Thursday, June 29, 2023

Set The Turntable Back To 1973..... Gordon Sinclair - The Americans (A Canadian's Opinion)



  1. I first heard this way too many years ago. But it is still nice to hear something nice being said about this last great hope for all mankind.

  2. Thanks Irish. I remember this from back in the day and loved it. Unfortunately, the situation hasn’t changed much in the last 50 years. Others take, take and take…..but then have nothing but scorn for us (USA). It’s way past time to tell them BFYTW. Keep up the great work, you are really appreciated. Rick

  3. After this song came out, the America-haters in America said, "Here, hold my beer."

  4. Ol' Gord was a true character up here in the Great White North. Sort of our own Andy Rooney.
    Like the rest here, I recall this from way back when. The last decade has been rough and my cousins south of Alberta border are being sorely tried. As a Canadian looking at it from the outside, my faith and confidence remains that Americans will prevail and America will continue to be the best dream the world has ever dreamed. NEVER bet against America. America is about looking forward. You know and have learned from your history where you want to be and how you want to get there. Well, some if you do. Us, too.
    Good Canadians share your spirit
    We need more of it right now but we too will prevail.
    Gord said it straight and it still rings true. Our governments suck but our true patriots are awesome.

  5. CKLW,out of Winslor,Canada.

  6. I spent a year in Europe going to school at this time - 1973. I remember being in Paris on the Champs Elysees and seeing a beggar on the street with a cup and a sign saying “No American$$”. As a fellow Canuck to Gord Sinclair, I see things happening from my northern perch. America is the last bastion. If the 2nd Amendment gets circumvented, that will be all for humanity. Despotism will engulf us all and only the elites, the new aristocracy, will enjoy life on this planet. Please, Americans, don’t relent, don’t give up.

  7. Red Skelton's Star Spangled Banner; Paul Harvey's Pledge of Allegiance; Johnny Cash's America...
    I love my country with all my heart... I fkn HATE what it has become.

  8. The country is fine....the government needs to be tarred and feathered and rode out of town on a rail, but the country is fine....antifa and blm need to be dealt with using a dose of the 2nd amendment, but other than that....oh yeah....we want our fkn' rainbow back....


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