Sunday, February 4, 2024

SHOCKER! (I cannot confirm this, but most here wouldn't doubt a word of it).

 I've been trying to find more information about this report below, but like the lightly reported bombing of "targets" in Syria yesterday, info has been slow coming forthwith (imagine the MSM keeping Americans in the dark while flooding their minds with meaningless shit like Taylor Swift). I know that I do not have to tell most who visit here, but I would STAY AWAY FROM THE BORDER till this settles. 

I just received this: Alert - Major fight in the NSA Biden has ordered that facial recognition of Americans all along the border with Mexico be collected and stored because "white racists are going to attack migrants and border patrol." Leaders at NSA as of one hour ago are refusing the orders! This is massive courage on the part of these individuals. Border patrol agents are leaking that a false terrorist activity is planned for tomorrow. Border agents are working with Tx to diffuse this criminal act by the Biden administration. A dozen members of liberal NGOs have already been arrested dressed as Trump supporters. These have been caught after running license plates and identifying them. These liberals have been caught with machine guns. Border Patrol tipped off the TX law enforcement last Friday. Proud of the Officers at Fort Meade whom God has placed there to oppose this illegal spying on Citizens. Biden wanted a dragnet like what was done on J6. The NSA meeting this morning was VERY heated (started 7:30am today). FBI memo leaked yesterday to TX police at about 4:40pm framing the "planned assault by two "racists." Likely to be persons under government-run psychiatric care and on psychotropic medicine. Tx will be on guard through next Monday.


  1. Thanks for keeping us on guard. Never go out without protection for yourself and your loved ones. We are our own last defense.

  2. 27 states support TX on the border and now this.
    Civil War Lyrics Dixie by Daniel Decatur Emmett | Civil War Music

    I wish I was in the land of cotton,
    Old times there are not forgotten;
    Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.
    In Dixie’s Land where I was born in,
    Early on one frosty mornin,
    Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land.
    I wish I was in Dixie, Hooray! Hooray!

    In Dixie’s Land I’ll take my stand
    to live and die in Dixie.
    Away, away, away down south in Dixie.
    Away, away, away down south in Dixie.

    PS "dressed as Trump supporters."
    What, exactly, does that mean?

    PPS Brandon gave the bad guys lots of time to hide all the important stuff.

    1. "dressed as Trump supporters. What does that mean?"

      As you know edutcher,.......... what a Trump supporter is supposed to look like is in the eye of the Trump gazer.
      I've been to Trump rallies and have seen all sorts of folks. Mostly, I see a lot of folks below the age of 40. That itself is encouragement for me. There are a lot of women. There is a lot of small business owners (I'm talking less than ten employees family businesses). I see people who are making a last ditch effort to employ peaceable efforts to throw off the yoke of the now rotten-to-the-core federal government who has done it's damnedest to destroy everything that has ever been good and worth fighting for in this nation and to bleed the average American dry financially (inflation, fuel prices, GROCERIES). The people I saw aren't blind followers of some Hitler-like political messiah (though looking at the crowds piling in a "cow pasture" it reminded me of the huge rallies in pre WW2 Germany), but folks who are making an effort to put this train back on the rails and let it run as designed. DJT is a great showman, but he also is a very successful businessman and he knows that that a person has to deliver on what they have advertised/sold to really build a lasting business and in this case. "keep all the plates spinning" simultaneously and Trump is the only peddler this cross-section of Americans are interested in buying from at present. However, I bet to the liberal NGO (non-governmental organization) person who leaked that information that became the story, it was meant as a definition for "Wypipo".

