Saturday, August 19, 2023

Getting Ready...







H/T to RK




  1. For another thread Irish.

  2. Right now, today. My wife has it, my son in law has it, and neighbor has it. All three got hit hard. DIL and myself haven’t turned yet and kids are unaffected so far. Not certain of the “variant” but we’ve all had it before (like everyone else) and it’s been pretty debilitating for three days. Hoping they’re on the backside now.

    As before, I have no intention of complying with any nonsense

  3. What? Another election-infection?
    Who could have predicted such a thing?
    We need bigger government to save us.

    1. Covid 2024: this time the solution is international. Coming soon to a voting station near you!

  4. Just read an article the other day where a Russian govt official said that the US was desperately searching for a new virus variant just for the election year....
    My, how coincidental....

  5. It will go for them about as well as things went for the attempted shoe bomber, post 9/11.

    And FTR, we've had dozens of cases of the current strain in the ER, including most of the staff.
    It has mutated now to a form indistinguishable from a mild flu.
    Unlike three years ago, when the original strain was literally killing people with pneumonia in hours to days.
    This is what viruses do, since ever.

    1. And viruses always mutate to a less virulent strain. And since corona viruses were discovered, the general consensus among immunologists was that making an effective vaccine against a corona virus was futile because of t(e mutation rate.

  6. Lyme Disease? CIA/Army Created It
    Just like the CIA/Fauci creation of Covid (at U of North Carolina/Charlotte, then in Red China), we find the CIA, now in partnership with the Army, creating Lyme Disease.


    ... In 1975 Lyme disease was first recognized by scientists as a distinct illness. It wasn’t until 1981 that the famous medical entomologist and tick expert Willy Burgdorfer discovered the biological agent causing the disease....
    Actually, Burgdorfer INVENTED the disease.

    ...He would start mixing both viruses and bacteria inside ticks in the hopes that the virus would manipulate the bacteria’s genes, triggering a mutation and thus giving birth to a novel disease. ...
    And he admitted it, late in life.

    ... So he goes to interview him. After three hours of interviewing he asks Burgdorfer if the Lyme disease ticks he examined had the same, or similar, or a mutation of one of the bioweapons he created?


    There's a reason that JFK and RFK both wanted to stomp the CIA out of existence. And there's a reason that the CIA wants to stomp Trump out of existence.

    With COVID’s man-made origins being revealed, it’s worth re-examining the dark origins of Lyme disease, another bioweapon leak that continues to infect millions of Americans.

    1. Ralph Baric and Wuhan bat lady Shi Zeng Li. Paper at Nature on chimeric viruses, 2017.

  7. I can see the Biden Admin and the Left pushing a new COVID lockdown on the US to make sure they can steal the 2024 election. I not so sure people will put up with it after the last mess as it will throw people over the edge and send us in CW2.


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