Thursday, May 25, 2023

The "New" NAZI PARTY: It is not just for Aryans any more!

 With help of the U.S. government and various foreign powers the "new and improved NAZI PARTY" has become more inclusive. While once reserved for peoples of European descent, most anyone today can be a NAZI. Recently, Americans have seen newly recruited National Socialist of Hispanic and Asian Indian descent. Rumor has it that soon, homosexuals, gypsies, and even blacks will be able to become card carrying members of the White Supremacist organization. It is rumored that a Florida chapter is forming called "Gay Nazis for Christ". 

Of course, all of the above is "tongue in cheek", but take heed. There is reason the government and MSM are pushing the white supremacists' narrative. I was reading on the interwebz this morning where the charges against Sai Varshith Kandula, the_____________  man who recently rammed a gate near the White House with a U-Haul van truck while carrying only a swastika flag and his manifesto were downgraded. I'm not sure what this was all about, but I do know that with this situation, exactly like the Mexi-Texi mall shooting in Allen, that .gov could not wait to decry to the world that this man was a "white supremacist" . I was reading this STORY this morning and again had to ask myself why are we hearing the media and the White House telling the American people over and over the greatest danger today to Americans is White Supremacist. With all the other violent bullshit going today, why the bombardment by the Ministry of Propaganda?


  1. It’s because they know we whypipo will reign supreme in the end not their whypipo

  2. Because this is stage 7 of the 10 stages of genocide. They have planned the killings and are just polarizing the people to make stage 8 easier.


    1. Winner winner chicken dinner!!!

  3. Thats some funny shtuff there.
    Everyone knows whats up.

    Keep tellin the lie.

    Ya can’t help the zombies, but there are some that want to Think.

    1. You can help the zombies..remember: head shots.

  4. Printed reports keep telling us the Colored Person White Supremacist "crashed" into a barrier in front of the White House, when it was more like a bump than a crash. This one does not even get a smell test, as it is so odorous.

    1. I had read a comment somewhere earlier this week that stated something like "the eff-B-eyers must have had their JV team or trainees carrying out that false flag event". It was a weak showing whatever it was and from what I have read, the driver was actually a few sandwiches short of a picnic. Who knows? It could have been a defective MK Ultra graduate.

    2. Hollyweird writers are on strike so they are relying on AI to write the scripts.

    3. Oh, well, I honestly think they are just trying to reduce their false flag costs

  5. This is great, I want that in a bumper sticker LOL

  6. It’s the “False Flag” flag!

  7. the fbi ran out of wiepeepo stupid enough to fall for their entrapment games, so like the tallyhoeban and p.l.o. they recruit the mentally ill. and yes, they are setting us up for genocide. problem one is guns, which they will declare illegal soon by martial law. problem two is we are still 70 plus percent of the population. they didn't stay awake in math class. its coming folks, best get your heads around that fact. they'll crash the economy next week, declare m/l due to the ebt riots and ban guns. after people resist, they will send the woke forces out to pick up guns, get killed, then send in the mestizo army they have imported to just kill us. but i just watched 5 former seals say no way. we'll see. if you've been putting off buying food, ammo or medical supplies you better get off of here and get cracking.

  8. ...another company has entered the dumbest business model sweepstakes, North Face.

    North Face Unveils New Ad Featuring Drag Queen For Pride Month


    In other bad business plan news, InBev has lost 15.7B Euro's in market cap and still falling. Target's stock price has fallen from $155+/- to $140 and still falling.

    Too bad the Dodgers are a private company, so we can't readily determine how their Drag Queen expo has or will affect them. Can't wait for attendance figures to come out in a couple weeks. Rumor has it that thousands are canceling their season tickets and demanding refunds.

    They STILL don't get that letting less than 2% of the population wag the dog, instead telling these fringe groups to fuck off, while sticking their dieversity(sp intentional) where the sun don't shine, isn't good business practice.

    Keep voting with our wallets. They'll get it sooner or later.


    1. no, they won't "get it." they are owned by the deep state players and those guys couldn't care less about a few paltry billion. just like the media, big business is just a propaganda arm.

    2. Nemo, they don’t even have to tell them to fuck off.
      If they had ANY brains at all they could just ignore the fruits and nuts and go about their merry way making money!
      More pandering = less $$$
      The mentally ill will NEVER be satisfied and these DEI fools are cutting off their noses to spite everyone’s face.

  9. Why to we call them "the media"? It would be more appropriate to call them "the gaslighters". These liars have never corrected their "white supremacist" lie about the Allen TX shooter. The stupid gullible saps that are dumb enough to believe the gaslighters still actually think it was indeed a white guy in a Nazi getup.

  10. I remember there being a lot of nazi stuff over in india.


  11. We deserve better psyops

    1. Indeed. I'm getting dizzy rolling my eyes.

  12. It ain't even about the money anymore. Money has it's used yes, but it is more about power. Those woke companies that go broke because the American taxpayer won't put up with that sh1t anymore will go down, but it's not going to stop the NWO from getting control of the whole planet. Time to take the NWO, The WEF, the U.N out to the trash, along with the Bilderbergers!


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