  3. Most "operatives" have been released because there is no longer money to pay them, nor for the operations involved, whats left still following orders from globo-pedo are "remnants", literal and figurative, who are past deprogramming, they are the so called "un-repairables." Globo-pedo's organization oka the cabal is dead nuts broke, making ludicrous promises of huge paydays on a coming near future date if they maintain operations. Lot of these operatives its all they know they have done nearly nothing else in their careers, big paydays with these super digital wallets, how everything will return to "normal" if they do their assigned contracts. Same with all the handlers running political figures, those behind the power of big corporates, treasury/fed, etc. But the simple truth there is no money left, not the huge amounts it takes to maintain global domination game, they collateralized everything 6 ways to Sunday, or outright skimmed off all real value in everything, alls left is what us little people create, which is always been the source of energy we call money, which they created this collapsed complex fiat dollar system for extracting that wealth in the first place. The conundrum for these assholes is they can not release their grips on the levers of power, remember security equals control equals power, but in this world it still requires money, ie real wealth to remain viable sustainable global power.
    The jig is come to its end really, and its in a breakdown curve. At some stage the cascade failure gets out of hand which is not too far off in real terms. No money no power its a real simple equation, only a kind of institutional inertia keeps it going more or less with less getting closer to passing more in the curve. Last thing China was to be the next world power in the 75 year schema. If you never noticed every 75 years or so since the 1600's global power brokers change their central location, it because us little folks catch on too much whats going on so they do these big swaps, but its all the same bloodline elite families, new boss same as the old boss kind of crap. This cycle is unique, like totally never happened to these fuckers running shit, snd shit it is, just look at the underlying state of evey-thing they control its all fucking garbage, nasty, run down, pseudo this and that. Game over. The collateral-ization of us as humans ended, no more birth certificate bonds, no more money, no more power. They are grasping at anything which can be done on the cheap to remain relative, without huge injections of new money, not possible, actually since 2007, the slug of wealth at that time has been depleted to near about's Zero. Rest is common sense thinking. Not nice or pretty, rig for ugly and nasty for a spell. Those cash cards and such like what the alien invaders are given, same for the gangstalkers network, once they no longer are viable, be prepared.

  4. What I do hope is true in this story is the fact that now some people in Government are aligning with the American people and calling out the (un-elected) President. Our government is plotting against its citizens and now some in the government are turning on the communist regime. These communists will stop at nothing. People around the world are revolting against their governments and the alphabet members that want us to eat bugs. Hopefully this is a sign that Americans are tired and not going to take this anymore.

  5. Like Canada's truckers, lying Joe will try and destroy all the truckers that are actually North of the border but will have their livelyhoods taken away like in Canada. It is getting easier to predict what the desperate will do to stay in power.

    1. ...even Canada's corrupt justus system recently ruled that Turdeau's trucker actions; freezing their bank accounts and inducing companies to not use the protestors when they went back to work was unconstitutional, not that the ruling probably mattered at that point to either the truckers or Turdeau.

      I've been thinking lately that the vaunted WWIII isn't going to be the "major powers" throwing ICBM's at each other. It's going to be western world citizen's overthrowing their governments, all at once. As evidenced by recent activities in France and at EU headquarters in Brussels, people everywhere are getting fed up with the boolshite.

      You want to be on the right side of history when that pot boils over.


    2. Doesn't mean squat! Do you see Trudeau being punished or prevented from doing the same thing again? There is a far better chance that the judge(s) involved will be disappeared, commit suicide or to suddenly be accused of rape in high school. We are looking at the end times for the Western civilized world.

  6. Just goes to show that the ILLEGALS are more important to them than American Citizens.

  7. Replies
    1. I'm calling total fucking bullshit. It shouldn't even be reposted unless it's true but muh clicks.

    2. Hedge, there is no incentive for “muh clicks”. This site isn’t monetized. Everything here is free ice cream. Posts are what they are, take ‘em or leave ‘em.


    3. No incentives, so you just post nonsense because......

      Seriously , yall have zero logic or rational thought.

  8. I'm not sure i believe it, the NSA is so politicized at the upper levels i can't believe any of them would refuse that order.


    1. At first that was my thought as well. A higher level intel person who has integrity? No. But then I realized we're still in the primary season and they need to get Biden off the ticket. This might be a way to help ease the old man into the retirement home opening up the way for Newsome, Hillary, or Big Mike.

  9. I say, let the undercover FBI dressed in MAGA hats exterminate as many of the illegals at the border THEN arrest and expose them. This way, we get rid of some criminals AND expose the Democrats and Biden as to what lengths they will go to - then we have justification to jail all Democrats, all FBI, all NSA and all DOJ personnel.

  10. Do I remember one of early rumor regarding "Russiagate" was that Director NSA went to DJT gave him some form of warning? Specific details not clear so if anyone has more details please let us know.

  11. I do not understand how anyone can believe that Biden is running anything. The orders are being given by those in the Executive branch who take their marching orders from Barry Soetoro. Hopefully this story is true about the backlash and maybe our country can be saved yet.

  12. "In the U.S. after 2020, the bullshit piled up so fast you needed wings to stay above it..." - Captain Willard, Apocalypse Now, 2050 ed.


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