Friday, May 14, 2021

I had a FFF post that is now gone. WTF??



 FFF was queued up for 8:30.  I can’t find it on my page.  


Reposted again at 11:15pm




  1. Oh, my stars and garters. Judgment Day.

    Don't know your browser, but Chrome has been acting very strangely today.

  2. WTF? is correct! that, coupled with the deceptive site warning from a bit ago, makes one wonder if google is screwing with you. Hope you can reconstruct it with not too much trouble. I'll check in tomorrow.


  3. You might have tempted fate in your post this morning...

    But there are a lot of fingers crossed that you sort this one out.

  4. The clowndick natzies had your page your page flagged as phishing warning

  5. Had ur site and Kenny's to name a few pop up a Google has detected deceptive information deal. Wouldn't let anything load. Turned it off, then back on and now good....makes one wonder as u did not do any updates and it was only specific sites (fitness not included)...ahhh, there's nothing to see here, move along....


  7. What, I am always looking forward for Friday night because of FFF

  8. Google was listing your site as a malicious website through Firefox. I switched to Dissenter and it loads fine. I think there's fuckery going on.

  9. Some folks over at Big Country Expat and Aesop's Raconteur Site are reporting "Phishing" and Unsafe site when they visit.

    Things might be getting frisky neighbor? I hope your generator has been tested lately.

  10. Noooooo!! Much wailing, gnashing of teeth and rending of garments shall ensue!

  11. I may be forced to go out in the streets, start fires, and loot a Target.

  12. There seems to be a lot of strange things happening to blogspot.com sites today...

  13. I was getting a red warning screen earlier. Some idiot at Google, according to Vox.

  14. Kenny's "Shit I Post on Facebook" page over @ Knuckledraggin' has the same red BS warning.

  15. Brother,
    If I knew how to help you find it, I would.
    If for some reason it is permanently gone.
    No worries, we can patiently wait until next Fridays FFF.
    We all appreciate everything you do here.

    Take care, be safe.
    God bless.
    Griz - Alaska

  16. Damn sure sux, but it is what it is. We'll still be back tomorrow.

  17. Damn hackers have gone too far !!!!!!! This is a crime against humanity - or a portion of it, at least.

  18. Crazy things going on with Blogger pages today. Good luck, i hope you find it

  19. Slacker....

    I bet your dog ate your homework too!!! Jus kidden Irish

  20. No FFF and the Chief nose wetter wiped his site clean next thing you know Phil will post about passing a yard sale with tons of almost new tools and machining equipment being sold for pennies on the dollar...anyone know what the 4th sign of doom is?

  21. At the same time you had trouble kenny Lane was down, along with 90 miles from tyranny, and It ain't holy water. All had headers saying those sites do not exist. All back this morning.??? Indeed.


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