Wednesday, February 7, 2024



 This comment came from Outlier on the double bag at Walmart joke. I felt it needed it's own post.

I have not hit the links added but definitely check them out.  Irish. 

Be thankful that you have different stores to choose from and can easily go to another one if you so desire.
Be thankful that you are free to choose from a huge variety of products (e.g. name brand, generic, large, small, bulk, etc).
Be thankful that, for the moment, the prices are still reasonable. Read about hyperinflation in Venezuela if you disagree (e.g. $35 USD for 18 eggs)*
Be thankful that you don't have to queue up in line at 5am and wait 3+ hours just to get in the store. Again, read up about shopping in Venezuela.
Be thankful that there are fresh fruits and vegetables available of so many varieties almost year round.
Be thankful that you don't have a weekly/monthly ration for what you are *allowed* to buy.
Be thankful that there is soap to buy.
Be thankful that ATMs work.
Be thankful your bank account wasn't frozen to "fight terrorism"**.
Be thankful for clean drinking water that works 24/7/365 and sewer and garbage service.
Be thankful that you don't have to choose between feeding your children and your pets (or yourself).

Prices of food in 2020.



The inflation we've seen is NOTHING compared to what's coming.

Quit complaining and start praying, praising, thanking, confessing, repenting, and forgiving.

For a brutal education about life with hyperinflation I suggest reading articles by Jose in Venezuela at the organic prepper website.

Here are a few examples:
-Venezuelans barter soap for gasoline

-Abject misery and despair have a distinct smell of ...

-People who I've been chatting with says, one of the most impressive things is the silence, once power is gone. The absolute dark, and the silence, while the megaphones at the distance mercilessly keep repeating the warnings about not going outside.

The hyperinflation in Venezuela made wages a complete joke. We’re talking about the equivalent of $3 USD per month.



  1. Ain't it da troof. Idiot and his minions are trying to turn us into the Weimar republic, as per the orders of the Davos crowd.

    As they say, this will end badly. Never make people that hungry or that angry.

    1. Never make an armed populace that hungry or angry.

      Now that I’ve fixed that sentence; anyone who didn’t understand gun control before should know better now.

    2. yeah. remember they passed complete gun control before things got really bad down there too.
      BTW, food has always been the weapon of choice for tyrants. as my mom used to say, everyone has the right to say NO. when the guns are removed, so is your right to say no.
      and yes, if you can setup a garden, do so this year. get some chickens if you can as well.
      home canning is going to be worth a lot more than gold coins if things get really bad. dave in pa.

    3. Keep in mind, the French people wasn't armed at first. They were hungry enough so it didn't matter, but your point is very well taken.

  2. Well worth reading the links. Really puts PAID to the Mac Bolen I'm the superhero warrior.

    Collapse tends to occur in stages, like the drunk on a very long stairway with occasional landings. He staggers around often falling one or more steps. Might be a MAJOR Fall to the next landing. He gets up and staggers and so on.

    SELDOM does the drunk stagger back up the stairs a bit to a better time/situation.

    Protect your trusted friends and trusted family is far more important than gold when things get crazy.

  3. Makes no sense, i.e., comparing the US inflation to any other country. We shouldn't be experiencing anything like what we are experiencing had we had an honest election. Venezuela hasn't had an honest election since Chavez. We should compare our election with theirs instead of inflation as 'elections have consequences'. Everything after the election, whether it's law & order, inflation, or peace and prosperity, the election is the hinge to it all.

  4. When do the entrapped realized the monster is ready to eat them now?
    I am all about forgiveness but not for the sworn enemy; I am all about defeating the sworn enemy.

