Friday, February 9, 2024

So, Basically, We Are On Our Own... It's Only A Matter Time...

 TPTB know they are being exposed on a daily basis and more and more people are

being red-pilled.  They are not going to allow this years election in any way shape or form

if they can help it.


H/t to Skip.








  1. interesting how the fibbies lay out the cyber threat, then offer training that has nothing to do with the threat. the russians mentioned are organized mofia. the chinese are pla army. there's a difference, mr. wray. lord, we're led by idiots...

    1. As an example, our Aerospace Corporation has an IT Cybersecurity team that uses automated tools to detect and block suspicious activity, they train employees on cybersecurity, and test them. By law, they cannot trace back beyond the first hop and retaliate but only provide our government with the data voluntarily. And nothing is done with the information. 1000’s of attempts a minute. Prepare your communities for surviving with no electricity, food, fuel, communications or police. Smart devices are their tool set: they are using your smart devices to study you and can control almost every phone, TV, camera, microphone, door lock, smart garage door opener, remote gate controller, thermostat, solar power control system etc…

    2. Dry run?


    3. @Anon 11:15AM ...and that's exactly why one doesn't have any of the items you cited that aren't at least ten years or more old in your home. Alexa? Siri? Those bitches will never be allowed in. Car? pre 2013 when most automobiles, SUV's and light trucks started broadcasting their presence everywhere they went into the ether for the PTB to track. Voice activated TV remote - disabled. Smart phone, Location Services is always off. IF I take it with me when I'm out and about, the phone is turned off. I've had my smart phone for a few years now. Used it exactly once for directions, got me driving in circles for over an hour. I'm old school. I use paper maps. The one nice driving feature in my car is the compass. 'Course the trip computer in the car records mileage and direction, however you have to plug the car into an interface device to be able to read the data.

      License plate readers bother me as do all traffic camera's. They shouldn't be allowed. They are an intrusion on the privacy guarantee in the Fourth Amendment. These fake cell towers that the police use to "allegedly" track criminals aren't used for that purpose. They are used to build life patterns for everyone that owns a cell phone with location data turned on and/or cell tower pings and any automobile that broadcasts to cell networks.

      I could go on ... Suffice it to say that if/when the hammer drops and we come out the other side, all of that stuff needs to be done away with.


  2. Weve changed our posture from quietly prepping to "ready" for imminent contact. This is going to really suck. If you were a bad guy what would you attack? There is a million unhardened electrical sub stations out there. We dont have a huge supply of replacement transformers. I think we will sustain a couple of mass casualty attacks, but i think the focus will be on power and comms.

    1. As someone who worked in a power generation plant, transformer supply is not only low, but lead times are long. I don’t have any idea what the spare situation is for substations, but an average two unit power plant has one spare.

      Like a lot of manufacturing today, there’s a high probability they’re made overseas now.

    2. One way for any guerrilla operation to have the general population turn against it is to make life really Really REALLY hard. Taking out electric transmission substations and/or transformers is one way to do that. People are going to be mighty pissed at having to live back in the early 1900's, i.e. without electric power because guerrilla forces took away electricity.

      Modern life; i.e. everything that came after electric power, is impossible without it and 98% of the population isn't going to look kindly on having their food rot in a day or two and freeze without heat.

      There needs to be a different strategy than taking away electric power. Maybe it could be done temporarily by sabotaging the system in such a way as to be able to easily restore it without the managers being able to figure out how it was done. However, to take out a large number of scarce long lead items, like substation transformers, is exactly the wrong tactic, IMHO.

      There's got to be some power systems guys, who are believers in individual Liberty, out there that can figure it out. Also note, that if I can up with this theory, people on the other side may have thought of it and have already identified people with the requisite knowledge and will be rounding them up at the outset.


  3. LOL , you have always been "on your own". When seconds count the police are hours away. The only difference is the extra 8 million newly minted democrat voters that came to ameirkkka for the promised good life without ever working again. Once they are denied their just desserts they become violent. plan accordingly.

    1. If self-determining? Voting does as voting is.

      If "instructed" by patriots? Who believe that voting is what make "us" betterer than "them"?

      But what if... if only... hungry zombies, could be herded? Not by those that call Americans enemy. But those called enemy by The United State? How long can you keep those cannons from melting?

  4. News flash: When the electric is cut off, the cockroaches are going to flee the cities and invade the countryside. Prepare accordingly

    1. If it really gets that bad, there will be plenty to eat.

    2. What hasn't been mentioned is when city dwellers flee the cities, their resettlement will be protected by fedgov in the form of NG or other dotmil.
      You won't be defending against intruders but against military units.

      I've though much of how to defend and to implement offense pertinent to my area. I've realized a wide area defense is keyed upon only a small handful of locations. But when fedgov forces in expected strength and capabilities are added, defense becomes very tenuous.

