Tuesday, January 11, 2022

and That's When The Fight Started.....


 How come all the "conspiracy theories" are coming true?


Democrats in Washington State have introduced a new bill that will authorize the detainment of residents as young as 5 years old in Covid concentration camps, for failing to comply with the state’s draconian vaccine mandate.

If passed, WAC 246-100 will allow local health officers at “his other sole discretion” to “issue an emergency detention order causing a person or group of persons to be immediately detained for purposes of isolation or quarantine.”

The harsh new law also allows health officers to deploy law enforcement officials to assist with the arrest of disobedient residents.

Thegatewaypundit.com reports: According to W 246-100-040,  “a local health officer may invoke the powers of police officers, sheriffs, constables, and all other officers and employees of any political subdivisions within the jurisdiction of the health department to enforce immediately orders given to effectuate the purposes of this section in accordance with the provisions of RCW 43.20.050(4) and 70.05.120.”

The “emergency detention order” legalizes the isolation and detainment of American citizens who fail to voluntarily comply with Covid gene therapy shots “for a period not to exceed ten days.”

However, a judge may extend the forced quarantine “for a period not to exceed thirty days” if the segregated individual or family persists to refuse vaccination.

The Washington State Board of Health will hold a virtual public meeting on January 12 to discuss the application of W 246-100-040

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  1. As Breaker Morant said "Rule 303, SIR, Rule 303!"

    1. That didn't work out so well for him

    2. That didn't work out so well for him.

    3. Anon (really?) But he died on his FEET.

      Not facing the wall.

      Maybe I should have quoted Geroge Washington or Thomas Paine but you'd *still* hide behind Anon and chirp, eh?

      This way to the Bus Sir, please watch your step...

      Nothing to see here, move along.

    4. Breaker Morant was a British officer who today would be herding you into the camps. He was tried and executed by the British to appease the public over their actions against the Boers.

    5. You are as anonymous as anyone. Much like Thomas Paine and Common Sense which he of course authored as anon.

      I wish yall were a bit smarter, so you would realize how slow you actually are, lmao.


    6. Breaker Morant was a British officer who would see it as his duty to put us in camps as zealously as he killed Boars. Once British policy towards the Boers changed Morant was tried and executed as a scapegoat to keep public outcry down to a minimum. He has more in common today with the cop that shot the woman protester except the government hasn't prosecuted the cop.

    7. Anon @3:44 PM (that's 1444 hrs for mot of us) The Breaker as an Aussie Sergeant - NOT a Brit officer. He and his co-conspirators were eventually granted a pardon, about 100 years too late.

  2. voluntary

    You keep using that word.

    I do not think it means what you think it means.

  3. Yeah... that is going to go over like a popcorn fart in a tsunami. I can see the "health Officer" and cops in a stack outside the front door and shot gun and rifle fire peppering them from the other side. Some of them ol' boys in Eastern Washington and teh East of the Cascades (true hillbillies) going for that. There are even Liquor Revenue Agents up in those hills that have never been found much like the South...

  4. This will kick off what needs to happen anyway.

  5. So, what's the over (6') under on Americans (heritage, and otherwise) starting hunting season as soon as such a bill is signed into regulation? Versus cowering in their La-Z-Boys waiting for somebody to find standing, cash, and prizes, suing it away?

  6. Looks like hunting season is now open in Washington state.....

    1. exactly. if i had a dollar for every idle threat made on here, I'd make Bezos look like a piker.

      maybe you armchair warriors could do something constructive? start with starving the beast

    2. Find out, sparky. You volunteering for duty?
      Hope you have your bulletproof underwear handy? Not that it'll do YOU much good...

  7. Gee!
    Maybe we ought to have another "support the blue" parade or something.

  8. Looks like the "elected" government officials in WA are gettin' serious about the health and welfare of "the governed". Ohio Guy

  9. and when they kill a family of 4 because let's go brandon, you won't see it on the news...hopefully they pick the wrong house and it's a televised 48 hour standoff...and then the crowd takes over and does the right thing...

    1. It should have started with Waco.

  10. I have a feeling some people may step off the porch over this....

  11. can't wait to see which side of this the cops come down on.

  12. Remember the words of Alexander Solzhenitsyn - "What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?"

    1. And that's the rub. When it gets to the point where they don't dare to show their faces, victory is almost assured.

  13. camps? we know how to deal with camps....


  14. Well, I live in Spokane and I can tell you that this will not go over well here.
    It is certainly my "line in the sand".

    #GardasilKilledJessica ~ 12/16/1993-12/24/2013

  15. I hate to side with the government on anything...but come on...a "WAC" is "Washington Administrative Code". It's *already* "law". You don't pass a WAC. A WAC is something that has already passed and is now law. Notice the date on it. It's been code since 2003. 19 years. If it's been available for 19 years, why didn't they do it with swine flu, avian flu, MERS, SARS, or any other cold that's swept through. Ignoring that, most of the rural sheriff's wouldn't lift a finger to jail someone over this. They'd be asking for the communities to turn on them. No sheriff goes to work and thinks "I'm gonna go do something that'll get me and my guys killed".

    1. That is true.
      It is already LAW in Washington State and has been for like 15 years.
      But... No one has ever been dragged from their home and interned under that law.
      We will see how the "implementation due to "covid" works out.
      Inslee is a scumbag and I would not put anything past these commie scum.

    2. over their dead bodies ...

  16. Everywhere you go, go condition yellow.

  17. So it's coming down to "don't allow yourself to be captured" just like a REAL war now, huh?


  18. I have a new nickname for fuckface fauci. How does Genocide Geno grab ya? Feel free to spread far and wide, homie.

  19. Vaccinate all Marxists with PB...........

  20. There are no conspiracy theories left. They've all come true. The time for the accounting is coming faster and faster by the day. I'm surprised that some enterprising citizen, who lost a family member to the jab, hasn't taken Fraudci out yet. That little show he put on yesterday while testif ...lying, UNDER OATH, in the face of written evidence by his own hand, should have been enough to get him arrested, charged and tried for treason. Yet, the MSM is painting Dr Rand Paul as the bad guy, once again, for showing Fraudci is complicit in Kung Flu development.


    1. Agreed and I wonder if he has bodyguards...

  21. Suddenly

    PB Blaster sounds like more than a penetrating oil!

  22. If you in Washington and still sane, arm up or get out.

    1. "Get Out" ... to WHERE?
      The entire USA/Canada/Mexico are covid prisons.
      "Arm up"? Yeah... got that covered. SO WHAT.

      Your comment and "advice" are as worthless as tits on a bull.
      E-7 Ret.

    2. getting to a more friendly environment at a rapid pace is good advice.

      like, if you're a gun owner and you live in massachusetts GET YOUR ASS TO NEW HAMPSHIRE.

      spit out that blackpill, Chief. we can win this. but you gotta stop dooming. it'll burn you up.

  23. Totalitarianism in increments. You realize at some point they will need to have a gun pointed at them to make them back off.

    1. Pro Tip:
      Don't let them see your gun.

      Its a real psychological thriller when the shot comes but you don't know where from.

  24. I'm thinking shooting some as a motivational tool for others would be the most effective.
    Worked for the mooslimes way back when.

    1. In one Matt Bracken's books, can't remember which, he posited a scenario where 1000 people; journalists, politicians, CEO's and other ne'er do wells died suddenly over the course of a couple days by running into lead delivered at high speed and other means, to get the attention of people that needed to make changes to policies that were harming American citizens.

  25. Here are two updates for the discussion, YMMV



  26. Right on, Rick! Make heavy metals achieve a connection. Move, and do it again. Then let them worry.


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