Friday, December 18, 2020

"Cyberpandemic", Solarwinds, FireEYE, Dark Winter..Are Any Of TFI Readers Keeping Track Of The Cyberattacks That Are Going On?


 This was sent in by reader Alan:



Hmmmm, where I have I heard the term "dark winter"?

Let's do a quick search:

 Also found in the "dark winter" search this POST FROM OCTOBER at THEBURNINGPLATFORM

in the post there is a link to WEF's The Great Reset: (link to the info is at TBP)


What is the next shoe and when will it drop?


  1. Irish, I am a simple man with a simple brain, but from your helpful posting, it seems to me that simply "Joe Biden" means "Dark Winter". Hard to disagree with that thought process.

  2. Bread and circuses. Pay attention, head on a swivel, keep your powder dry. In other words don't be distracted and be prepared to respond when the time comes.

  3. IMHO, ANYTHING connected with the government is a false flag event......or red herring....or purposeful.

  4. The great reset is a transfer of wealth to poor third world countries. This is just a pretense, akin to the Clinton fund will help poor Haitians. The great reset is stripping the middle class of their wealth for the benefit of the filthy rich and connected.

  5. Nothing, its the Russia Russia Russia (cry wolf) disinformation tactic again from the left.

  6. "Bread and circuses."
    Until the breads all gone and the circus ends because the performers are starving.
    Seems the pieces are being put in place for a chinese takeover.
    Trudy's got CCP troops right over the border from WA. Spies infiltrating sensitive businesses & so forth.
    What's going to happen to all sorts of data-driven logistics and battle if there's rats in the network?
    I doubt if most people have any realization of how serious this is.

  7. I think this is the referral to "Dark Winter." Beware of the following which may or may not be their next move. Obviously this will spark a civil war. But, if they already have the website built, be on guard.

    1. Website won't matter. Did you not notice the trial run again a few days ago on google and their platforms. Evil google may be just now be figuring out they are just useful idiot sandniqqers.

  8. I believe our own CIA, NSA, etc. wrote the “hack” code for SolarWinds Orion and used it to manipulate the voting machines & votes. Then they blame it on other countries.

    1. Follow the money... China financed all of the Dominion corporate connections.

  9. It will either be a dark winter for America or it will be a dark winter for the swamp and their democratic henchmen. we look forward to the return of our republic through executive action via any means available and or necessary. the democrats will only burn down everything that has been burnt


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