      Then it becomes to act as an insurgent in your own land.

  5. About damn time. Let's get this party started.

  6. I turned it off when the Sheriff said it was the Russkies. No doubt we're gonna be attacked, but not from them. Anybody ever watch the TV series Jericho? I think our gov't just subcontracted the work by bringing them in across the border - would that still be considered a false flag?

    1. The sheriff has watched too much Red Dawn.

    2. Yeah, like the FBI can tell who it was, but can't say they know who left fake bombs, or who Killed Seth Rich. They've done a bang up job inspiring faith in their abiities.

    3. Of course they know. Do you honestly think they don't?

    4. lol tradcon porn. So the Sheriffs, who are the only constitutional force between what’s left of we the people and our hostile, treasonous, occupying uniparty of globohomo commies goes to the globohomos fedgov’s private police force for “training” where they learn how to spot enemies from 1987 while ignoring the fact that Wray is the head of the enemy force that has been party to the coup on Trump and the people of FUSA. I’m surprised big hat didn’t say the biggest threat are “far right extreme white Christian men with gardens and deer rifles and more food than they need in the root cellar”

      FFS we are in some retarded simulation.

  7. Everyone should also be aware that the situation we are currently in is a direct result of our own government intentionally placing us in peril. They opened the border, they destroyed the economy, they refuse to enforce the law causing crime to soar and they create crises to consolidate their power. Interesting that they communicate what a mess we’re in when they themselves have created it and refuse to protect the country and its citizens. We are indeed on our own. Plan accordingly.

    1. A fake birth certificate kicked this into high gear.

  8. We are not on our own. We never have been. We have a God who is MIGHTY to SAVE!!! He wants to save us. He left explicit instructions for what to do in times like this. He is waiting for us to follow those instructions with a sincere and penitent heart.

    If my people, which are called by my name, [1] shall humble themselves, and [2] pray, and [3] seek my face, and [4] turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

    ht tps://biblehub.com/2_chronicles/7-14.htm [numbering and emphasis mine]

    Nothing will change until we start following those instructions. It's that simple.

    For more details see my 7-part comment on the recent "Perspective" post.


    P.S. Once again my thanks to Irish for approving my comment.

    1. Explain how praying to God is going to help. Like if who prays. White Republicans? or Dems too? Just whites? Black Christians? Muslims? They pray every day. All humanity? Who gets the help? Too confusing.

    2. @Anon 7:43am,

      I don't know exactly how he can help but I'm sure he can think of at least 1000 different ways before before we've had our morning cup of coffee.

      Who prays? That's the amazing thing about God, He's listens to all prayers. John 3:16 states "whosoever believes". God is no respecter of persons, which means he doesn't play favorites. Go read the 7-part comment I left in the recent "Perspective" post and you'll find all the steps there that anyone can follow. It just takes time, sincerely, and a willingness to work on your relationship to God. And you can ask for God's help at every step along the way.


  9. Replies
    1. I see a county sheriff telling people things are going to go pear-shaped, and when they do, they should have already made some common-sense preparations ready to hand.

      Frankly, how refreshing.

    2. Except if by now they haven’t thought about that, why? What is there thinking process? Wray, yeah I trust what he says that much, how bout you?

  10. Most here know;
    1) things have gone badly
    2) by design
    3) a large number of Americans are unaware, or minimize the extent.

    The Sheriff was speaking to those who are unaware. If you are already informed, 'ahead of the game', you weren't his audience.

    Notice the Sherf implored the media to bring forth that which he said. It will be interesting to see how the media covers this henceforth. Too, how will OH state legislators respond.

  11. The sheriff is a blowhard. He is a part of the problem.

    He failed at his job. He admits it in every statement he's making and casting blame on everyone else.

  12. Fear and doom porn to wind you up (shhhh... don't tell anyone that the fedgov is actually responsible for all the problems he mentioned to scare you).

    Give us more money, we need to hire more people.

    Next we will have to pass laws that violate your Constitutional rights to keep you safe.

    .... same as it ever was.
    Death to tyrants!

  13. When everything he discusses is part of the plan, this is all moot. Stop pretending like somebody is going to help with anything.

    1. Even some here have forgotten Grahams first combat kill house rule

  14. Our rural electric coop monthly magazine always has the CEO or whatever fill the inside cover with something.

    Couple months back he basically told us we were gonna lose power. He was not sure for how long, or when, or why. But he was confident we will at some point be without power.
    Get ready.

  15. Remember when everyone was really concerned about the millions of guns and billions of rounds of ammo that the Feds were stockpiling for all of its agencies a few years ago? Now, add millions of military-age men being allowed to invade the country. The Left isn't importing voters as everyone seems to think. They're importing an ARMY. And they have all of those weapons sitting in warehouses just waiting to be handed out.


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