Tuesday, August 25, 2020

November, Eff the Beer, Here, Hold My Whiskey!!...

The lamesteam media posts this shit with sensational headlines for maximum effect..

NASA says an asteroid is headed our way right before Election Day






Original news post here<<


Ok let's put on gloves and dissect this drivel. Highlites are mine.

(CNN) <full stop right there, we all know where this is headed  — Well, 2020 keeps getting better all the time. Oh, that's a cute lead in written by the 20 something year old intern that is studying greek mythology for a career choice. People's lives have been drastically changed and lives ruined for months! and we can make light of it.

Amid a pandemic, civil unrest and a divisive US election season, in other words, orange man bad we now have an asteroid zooming toward us. PANIC! MOAR!

On the day before the presidential vote, no less. Of course. We better hurry and do teh mailzin voating.

Yep. < told ya it's some 20yo intern.  The celestial object known as 2018VP1 is projected to come close to Earth on November 2, according to the Center for Near Earth Objects Studies at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. It was first identified at Palomar Observatory in California in 2018. Ok, some Science, I guess they aren't reaching out to the muslim community anymore. < Link as a reminder if you forgot. Go read it. I'll wait.

“Asteroid 2018VP1 is very small, approximately 6.5 feet, and poses no threat to Earth. Wait, WHAT?? You said asteroid. Yep. Asteroid. I went back and checked the title. Now y'all know damn well the most everyone has seen Armageddon with Bruce Willis. Steve Tyler's daughter Liv is hawt and Ben Affleck is a putz. Now THAT is a motherfucking ASTEROID! Not some grain of sand 6.5 feet in diameter. Hold on I have to do some maffs.

Diameter of earth 7917.5 miles give a take a few inches.
Diameter in feet 7917.5 X 5280 ( you knew the number of feet per mile off the top of your head if you went to school back when they taught something other than 68 genders). Licks pencil, does math 41,804,400 feet in diameter. Yes, 41 million, give or take a few. Ok, now lets divide the country ( oops that's the democrats job, I mean let's divide 6.5/41,804,400= .000000155. or 1.55e-7 for the engineers. Yep. We are all gonna die from something that, compared to earth percentage wise, is slightly larger than Hillary's chance to become President.evah.

  If it were to enter our planet’s atmosphere, it would disintegrate due to its extremely small size,” NASA said in a statement. Oooh, I see. So there is no threat. “NASA has been directed by Congress to discover 90% of the near-Earth asteroids larger than 140 meters (459 feet) in size and reports on asteroids of any size.” How about hemmorhoids like Jim Acosta?

NASA says that, “based on 21 observations spanning 12.968 days,” the agency has determined the asteroid probably — phew! < see, I told you it's an intern. — won’t have a deep impact, let alone bring Armageddon.
The chance of it hitting us is just 0.41%, data show. So why all the hype in the headline? Rhetorical question,I know.

CNN has reached out NASA for any additional or updated information but has not heard back. See, no one wants to talk to you. 

This, is an asteroid....


  1. I, for one, want to see a 6.5' asteroid hit the atmosphere.

    Little dust grains are impressive enough during meteor showers, something larger would be exceptionally cool.

  2. What a Great way to start the day. Thanks Irish.

  3. "The chance of it hitting us is just 0.41%, data show."

    Isn't that about the same odds of surviving the Beer Virus?

  4. Well, we had one come out of the sun, screamed by the earth (a very near miss!), and we didn't notice it until days AFTER it went whizzing by, so I'd say we need to pay more attention to the goins-on of rocks falling towards us.

    Kinetic Energy is one-half of mass times velocity(squared), or 1/2*m*v(2) - in other words, it ain't the mass (necessarily), but the vee-squared. When you slam into the Earth's atmosphere, it all depends on whether or not it's a glancing blow (shallow angle), or right between the eyes (straight in)! So, it can be a light show or a major shock wave depending... Science ain't hard, if you can crunch the numbers.

    As was previously commented upon, it's gonna be quite the light show IF it hits. 6 and a half foot (almost 2 meters) diameter is nuttin' cosmically. Have fun!

    GIANT METEOR 2020!!

  5. Another way to look at it is to give some perspective. The Orion crew capsule is twice as large and the Earth survived its reentry a few weeks ago.

    I once watched a Russian satellite enter the atmosphere horizon to horizon. Mighty impressive, particularly because it broke up directly over our heads. It made the campfire we were gathered around seem mighty insignificant.

  6. Why vote for a lesser evil? SMOD 2020! :-)

  7. Could we maybe send a Space shuttle up and attach a rocket motor to it with a guidance system. Tie a couple of the most annoying LibTurds, AKA., "Mud Men" to the damn thing; Then "Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun?" By way of "Grantchester Meadows" on Umma Gumma maybe. It really is about "Us and Them." If we only had enough "Money, for another Brick in the wall."

    One can have 'High Hope" for some relief from the heat, and RAMPANT Stupidity that abounds in all these Dem-Towns.


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