  5. We have several books by Selco, wherein he describes what Sarajevo was like in the 90s. When you add those things to the situations faced by Venezuelans of late, well, it puts a very different perspective on the odd shortage or inconvenience we occasionally encounter.
    This is not to say those things are acceptable, nor am I suggesting we should be happy about our lot. Very little of our circumstances these days are of the naturally-occurring flavour; clearly, these things are deliberate and purposeful, and those responsible are overdue for a serious discussion on the merits of self-termination.
    It's just that, for now, while the pieces further assemble themselves on the board, I know I am thankful that the lights still work, the water still comes from the tap, and for the most part people are still doing the things they need to do to contribute to the good of the whole. Cracks are getting larger, to be sure, and it is clear where these proceedings are heading, but while we can stand in awe of the most amazing standards of living in human history, I am grateful.
    Soon, now, but not just yet...
    Mike in Canada

    1. I got to go to Sarajevo (Capajebo) a few times back in 2002, and like the wildflowers and other vegetation of Yellowstone after the 1988 fires, it seemed to be a fairly thriving place.

      The rest of the country was a mix of rebuilt or not BASED ON THE AMOUNT OF OUTSIDE SUPPORT the separate areas received. The muslim Bosniak areas were well supported somewhere around 1960s USA, the Croat areas were more 1970s-80s, and the Republika Srpska or Serbian areas received little to no rebuilding money and were more of turn-of-20th Century US.

      The roads everywhere were pretty well shot, after about a decade of few repairs and very few replacements, the heavier used roads had half-foot ruts from trucks and busses. The more rural roads were better since few people had the money to travel by or own a car.

      There were a lot of one-eyed water buffalos pulling hay wagons when you got into the country. Low tech ruled the day and still works when the power was out. Even as the country was rebuilding unemployment was around 40% due to handouts from around the world.

      This was a "best case scenario" in a mostly white country with fairly strong outside support. The UN and NATO let a batch of killing go on, then stepped in to break it up before old animosities could be resolved and "stabilize" the place so rebuilding graft could be spread around.

      I would think there will be very little support for the US in rebuilding short of foreign countries trying for land-grabs for the juiciest areas of the US based on raw materials, kind of like GAE has been doing by force and China does with financial arrangements.

      The big thing is the US is still filled with White people that can rebuild. Venezuela is filled with violent brown people, whereas those who can't behave in White civilization can still be extirpated here in a time of "lawless reset" should the time arise.

      Any which way, a lot of people around the world are going to die due to dirct violence (small number) and the resulting famines and disease (very large number) when Uncle Sugar goes tit's-up. Expecting to live through it is a fool's hope, but increasing the odds that you or yours might make it by tribing-up and preparing is not.

  6. if ya haven't started one yet, it's time to plant a victory garden, even if it's only a few containers on the balcony/porch.
    if ya can, put something back every time ya go to the store, even if it's just a bag of dry beans stashed under the bed.
    we are about to find out why your (great)grandmother saved her cooking grease and washed aluminum foil.

  7. You never realize what a decadent society we live in until you visit a neighbor in a lower middle class neighborhood who shows off a recent kitchen renovation, the cost of which she put on a credit card, and the first words out of the woman's mouths is; "I don't know how I ever existed without self-closing drawers and cabinet doors”.

  8. They don't want to attempt to shut off my own money. I don't have any of my ammo at the bank, so it's available to use 24/7.


    1. ammo, like a lot of other "stuff" can be used as money. it has value, a sealed box of 12 gauge shotgun shells is
      worth a lot to a hunter. barter will take many forms of trade goods. even matches are worth a lot to someone
      who has no way to start a fire to keep warm or cook something. the trick is to find the items that will vanish
      when things do breakdown. those items will have value. I think of the old C-rats, they held enough stuff to hold you over for a while. coffee, sugar. main meal, some sort of treats. and a 4 pack of smokes (old days)
      a lot of trading was done over and with the items in the old C-rats back then. dave in pa.

  9. There's a Venezuelan blogger I've been reading for some years now who has been trying to legally emigrate adn has been documenting the difficulties of that whole process, in addition to his commentary about what life is like under Chavez and Maduro. 2 weeks ago he finally was able to get out and is now in Milan in Italy. The 1st thing he mentioned was how amazing it is to actually have working power and water 24/7.....

    His site can be found at

  10. Coming soon thanks to mongoloid drool bucket CPUSA (D) voters and the please no take ball away Lucy feckless loser Washington Generals losers of the Grand Old Politburo UNI party big club that we aren't in.
    No we can't.

