Saturday, May 15, 2021

I Guess I'm Off The Watchlist , for now.


 Now the original FFF is back in my "drafts" folder.  It appears a lot of bloggers got hit with their

sites being listed as malicious. Maybe a SJW at the overlords main office??  Who knows.

Right now things seem to be okay. 

I have a NEW problem with out of towners trying to squat on the property.








  1. The smugness in their response tells me everything. I would be setting up my own web hosting rather than have to beg permission...
    Fuck google.

  2. I read a software 'up-date' requires access to the telephone gallery.

    Apparently, the algorithms automatically delete 'offensive' pictures and videos.
    Apparently, the puppet-masters of the writers of the algorithms define 'offensive' as:
    * "anything critical of Glorious Leader china joe biden, chinese genocide, voting 'irregularities', firearms only possessed/used by bureaucrats only, or bureaucrats in general".

    Craft a hilarious meme of chairman moe, and the algorithms put you on TheList.

  3. Never go full google. Ohio Guy

  4. Check out Divemedic at https://areaocho.com/, he's got secure offshore hosting.

  5. Speculation Alert! (Or I suppose 'spitballing' might be a better descriptor.)

    Reckon this has anything to do with that commentor of recent past who described FFF as 'porn'?

    SJWs in my experience just gotta SJW.


    1. Possible, though the only reason I can think of that an SJW might think FFF is porn is because the
      topless/nude women are too old.

    2. Not to mention the fact they they are women. Now young boys and they would have been drooling.

  6. Last night around 8PM, I was editing my post for the night and went to my blog page to search for something. It gave me a full red "GET ME OUT OF HERE" warning page that said it had been reported as a phishing page.

    I went looking and everybody on the blogspot domain gave me the same warning. Borepatch, Zendo Deb, You, McThag and on and on.

    It all suddenly came back to life close to 9PM.

    I always say Google Blogger is run by two interns.

  7. Yep! EVERY SITE I went to showed me the Red Screen.
    Went into my cookies and deleted everything Google,
    It went back to normal.

  8. I didn't see any of that action. I know that WOT has been abused by Ahoes to past Red Warning Dots on sites they didn't like.

    I haven't had any trouble with WordPress (yet) although I got a notice that Pakistan had blocked me. It was Draw Mohammed Day.


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