Saturday, August 26, 2023

Heads Up For October 4th.. If We Even Make It That Far....





This is a test. This is only a test. But it's going to be one very big test.

On Wednesday, October 4 at 2:20 p.m. ET, every TV, radio and cellphone in the United States should blare out the distinctive, jarring electronic warning tone of an emergency alert, accompanied by a notice along these lines:

“This is a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System, issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, covering the United States from 14:20 to 14:50 hours ET. This is only a test. No action is required by the public."

Here's what to know:  <<<<<





  1. As Ringo Starr once said, "Everything the government touches turns to shit".

    1. Everyone that's paid any attention has said that. The rest are likely government employees.

  2. Yeah. Those sirens in Hawaii, that did not activate, were controlled by the government.

  3. A test run right before they announce the Lock Downs.

    1. Hopefully the Normies have given them a reason for it not to be a test run

    2. It's a warning that Hillary will soon announce her candidacy for 2024. 😆

  4. And the automobile accident rate will shoot up a good 75% at that exact time.

  5. well, gee. they going to impeach the asshole briben here soon. they also trying to make the virus a big thing again (?)
    the whole uke/Russia war thing is going to shit faster than donuts eaten at a weight watchers meeting.
    the whole jail thing on Trump is turning against them faster than anyone could have thought.
    even the "normal" people are seeing for the first time just how fuck up the clowns in "charge " are at doing anything
    and given the fact that more illegals have cross the boarder in the last 2-3 years than ever before and ending up in the big blue cities where people have to deal with that mess. and they starting to think that Trump was right about it all after all. and then there is the small fact that other countries no longer want our dollars and all of that money will be coming back here to make inflation go even higher than now . what could go wrong ? dave in pa.

  6. Two weeks after September 19...'Talk Like A Pirate Day'.
    Got it!

  7. One world government?

  8. I got the answers if anyone needs a copy.

  9. Sounds like the Feds want people to think they're actually doing something to help.

  10. They control the vertical and they control the horizontal. And they can't possibly track and monitor every cell phone in America. Right.

  11. I guess I will turn my phone off that day

    1. I will do the same, the last thing I want is to be interrupted at work.

  12. I no longer trust our government, especially Biden and those he surrounded himself with. And we thought the Clintons were devious.

    1. The circles that surround the current center never really change.

    2. Just quit it. It is not Biden! He doesn't even know what day it is anymore.

  13. The Big Alert just before The Big False Flag.
    President Elect B Woodman

  14. Does it work if you have your phone turned off, i.e. will the alert sound when you turn it back on?
    (Yah, I know it's a real time thing. I think I'll test that and report back ;-)) ).

    When I had my landline phone, the local government wold send out alerts when there was a snow storm forecasted. The alerts were so wordy, they lasted 3-4 minutes conveying what could have been related in less than one.

    I sent a scathing letter to the the Mayor and every member of the City Council, asking them if they think we're stupid and needed to be reminded about parking restrictions on city streets and public parking lots when it's going to snow "because after all we do live in New England, where it snows in winter".

    I pointed out to them that I live in a condo complex which is several miles from downtown. The snow alerts would not apply here and that their alert system should correlate phone numbers to addresses, thus determining who REALLY should be notified, thus cutting down the time and expense of notifying 95K+ to something like maybe 10-15K people that live in the immediate downtown area.

    I ended my diatribe with "Unless the city is ON FIRE or UNDER ATTACK by a foreign government, do not call me EVER". I never got another call.


  15. Will it tell Americans to put on masks and not take 'em off till they're told in the next nation wide alert in 2050?


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