Thursday, May 4, 2023

Thirsty Thursday MEMES...









  1. #3: I actually had to google this one to be sure it wasn't REAL! Yes... That's how far it's gone...

    #29: Uhh... That's not where they're trying to shove that agenda...

  2. Ronnie Raygun of the Grand Old Politburo made that quote originally and he was CPUSA (D) as a young man.
    The Heidi on Nogflix is a laugher, I can't wait for the Greek heroes version.
    Fedboi demoralized because no one would shoot up the power station or kidnap the Gretch could be photochopped with gimp Epps.
    Breaking-The Kamal is the AI czar! She is going to fundamentally transform it and improvementate.

  3. All are excellent, and painfully accurate.

  4. Alinsky's Rule 5: "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage."

    It especially infuriates Demonrats and remember that Hitlary Rotten Cliton wrote her senior thesis on Alinsky's rules.



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