Thursday, June 29, 2023

♫♪♫ A Song From The 70's That Brings Back Memories....♫♪♫


I heard this on SiriusXM earlier tonight during on the ride home. Great song from days gone by.








  1. Lets go back to the 70's. Way better than this shit.

  2. I like most music (rap isn't music) but especially music from the seventies. I suppose it is because that was the time I grew up listening to what today is known as "AM GOLD". Back in those days bands actually had members who were musicians and singers. Since the mid-eighties record producers in all genres of music seem to search out faces or trendy looks and the computers can do the rest.

    1. Absolutely! 70's and early 80's rock is the best music ever produced by real musicians. That stuff that's called music today and from mid 90's onward with rare exceptions is crap comparatively. IMHO.


  3. That is a lost gem. Some of the mid-70s music gets hidden by the top-top hits of the day, and Jeffery is right about musicianship.

  4. I'm71 and for the longest time I tried t find new good music, but ended up just wearing out all my 60-80's records/cds.
    But last year I found Band Maid who are enjoying their 10th yr anniversary. Well just lets say it the best rabbit hole I've found they have so much excellent music to discover.
    Heres just one vid : they play rock, hard rock, punk, metal, ballads and acoustic what a catalog.
    I know music is very subjective but I believe a shit ton of old fux like me will like them a lot even tho the language barrier as its a mix of Japanese and english but you get uses to that quickly.

    Glad I was in the Marines during the 70’s. So there’s no pictures of me looking like that!

  6. The flute is a heavy metal instrument.—Ian Anderson

  7. Sounds like a girl.

  8. The Mrs. and I have tickets to see them in August. They still sound pretty good.


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