Wednesday, May 3, 2023

An Interesting Thread on The Ok City Bombing......

Here is the beginning post about Yeakey. Scrolling the comments there are lots of old news clips and

news articles. One clip in particular is below this one.  Given the unraveling of many 

"Conspiracy Theories" into truth lately, maybe there was more to this. As usual, the Clintons

were involved, possibly.












  1. Of course it was a suicide (Yeakey), just like if I walked down MLK Blvd at midnight on Saturday wearing a KKK costume, I would be committing suicide.

  2. it was an atf op, like waco and ruby ridge. several presidents in a row sought to rein in and roll the out of control/redundant atf into the fbi or just abolish them all together. each time they precipitated a major event to show "look at what we can do". i could write a book with all the evidence okc was an atf op, but i'll end with why aren't they looking for john doe #2?

  3. Its funny just last week I was discussing the bombing with the kids and said that given everything we know now about govt involvement in other events that i no longer trust the official report.
    I had never heard of Yeakey till today .


  4. Just upholding an oath to The Constitution, "No more free Waco's". Better check the mailbox, fed check's late -- again. Need moar ammo.

  5. The book

  6. We all know the government would never shade the truth. Industrial Military Complex according to Eisenhower. Lotsa money in beans, bullets and bandages. Sez 1st ANGLICO

    1. Not Military Industrial Complex, Government Complex and it's been around since John C Calhoun first posed the doctrine of Nullification.

    2. McVeigh admitted he did it before he checked out, and explained the layout and firing sequence. Whether he did it alone, wellll, that's another story.

    3. Maybe he had help from the Coast Guard, as the Air Force's top explosives expert, BG Partin, said it was physically impossible to cause the damage external AND internal with ANFO alone.

      All the BATFags being out of the office that day might have been what Shaggy and the bunch call a clue, I don't know.

    4. Not ANFO, ANNM. Instead of fuel oil, he used nitromethane racing fuel. Ups the explosive force by 2.5X. It's documented that he bought a 55 gallon drum of it.

    5. ...and even if true, it is IMPOSSIBLE to do the damage there with that combo. The building was exploded from inside. Period. Remember the Air Force general who was a munitions expert that tried to show congress the physics of it all that was thrown out?
      The janitor who witnessed 'people' in the building working with flashlights the night before, disappeared, naturally. McVeigh was quickly executed when he started talking about remembering certain things, including 'vaccines' . Remember that no atf kids were in daycare that day? etc etc etc

  7. Body found a mile away from the car. Classic Vince Foster. Of course, Willie and the Beast were all over it.

  8. Ever hear the theory that John Doe #2 was James Comey? Nah. That would be a crazy theory.
    Link to image host that pretty much disproves that, right? Safe link to image host:

  9. If one starts with the premise every single thing the gov't and MSM says are lies, half-truths, and /or pure propaganda,
    you will rarely be wrong.

  10. "He was found in a field, cut up tortured, strangled and shot. His death was ruled a suicide"

    He was just being thorough,
    Right? Right?

    1. TerrytheterribleMay 3, 2023 at 2:31 PM

      At least he dint shoot himself twice in back of the head.

    2. Not for want of trying, though.

      Phil B

  11. there is a book titled "the third terrorist" that lays out the whole middle east/iraq connection to oklahoma city.

    1. He ran back to Baghdad with enough yellow cake uranium to make multiple WMDs, and threw some babies out of incubators as well?

      Here's a partial description of another powerful book that explains the Scottish Rite Masons:
      "Nessie Baby! is swimming with fun references to the world's most famous cryptid along with Scotland's lesser known but no less amazing mythic creatures, including selkies, kelpies, and the mythical white stag."

  12. One of his stories was that he saw a meat his desk. He told the guy
    I'll be back to get you.
    But when he got back to the guy who was There and Saw what happened
    He was dead.
    His neck broke, while waiting..

    1. stories was that he saw a meat his desk.

      Noo,, saw a man at his desk.

      He had been gathering evidence about the bombing.

  13. Skeptical.
    I did some digging and found a few things.
    Yeakey was injured very shortly after rescuing his first victim.
    His wife divorced him and took custody of his children.
    What kind of suspicious things about the bombing would he be qualified to see and understand that other responders wouldn’t?
    The lack of transparency by the local law agencies is troubling, but some ‘expert’ suggested a silencer was used to kill him. In a remote area with no witnesses anywhere nearby?

  14. Bill and Hillary's Reichstag Fire.

  15. I truly no longer trust anything coming from just about anything connected to the government. If they said the grass was green, I wouldn't believe them. I would expect it to be blue.

  16. I haven't trusted anything coming out of .gov since the 1972 Church committee hearings revealed the Famous But Incompetent agency was conducting warrantless surveillance on average Americans.

    These days, they have a huge data pipe, called the Internet, through which every communication of everyone in the world; voice, email and other data, passes making it much easier than having to resort to going into a telco hub to plant listening devices.

    Why else would .gov build a huge scalable data farm out in the boonies with its own power plant? You really think they're using it to spy on the Russians or the Chinese?


  17. If Yeakey had a story that needed to be told, then why isn't it told on the Twitter? I call BS on this. I remember seeing McVeigh when he caught. He had a very smug look about him that told me he had done it and was proud of it.

  18. Based on what I learned a few years after from two different people who were there that day, one of whom that had permanent injuries, was that what we were told wasn't the entire story. It's my belief that much like other incidents, "they" knew of the plot (probably instigated it) and allowed it to happen and even helped the project along. The identified perpetrators were simply dupes who were being manipulated.

  19. don't know about this guy, but search for "Brig Gen Ben Partin" in Youtube and watch what he has to say about the Oklahoma bombing. General Partin was the militaries leading expert on explosives.

  20. Either way, psyop doom porn, Are you pissed yet,,,,,,,John Wick,,,,,?

    Oh look, squirrel. Get your heads back on a swivel.

  21. Have any of you seen a documentary film called 'A Noble Lie'? If you can find it, watch it. I have copies, don't know if it is available anywhere.


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