Sunday, August 20, 2023

My Covfefe Rabbit Hole and There Is No Way Of Fixing What's Coming.....

 Bear with me the rabbit hole slide was fast and deep.......

 Grabbing my covfefe this morning and easing into the email folders I had a 'latest distribution' email from

"Doug / Uncola at The Toll On Line" << . Here he wrote about the irony of  past and present 

phenomena comparing the not so distant past with today's 'new normal'.

 On a side note, I will probably go see Oppenheimer as well. 

When spelunking rabbit holes, I will always scroll the comments for

nuggets of gold and pursue those as well. 

Jim, over at The Burning Platform will always host The Toll Online offerings at his site.

Uncola had  The link in his the comments so I stopped over to TBP.

Having read the article at Doug's, I scrolled down to the comments section.

This comment caught my eye and was concise and hit home:


“The best way to suppress a rational person is to subject him to an existence of total and constant irrationality.”

– Gaius Baltar


 Holy shit. If that comment in and of itself doesn't describe everything that people with open

eyes are seeing in our current administration and daily bombardment from all sides.

*grabs more cofefe*

Search for Gaius Baltar.  ( For those that know the name, I was never a fan of that show so I

had no idea who it was). The results didn't lead to anything so I searched the quote itself. 

The top search was this twitter post. The second search led back to The Burning Platform.


 I hit the twitter link first to see what that was about.

That post led to this one at SONAR21 which is also the one submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer at 

The Burning Platform. ( from google search above ).

There is where I found the quote and the attribution to Gaius Baltar.

The best way to suppress a rational person is to subject him to an existence of total and constant irrationality. It is essentially gaslighting on a civilizational scale, directed at the dangerous rational group.

The article is long but well worth reading imho. 

It exposes the direction we are heading and the reason for the current state of idiocracy many of 

us are seeing or experiencing.


Currently there are 235 comments at sonar 21 ... I have to return to those later for more

 rabbit hole adventures.


Enjoy the day.





  1. You want a rabbit hole? Checkj this out especially since Sept 23 is right around the corner.

  2. You've had a busy morning! Thank you, Irish (Doug)

  3. Great twitter thread jj couey should be listened to video post below and whar is said throughout is jaw dropping….

    1. 😳😳😳

      …no words.

      But I will post the source video.

  4. It is a constant assault on our intellect . It’s pissing on your leg and telling you it’s raining. It’s the Emporers New Clothes.
    And when the dam breaks, the pushback will be biblical. There are many evil people out there and they will die. Almost looking forward to it at this point…almost

  5. Just subscribed to his Substack. Thanks for finding this!

  6. I imagine that you've run across Gaius Baltar's Substack which is The name of the article is WHY IS THE WEST SO WEAK. He wrote another article last year that show up on "The Vineyard of the Saker" site which has been froze by the owner but you can still look up old articles in search. The Name of Gaius Baltar's article last year is "World War III for Dummies" which is only a few pages but well worth a look. Hope this helps!

  7. The Dali-esque image is outstanding.

    1. Thought the same thing. Absolutely amazing.

  8. The best thing about Oppenheimer will probably be the atom bomb footage upscaled to 4k.

  9. Is there no end to any of this? Was the world really simpler "back when" or were we just naïve?

  10. sometimes them rabbit holes get long and dark and hard to escape. you always learn something even if you don't like it.

  11. If you're serious about Oppenheimer, it's long and not very good.

  12. Oh, it will be fixed just like 1776 because history repeats/rhymes

  13. ps “ “The best way to suppress a rational person is to subject him to an existence of total and constant irrationality.”

    – Gaius Baltar”

    That’s why everything in the media is psyop. It is all put there intentionally. That’s why more and more I say oh look squirrel. It is all distraction. And what’s truly amazing. Is most peoples perceptio think this is a majority of people who think this way when it truly is probably less than 1%, but mass media makes it look large and in charge.

    Just think if everyone would quit re-posting this bullshit and stop going to see movies at the theater and stop watching network news, how much better life would be.

  14. ps Doug is one of the few excellent monthly reads

    1. Agreed. He is an exceptional thinker/writer.

  15. I can see the mistake. Some people are willing to offer up an explanation of stupidity when evil is the cause. The New World Order will lack anything new , a civil world and or anything that resembles order. Hope folks are ready for the new feudal system.


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