Passed automated temp scan on 12/7 and 12/8.

Positive test 12/9

Contact tracing with fellow employees,

13 others, some very close including their family members ( all so far are negative).

Yours truly included in close contact.

Two days later 2 more positive cases.

Get this:... One of the close contacts left early for a hospital test on 12/8 AND tested negative during said unrelated hospital visit. ( figure that out. )Three days later they tested positive.( figure THAT out)

We investigated and found out that 13 ( about 20% of the crew) are deemed close contact and told to stay home and if possible to work from home.

Moi included.

I feel fine during stay at home, work and do chores outside, no issues. Out of an abundance of caution for all involved, I decide to test last Monday 12/14.  12/16 results - Negative. Great.

At this point, all contact tracing has been returned negative at work. Fuck HIPAA, social media will tell you what ever you want to know.

 One employee who was in close contact with ALL 3 CASES FOR FOUR DAYS, AND, had flu like symptoms, TESTED NEGATIVE..

Read that again >>> NEGATIVE, four fucking times.  Yes , see that, >>>negative.  They chose to be tested over and over and over more.... over. Four times. ALL NEGATIVE.. figure that out. They were with all the positive cases multiple times over a 2-3 day period.

So, that brings us to this past week and a refresher: I was negative on Wednesday.

The boss woke up thursday, congested and coughing. Ooookay, test for taste,smell, fever, negative.

 Yesterday, friday,  I was a little tired and was coughing. It started on thursday night. I slept in until 6:30 which is late.

 Today is Saturday, right?

 Remember, I tested negative on wednesday after being around all my employees (50+) the week before.

This past week as we monitored at work we only have the original cases and none of the contact tracing led to more #kungflu.

Fast forward:

At dinner this evening, the boss gets a call. Positive. Wait? What? So, the boss has been working from home. I'm "negative" we both had a day and a half cough Thursday into Friday and now this?

No other symptoms. No fever. No loss of taste or smell. No diarrhea. No vomiting, No nausea, well I guess if  we don't include when I watch CNN then, no nausea.


 Same with the boss.

Now, I have to report close contact , household. Get the scarlet letter. Stay home for 10 days.




10 days puts us at..../licks finger, scrolls calendar/.... 12/31. I think I like this Covid.  More later.

* because alcohol kills germs*





  1. Got enough Jameson's disinfectant?
    I could make an emergency trip down if you need more. ;-)

    Whitehall, NY

    1. I picked up the adult size last week :) If you're in the area reach out for sure. About 10 days from now :)

  2. Just did some plumbing work at my rent house and talked with my tenants. Turns out he had the 'rona- symptoms and positive test. SHE is also quarantined in the little house with him, while he's actively sick. Three weeks of quarantine, locked in with her sick partner... and she never gets it. Negative tests, no symptoms. She actually wanted to test positive because that would get her less quarantine than waiting for him to test out, and then have 2 weeks more pass.....

    There is something more to this thing than we know yet.

    I hope you stay well, and the 'boss' has a quick recovery.


    1. Thanks Nick, IT is a bit odd with what I am seeing and experiencing. People that are knowingly exposed not getting it and others than have no idea how they got it.

  3. I been thinking about this buddy and I hate to say it but I think my luck is starting to rub off on ya. Best getcha some Holy Water pronto...

    Best of luck to you and the Boss.

    1. At least it's some kind of luck, right? Some people have the "it is what it is" attitude and others are totally freaked out. So far so good here, it is what it is :)

  4. Stop watching CNN. Problem solved.

    1. I can't last more than a minute on most TV nowadays. I'll put on CNN just to see what the enemy is lying about. They I get that bad taste in my mouth :)

  5. No wonder no bourbon on FFF you been drinking it.

  6. I am enjoying working from home. I'M IN IT.

  7. Well, you had one HELL of a week and still managed to deliver another spectacular FFF. I hope you and the miss's do well with this thing. As Nosewetter and Phil say above (paraphrasing) alcohol kills a lot of the worlds ills while you enjoy it.


  8. The tests are a joke, the Dempanic is contrived, it's no worse than the flu.
    Everybody back on their heads!

  9. So with the physical symptoms you described, this is no worse that a medium flu bug, which we have known all along. CNN indigestion doesn't apply as this is not curable unless one doesn't watch the lying hypocrites, I suggest a daily read of gateway pundit and newsmax. :)

    Get well, and don't give the bastards the satisfaction.

  10. I woke up feeling shitty 2 weeks age but hell, I was out partying the night before. Didn't go away in the normal time so I went out and was tested, came back positive. So I'm spending two weeks "on the beach". I have felt worse after an 18 hour tequila fiesta.
    I have been ignoring the e mails and texts from the powers that be wanting to know about what I've been up to. Fuck 'em ,I don't go around many people anyway.

  11. There are no FDA standards for China Wuhan Virus testing, so do we even know how accurate the testing is?
    Hope you are well !!

  12. The super infectious covid mutation has arrived in England. It's 70% worse than the original strain.
    I vote to name it "The Flu" ☺
    Lie. Lock 'em down. Run tests to produce false positives. Lie some more.
    Agenda 2030 must happen. Plebs must not interfere. Plebs wake up. Create a timely mutated virus scare. Lock 'em down harder. People panic and flee.
    What caused the currently unstoppable worldwide rise of superbugs?
    Peoples obsession with cleanliness!
    Sanitisers kill 99.9% of germs but the 0.1% not killed became superbugs.
    What are people doing now with Covid?
    Sun, vitamin D and a healthy immune system with lots of exposure to germs is the best solution.
    Isolate the vulnerable and let this virus run its course. That's all that ever had to happen for this crap to be over.

  13. Best advice around is to dial your immunity up a couple notches. Dr. Paul Marik trained in Johannasburg, South Africa and appears to take a different view than a lot of American docs. He and a few others are behind the FLCCC Alliance, which publishes a lot of useful information regarding how to successfully treat Covid-19. If you haven't already, take a look at this 2 page version of his protocol-it is presented in simple terms for 5 levels of increasing severity of the patient's condition.

  14. One other thing: Covid-19 does not kill you; instead, it induces your immune system to go into overdrive in an all out battle, and if you have impaired organs they will go south on you in a hurry. Yeah, the co-morbidity thing appears to be in play big time.


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