Saturday, July 1, 2023

When They Outlaw Guns Only The Outlaws Will Have Guns...








  1. As they say in Fwance, allahu ackbar!
    The replacements are imported just for that burn it all down reason, thank the founders for the 2A.
    This just in from the "historic" Magic Soil Czar, sad trombone. (honk!)

  2. Apparently, twatter doesn't want to show civilians with machine guns.

  3. Give them a whiff of the grape. It should have been done years ago.

    1. I get the reference, but just a whiff? Give them the whole stinky pot!

      Now I wonder when England will have to slosh their vibrant diversities with Martinis.

  4. Gee- wonder how they got THOSE? Could it be the "gubmint"?

    1. Smuggled in from the Uke black market. I was crusing the dark web and found a 155mm self propelled gun for only $55,000. Such a deal. This was stuff that was supposed to be going to Ukraine.

  5. Twatter is not allowing anyone without an account to view clips or twats as of a couple days ago, despite thousands of sites linking to things posted there. You can also supposedly login to twatter via your googleyeyes account. Nope not doing that either. So much not directly traffic and possible ad revenue to Twatter. Good business plan Elon.


    1. Its to block Canadians accessing the twats. Our federal crooks passed a law tomake social media pay a fee if they provide news to canadians. So they just locked the service to make sure no Canadians view news.


  6. Cheese-eating surrender monkeys getting what they bent over for, good & hard.
    Little sympathy here, except for the children to be molested when the followers of mohamhead are in total control.


    1. Now where is it exactly that 'they' are demanding public holidays and the 'right' to slaughter animals in the street again. I forget.

      Oh yes, that would be right there in the good old U,S of A.

      Remember the Coof and its totalitarian restrictions? There were campaigns, parades, mass marches and riots ... everywhere but ... America. so where exactly are the "surrender monkeys" (cowed by what happened, is happening still without a peep of protest from the likes of you I bet, to the J6 people. In any other country there would be mass protests, if not actual storming of the Bastille, but not there).

      Stones/glass-houses. Pot/Kettle.

      For someone living in a country with more invaders per year than the rest of the world is subjected to in a decade, a country where there are more assaults, rapes and murders by those invaders (not forgetting the long-term ethnics you pander to and allow to run riot regularly, rape and murder you fellow citizens at will) per day, than occur in (despised) Europe in a year you sure do seem a bit delusional to the rest of us.

      Maybe, just maybe, 'supporting' your natural allies (as innocent of this, it having been done 'to' them, just like you) would be a better idea than ... feigned faux superiority. As someone smart once said, "We should hang together, ...".

    2. Your animosity is misplaced. The French didn't vote this in, anymore than we voted in our "Vibrant Diversity". The NWO, WEF, Bilderburg Group and all the rest of the Globohomo Satanists are running the show. THIS is coming to you, without your getting a vote. Hope you're prepped, and tribed up.

    3. You mean the "cheese eating surrender monkeys" who, along with the "dumb" Poles fought the valiant and doomed rearguard action at Dunkirk that allowed their "brave" limey allies to flee in the hundreds of thousands?... Dipshit.

  7. Likely some Soros-funded NGO simply moved weapons from Ukraine to these parasites.

    1. Well your part right in a way, on the western side these are the orders of the black sun's operations, Soros is a family bloodline member, if he is financially involved it, kind of does not matter cause they are all the same families, related, the Brewers, Rothchilds, Rockefeller etc., the ukronazis are running the Kiev regime, and most likely if the shipment of weapons is recent, which are say these belt feds, the ukronazis most likely facilitated that thru their various trafficking conduits, its their job, they woirk for the orders if the black sun. Just as easy its the Brits or US supplying them arms. They failed to crash the dollar this is plan B, create chaos on the continent, using the military men thier NGOs have been brining in the last 2 decades, essentially an unrestricted illegal alien invasion, which in every historical instance has resulted in major war. Without exception. The same assholes been brining in 100's of thousands same soldiers here in the homeland. Best be sure we are all armed to the fucking teeth and got some basic very light infantry tactics training. We are all gonna need it. Steep learning curve if the go full retard on America like in France. None of that is nothing but entirely deliberate, planned and supported, by we all know who, right? Same ones been trying to kill us for a century plus now.

  8. Gee, I wonder what effect any of this will have on tourism. For a hint, they could take a look at recent Libya tourism numbers and demographics.

  9. Well, they get that running and sporty it shall be.

  10. Police have reported multiple auto-firearms stolen.

  11. When they outlaw guns, only outlaws AND Cops will have guns.

    1. You are being redundant. :-)
      John in Indy

  12. The old bloodline orders are failing. They are desperate to create chaos. From which they see themselves re-establishing power. Chaos is their last weapon so to speak, last effective expedient weapon, their power over the wealth and supply of money was disrupted recently, so what they have in the pipeline of old allocations in that old system is it. The thing with Russia is there are 3 tribes, not orders so much like order of the black sun or order of the black dragons, each are vying for power, they see the rothchillian orders out of money flat broke and are planning accordingly, and keep what is theirs, Russia, and this is what the ukronazi regime in the Ukraine is for, the rothchillian's special pets, the neo-nazis and the threat to Russia. Its a mess.

