Wednesday, December 16, 2020

About 50 Years Ago in 2016..... A Moment In Time.. ( updated with enlargeability)

Gigapixel of the inauguration. Click to go to youtub and you can enlarge there.

This is just a screen grab off my desktop.



  1. That was a buttload of people!!

  2. Congressman Mo Brooks said he was going to call for a contested election spurring Feral's earlier post.
    Can't hurt to contact your reps and sens to have them second the motion (or at least demand an answer if they won't.

  3. Where is the empty section where about 67 Democrats didn’t show ? I wonder if Republicans will return the favor
    I also remember the Photoshopped photos claiming more people showed up for O’Booger’s inauguration !

  4. Dollars to donuts they won't need to swing that camera around much, if old sleepy joe can walk to the stage. He couldn't get two dozen to show at a rally, who the hell will show up at inauguration? They'd have to pay homeless people to shower and show up and remain standing for one camera shot.


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