  11. "Quit complaining and start praying, praising, thanking, confessing, repenting, and forgiving."

    F that. Start preparing. Preparing to provide for you and yours. Preparing to lay down some serious hurt on the people responsible. Which is most government employees at GS-15 and above in DC, NVA, and MD. They've all broken their oath to the Constitution in order to "get along" with TPTB.

  12. Sorry but I had to break this into post pieces. I kept getting "comment too long" when I tried to submit it.
    Part 1
    --Thank you, Irish--
    Irish, thank you for not only approving my original comment (and many others in previous posts) but also for making a dedicated post for my "Be thankful ..." comment. You didn't have to do any of that. You could have easily silenced my voice.

    I'd like to make a few clarifications about my "Be thankful" post.

    First, my comment was primarily about being thankful to God instead of complaining.
    Second, my comment was not about inflation. Inflation is just one example of the decay of the USA. Please don't focus on the money part. Seriously, it's only a distraction.
    Third, my hope is that I can wake a few people up. I'm not talking about politics or voting or elections or inflation or prepping (in the traditional sense) or any other stuff like that.

    What I am talking about is the *ROOT* cause of all the problems in our country. We are in a fight and the stakes are as high as they can get.

    I'm sorry but now I have give most of you a written rebuke. I'm trying to be as gentle as I can. This is the easy way. Trust me, you do NOT want the hard way. I've been there, done that.

    --Wake up--
    If you think you're awake/aware/whatever of what's going on, I can assure you that most of you are NOT!!!

    How can I make such a broad sweeping statement with conviction? Let me show you the irrefutable proof.
    Exhibit A: things are getting worse at an ever increasing rate with zero signs of things getting better any time soon. That means not enough people are addressing the root cause.
    Exhibit B: most (all?) of your own comments in this post and the original post prove exhibit A. I show this down below.

  13. Part 2
    --Root Problem: We, as a nation, have turned our backs on God--
    I'm talking about the God of the Bible. No other God. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father except through him.

    How have we turned our backs on God?

    1) Too many people have unforgiveness in their heart.
    Selected comments for proof:
    -I am all about forgiveness but not for the sworn enemy
    -Coming soon thanks to mongoloid drool bucket CPUSA (D) voters
    -And she not only votes, but also reproduces - many times!
    -some mentally ill simpleton MIGHt be in the store
    -these morons are out there, in ever increasing numbers.
    -I just blew her a raspberry and said No
    -Burn through thier bag inventory.
    And the worst of the bunch (as of the time of writing this):
    -It should be legal to sterilize such people on the spot, using garden tools, for the good of the human race.

    These comments make me sick. It doesn't matter if they were in jest or not. They should not have been written! They should make you sick too. If they don't that's just more proof. Even worse comments like that just reinforce the same bad attitudes. At the time of writing this, there was not one single comment with anything reasonably positive to say (except my own). How I wish was that was not true.

    Correct course of action: "Our Father ... Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us ..."
    Each and every one of you needs to start on a regimen of forgiveness. Forgive anyone and I mean anyone who has ever done you wrong. Jesus never lied. When he said, "forgive those who sin against us" he meant it, word for word. He never added any qualifiers. If you are familiar with the new testament then you know this to be true. God said that vengeance is His. You don't want to try to take something belongs to God. If you're having trouble forgiving someone then ask God to help you. For example, "God, I am having trouble forgiving person X. Please help me." I could speak a lot more on this subject but I'm trying to keep this post from being a four or five hour read.

  14. Part 3

    2) Habitually practicing known sin.
    -FFFF. No, I don't click that link anymore. I have a few times in the past but God quickly convicted me. I closed the page, repented, and asked for help to do better.
    -Porn. God has your browser history saved in heaven. On judgement day he will review it with you. Jesus said that to look upon a woman with lust is to commit adultery in your heart. So if you are regularly looking at porn then you are habitually committing adultery.

    If you want more proof of your sinful nature, *sincerely* ask God to convict of any sin you have in your life. Don't believe me? Then go find someplace quiet and tell him that you are very serious and that you don't want him to ease up until he's convinced you in your heart and your brain.