    1. The nonexistent "ukronazis" aren't Russia's problem. Putin is Russia's problem and Russia's problems all hark back to Putin's idiocy over the last 24 years.

    2. hey guise, found the unamerican establishment shill

    3. I vote we change its name to "quarterwit"...

  13. well, between all of the weapons left in the sand box and all of the weapons going to uke land, there should be no shortage of US weapons on the market. and lets not forget about how much ammo was left in the "pull out" too.
    weapons have been the number 3 item to smuggle after drugs. the big one now is people.
    if you able to smuggle tons of drugs into a country, you sure can do the same with weapons. dave in pa.

  14. Surly a case of serious major FAFO for everyone, rapid FAFO, highly instructional FAFO, FUBAR FAFO,
    ultimately TANSTAAFL FAFO, cause those military age alien invaders, they be pretty hungry, thirsty, and their bloodlust is gonna raise their sexual lust to the max. Rapine and Pillage FAFO.
    Underneath its really terror and reprisal operations, seriously, of the high intensity kind. Rgose who control this have a very specific name for it, punishment. And punishment is the critical operative word, concept, working concept, because using punishment, it can be dialed up or down in any way desired, and the low intensity terror and reprisal has been in operation on the ground for decades, same ones brought us 5Eyes, Mockingbird, Conspiracy Theory, the death jab vaxx, its all same when it comes to action, ground action, same network of tens of thousands running the vote coup, they are antifa one day next day neo-nazis getting their arses whooped and de-masked, its the gangstalkers, and their control, gangstalkers by definition have one purpose, to punish the targeted individuals, gangstalkers are terror and reprisal actors, they mostly are low intensity operations, starting to get the picture?

    1. I think the idea is to scare the shit out of the normal people so they ask the clowns in Gov't for "help" .
      and in this case it will be martial law. the goal is always the same, more power for them or more control over us.
      and it made up of PAID actors. once the money is gone or used up, the riots stop. funny how that works ?
      I heard tales of lawyers with wads of cash bailing out the clowns that got arrested back then too.
      but make no mistake about it. it is coming here. why else is the southern boarder wide open ?
      the thing is when you are running from something, you tend to bring along the wife and kids.
      but when you are going to invade or fight, you leave the wife and kids at home- safe.
      we are going to need a lot of ammo as we are not going to vote our way out of this shit.
      why else are they moving them INTO the country instead of shipping them back ?
      dave in pa.

  15. Sounds like it's spreading further now. Hopefully nothing but a pile of ash remains soon, you get what you allow. Coming to your town soon

  16. Europe was warned twenty years ago that the thousands of young single male refugees of military age were an invasion force. Well guess what, it is the start of guerilla warfare. It worked in the French Northern Africa colonies such as Algeria now it will work on every street corner and neighborhood in France and in other European countries once other martyrs emerge. It won’t be pretty as there is no political will or backbone to defend their countries

  17. Frances government is responsible for this invasion,they never should have compromised the nation and its citizens by bringing in foreign nationals from middle eastern nations because these people are leaches and will suck a nation dry of money, housing and worse over populate to become the dominant society destroying the native population, France you are so screwed.

  18. Even with the “weapons of war” here in America, you just don’t see heavy weaponry bandied about like this. It smells like planning to me. Belt-fed select fire weapons are a significant step up from anything your average citizen decides to carry out to the protest focus group.

    With (I assume) most of the general population unarmed, it falls to whatever the police or paramilitary can summon to deal with the “protesters”. Still, I wonder if the French authorities wouldn’t mind the odd citizen sniping from the shadows at a few of the more heavily armed insurgents.

  19. A scrap of internet savvy and ten seconds' work will find the clip on a freer platform such as BitChute -

  20. Replies
    1. Just worked for me. From some of the comments at twit. They robbed an armory.

  21. Belt fed, no belt? No can underneath? Or did I miss it?

  22. Welcome to open borders America.

  23. If some "protesters" have heavy belt fed machine guns then the police ought to be able to treat ALL protesters with extreme prejudice . Flammenwurfer anyone?

  24. The term :target rich environment" sprang to mind .
    Establish a secure perimeter, cut off water and electric and starve them out .

  25. The rioters have belt-fed weapons....snuck in from Gaza or Libya.

  26. Biden's leftovers from Afghanistan

  27. If the French (racy -- I know) want to save France, they need to form a second line, behind the "French" goverment line. What the Americans diddindu while watching Waco.

  28. From another site, American made (Accuracy International) sniper rifles delivered to Ukraine have been seen / ?recovered? from muslims in France.
    John in Indy

  29. NEVER forget, the government that labors relentlessly to disarm YOU recently re-armed the taliban with all manner of military grade gear that YOU paid for.... and are not allowed to own.


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