Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Accurate and Correct!


H/T to Ed in Moulton


  1. no argument, but what do you do with straw buyers, hemp?

  2. try not paying your taxes, we Americans never own our property if the government can kick you off of it.. you said you can lease land in china but never own it, what do you think you're doing here?

    1. Sometimes, (East Tennessee, 1940's, Manhattan Project) they'll kick you off your land even if you do pay the taxes.

  3. 'future ancestors'
    You go, Texas.

    I've been decrying foreign govt owning anything within the U.S. since the 1980s when I found out that Japan owns banks in the U.S.

  4. And the horse they rode in on

  5. Billy Bob in TexasMay 2, 2023 at 10:30 PM

    Abbot is not as good as this guy says. One CANNOT retire in Texas unless they are super rich. I bought a home on 4+ acres back in 2005 for $300K. It was a scraper, but I put money into it. The freeking county now tells me it's worth $1.4 million and now my PROPERTY taxes are over $1K a month and they go up 10% every year. I'd like to retire here, but I cannot afford to pay TEXAS over $1,000 a month this year, then $1,100 a month next year, then $1,210 the next year, and then $1,331 a month the next year and so on, just for the privileges of living in a home I OWN outright.

    I will be forced to sell my home I love (for an outrageous profit) and move to a more property tax friendly state like Tennessee because of all the fricking Commifornians coming to Texas to ruin my retirement. Sad but true. Texas politicians are nothing but RINOs who sell out for $$$

    1. Did you move there for a job or no state income taxes?

      Taxes must be collected, they get you one way or another. I expect Florida is similar with no state income taxes.

      Texas tax revenue is near a wash with other states. May not be as brutal with all their oil revenue generated taxes, which by the way is still a tax on the people.

      How you choose to live chooses how much tax must be obfuscated.

  6. Let's blame the victim. It's NOT really a great defense of Texas pointing out Texas steals but no worse than other states. We don't have the income tax,, great,, but we used to have Allodial titles. IDK what year property taxes were started, was it state wide? Just shrugging and accepting something because
    It's been that way a long time..so it must be the right way,like the Federal Reserve, right?
    Aaand now it's Challenge Time!!

    Okay, so, how Should Texas do it? I don't Know. Maybe it's a problem with no solution.. But I'm not willing to call it good like it is. I still don't Know what happened on 9/11, but I Do Know that the story they Told us isn't what happened.

  7. Nothing personal Bear Claw,, woke up growling,,
    Our county, hopefully it's Texas wide, at 65 the county freezes your taxes, you may have to apply for it, IDK.
    We watched this place Gain in value, but it never felt like it was as valuable as they said it was.
    I think if the county says the place is worth more than you do or the taxes are just too much, I think the people should be able to tell them
    Fine,, the place is worth a million. I'll take that, in cash, and you can sell it,, how's that?


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