Thursday, May 4, 2023

When an American citizen buys a S&W AR-15 it is called a "weapon of war" by the media, but when a .gov agency buys the same firearm they are labeled "rifles"

                                                     Surrender our guns? Yeah right!

The IRS spent $10 million on weapons and tactical gear since COVID 19 began.

Read the rest of the story HERE

Something like this needs to be happening at the front doors of about 90% of our elected criminals.

H/T to Bob in E-town


  1. well, body armor does burn you know. sometimes the old ways are best. old coffee can, 1/4 pound of black powder and 1/2 gallon of gas in double plastic bags would deal with that group rather easy. just saying, of course.

    1. Is that gasoline I smell coming out of the lawn sprinklers?

    2. works better if you mix it with diesel like 40/60 gas/diesel. sticks better too. if you can find the old powdered Tide. that works very well to thicken it up close to naplam just mix it with cheap unleaded and away you go.
      old auto light bulbs work well, if you solder wires to the tip and base to fire off your black powder too.
      again, just saying

  2. A couple of friendly tips from the late, great G. Gordon Liddy.

    "If they come shooting- they're shooting at you now- you have the right to self-defense, and in that event, if they got body armor on, you are best to shoot to the groin area."

    "Now if the BATF comes to disarm you and they're bearing arms, resist them with arms. Go for a head shot; they're going to be wearing bulletproof vests."


    1. Otherwise known as "Hips And Lips"

    2. Aim low, you can't put a tourniquet on a 'taint.

    3. @Loadedforbear 🤣 Stole this!

  3. They are called "patrol rifles" when the local deputies carry them. Homeland Security called them "personal defense weapons". You are right that they call mine an "assault weapon". Snort

    1. I think it's only fair to tell you
      I'm Stealing the Hell outta That..

  4. Go ahead and come see me about my fucking taxes at gunpoint.

  5. Well, this should be interesting. Sotero's private army. US gov gone rogue.

  6. What irony if a few good goobermint employees turn those weapons back on them.

  7. "No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law." - US Constitution, Amendment 3, 1791

    "We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." - BHO, July 2, 2008

    Please share with those who refuse to pay attention.


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