Saturday, July 29, 2017

Remember Saturday Afternoons As A Kid In The Seventies?

Creature Double Feature was a syndicated horror show, broadcast in the Boston and Philadelphia area during the 1970s and 1980s. It sometimes also aired under names like Sci-Fi Flix and Creature Feature. The movies broadcast were taken from the classic Universal Horror movies of the 1930s to 1950s, the Hammer Studios and American International Pictures films of the 1950s, Roger Corman's horror films of the 1960s, and Toho Studio's "giant monster" (known in Japanese as either kaiju or tokusatsu) movies of the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s.



  1. I used to love watching those monster movies on the weekends as a kid.

  2. We didn't have that particular one in my area, but in the mid sixties we had something similar on Saturday afternoons. No matter where I was or what I was doing I had to run home to watch. Not too many Jap ones, which I didn't care for except "The Mushroom People". I still remember being scared shitless by "The Crawling Eye", "Fiend Without A Face", "Caltiki, The Immortal Monster", "The Creeping Unknown", "Invaders From Mars", "Monster That Challenged The World" and tons of others..............

  3. On WUAB channel 43 in Cleveland we had Superhost, played by Marty Sullivan on Saturday afternoons
    and Ron Sweed as 'The Ghoul'
    And in Pittsburgh, we had Bill Cardille "Chilly Billy" with Chiller Theatre

    1. I also watched Chilly Billy on Saturday nights when I got old enough to stay up late. He is missed......

  4. In NW Ohio we watched Super Host , The Ghoul , and Hoolihand & Big Chuck, Big Chuck & little John. The Hammer Studio's horror films & Godzilla movies were the best ! Anybody remember Forbidden Planet with Robbie the Robot ? Lol gregbee

  5. In my hometown (Louisville, KY) we had “Fright Night” and it was hosted by “The Fearmonger.”



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