    Correct course of action:
    Each and every day you should be confessing and repenting of your sins then asking God for forgiveness and help to do better. You don't have to be perfect in a day but over time there should be marked improvement in your thoughts, words, and deeds.

    BTW, repenting doesn't mean you'll never do it again. It literally translates as "to think differently afterwards." It means if you had to do it again then you'd try to do things better. I like how I heard one preacher describe it, "God, I confess sin X. I'm sorry. I repent. Please, help me or I will absolutely do it again. I can't do it without you."

    3) There is so much pride and entitlement in our nation.
    -How many of your are proud of something? Your work? Your marriage? Your kids?
    -So many businesses have something like "proud sponsor of", "pride of America", "proudly made in the USA".
    -How many of you have ever asked God to help you understand what you did wrong in a failed relationship (e.g. divorce) and to help you change for the better? Anybody? I could write another post on my divorce and the Christian lessons I learned. If you haven't asked, why not?
    -For more proof just *sincerely* ask God to show you if you have any pride in your life.

    Correct course of action: God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.
    Humble yourself. That means you have to admit to yourself and to God that you are sinner and that you need help with everything. For example, God please help me be a better Christian, son/daughter, brother/sister, husband/wife, parent, employee, manager, etc.

  15. Part 4

    4) No preps
    No, I'm not talking about storing extra food, buying more ammo, self defense classes, survival books, or stuff like that. I purposely did not mention Selco or Ferfal in my origin post. Yes, they have books and videos and courses and all other kinds of stuff. That's how the "world" prepares and it's a distraction from what you should be doing. I'm talking about preparing your soul for judgement day (It is appointed to men once to die and then the judgement). I could write a huge post on how to be led by the spirit so that you can prepare for worldly problems. I would strongly advise against doing any "worldly" preps until you learn how to be led by the spirit. You'll most likely waste time, money, and effort. Ask me how I know.

    Correct course of action: Clean your house.
    Ask God to help you clean up yourself and your house.
    -ask God to help you get rid of any books/printed material he doesn't want you to have.
    -ask God to help you get rid of any movies/videos he doesn't want you to have.
    -ask God to help you get rid of any music he doesn't want you to listen to.
    -ask God to help you end any relationships he doesn't want you to have. Oooh, that's gonna cost some people a lot.
    -ask God to help you clean up you mouth and to put a watch on your tongue (But the things that proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and those defile the man)
    -ask God to help you forgive everyone who has ever done you wrong.
    -ask God to help you with any sin, known and unknown. An example of unknown sin might be not realizing that you don't know how to keep the Sabbath.

  16. Part 5

    5) Not studying the Word
    -Many people don't read the Bible. The Word is food for the soul. If you aren't feeding your soul then it withers and starves. You won't be strong enough to fight the spiritual battles in your life.
    -Worse, many don't apply what they read (e.g. pray for their enemies, forgive, keep the Sabbath). How many of you know how to keep the Sabbath? It's not going church on Sunday.

    Correct course of action: Read the Bible on a regular basis.
    Start with something easy like a Psalm or the sermon on the mount.
    Maybe join a Bible study. Can't find a good one? Ask God to help you find one.
    Ask God to help you apply/use what you have learned (e.g. pray for your enemies like )

    6) No relationship with God.
    -Many people have no relationship with God. They can't spend five minutes a day in prayer (I could write a huge post on just prayer - it's not that hard and there are sooooo many benefits).
    -Many people don't know God's ways. His ways are not our ways (e.g. love your enemies). Unless you spend time in the Word and with Him you won't learn how to live differently. For example, being thankful for all the grace/blessings in your life. Another, praising God for the bad things you don't have to deal with (that's his mercy). Grace = things you don't deserve but God gives you. Mercy = things you do deserve but God holds them back.

    Correct course of action: Spend time with God
    Start with 5 minutes a day. Go someplace quiet (like sitting in your car 5 minutes before going into work) and say something like, "God, I'd like to spend some time with you. Is there anything you'd like to talk about?" And then, oh noooo, this is terrible, *wait* for him to answer you. Keep doing that until you start to hear and recognize his voice. Again, easy to do but you have to be willing to pay the price (invest the time). I don't know about you but I'd much rather hear "Well done, my good and faithful servant" instead of "Depart from me. I never knew you."

  17. Part 6
    That's a brief overview of why our country is in trouble. Don't blame our political leaders, this or that group, or whoever. The leaders we have are the leaders we voted for with our words and actions (outside of the voting booth). We are the problem (myself included times two - I am/was a double a**hole/sinner). God is the solution.

    --A better ending to the double bagging story --
    The person shopping could have been thankful for so many reasons instead of complaining. The person shopping could have tried to take a moment to demonstrate splitting the items in one double bag into two single bags and thus show (read: educate) with a good attitude to the store employee how the number of bags would be the same. The person shopping should almost immediately started praying for wisdom about what to do and how to help. Readers of the story should have immediately started praying for the employee and others like her.

    I got lots more examples of how to improve your relationship with God. None of it is rocket science. It just takes time and consistent effort.

    God, Father, please, I ask that you open the eyes and ears of those read this and to soften their hearts to you and your beloved son. I ask in Jesus' name.
    Say "Amen" [so be it], if you agree.

  18. Part 7
    I'll end with a bless for all of you from the book of Numbers. It's the best blessing I know.
    God bless you and keep you. God make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. God lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. Amen.


    P.S. I purposely left out scripture references. I can support what I've written with multiple Bible references but I don't think it would help. Readers can either believe me and try to change or keep doing the same thing and getting the same results.
    P.P.S. For you husbands out there, if I get enough requests I can write a whole bunch on how to improve your marriage. Things I wish someone would have told me before I got married. It's all Christian based. Nothing fancy. For example, at least once a week I'd recommend anointing your wife with oil and praying blessings over her (and not selfish stuff like help her to be more submissive). Another example, spend 15 minutes a week reading the Bible together (take turns reading paragraphs) and then praying together.

  19. @Anon 1:18pm
    And when the devil shows up to drag your soul down to hell, what are you going to do? Shoot him? Good luck with that.

    Repent early, repent often.


  20. More important than physical stores are the spiritual ones. Your stash can be consumed, traded, stolen, conquered, burned, corroded, confiscated, shared, gifted....but what will you have when you are in the cage? What will you have by you in your last battle, even if you are already naked and emaciated and brutalised? If you cannot name it already, then you will be conquered long before it gets to that stage. Perhaps already are. You may even be one that cages and beats others, or applaud those that do. Selah....pause and consider.....

    1. @Anon 3:26pm,

      "More important than physical stores are the spiritual ones. ... Selah....pause and consider"

      Amen! Preach it, brother. Thank you.


  21. Since the post started with mention of Walmart, here is an observation of my last 2 visits over the past 4 weeks:

    Visit 1: Self check shut down, explanation is it isn't broken, just (maybe) a "temporary" thing. Two checkers, long lines even for a slack part of the day. Decided not to challenge the checker about "temporary", other than to say it probably is because of rampant theft at self check, just like other major retailers are reporting. Got a smile but no reply. Note: "self check" at that store means 2 "corrals" with about 10 scanners each, plus about 12 conventional lanes with the belt (but no checker-it's "do it yourself"). Best guess: ~ 36 self checks shut down and replaced with 2 checkers working like crazy.

    Visit 2 (yesterday): Self check still shut down, but about a dozen checkers and reasonable length lines.

    Post Script: Still cannot get out of my mind what a lawn/garden clerk told me last spring about a couple attempting to roll out with 2 fully loaded carts with about $1,500 worth of merchandise. Apparently the thieves think the much less traffic that sometimes exits from lawn/garden down at the end of the store means it is easier to avoid getting caught. Sadly, the clerk said that is not the first time a large theft attempt occurred in her area. Seems like armed guards are needed with instruction to interrogate the thieves within view of hundreds of other shoppers before slapping on the handcuffs.


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