Sunday, May 21, 2023

Dem Propaganda Operatives On Social Media, JoJo Gets Rebuffed...




  JoJo From Jerz is #15 Above....






  1. we do have our share of idiots in jerz.

  2. Republicans don't want to avoid default? Oh, really? Please explain why Biden's handlers are preventing action on default. Please explain why Biden is in Japan instead of Washington. Please explain why Obammie the commie doubled our national debt in his first term. Please explain why Biden has no limits on the money he spends. Please explain why Biden wants to borrow money so we can pay the interest on existing debt yet he keeps spending more than the government is taking in. Looks like Biden's handlers are intentionally driving us into bankruptcy.

  3. The tweet from JO is an example of how the Democrats must lie to support their agenda and criticize Republicans. Every one of her examples was not only untrue but the exact opposite. Example: Democrats want to stop more school shootings. Republicans do not. Pure BS. Democrats want to use school shootingings to take away constitutional rights. More school kids die from texting while driving than from school shootings where is the demand to take away cell phones. More kids die from illegal alien actions than school shootings, where is the Democrat movement to stop these replacement voters from coming here illegally. More students died from the covid shot than school shootings. Where are the Democrats apologizing for weaponizing the "pandemic" to force us into a vote by mail mansate that was then used to steal the 2020 election.
    The Democrat party has been taken over by communists and most blue collar Democrats are in denial and prefer the lies to the truth.

  4. YEAH, I kind of figured that out back 2009 or so. TARP or whatever it was called. that is when I pulled out any money I had in stocks and the 401k and started buying "stuff" that I knew would be worth something. and not gold either
    I do have a little silver. but really, if you can't eat it or fuel you car/truck. or heat of cook your food. I don't have it.
    it is only a matter of when the dollar goes dead. they have made sure of that. and then add in the mass of illegals coming in to flood the system and the coming food shortage, it looking to get right sporty by the end of summer.
    just right for them to declare and install martial law. if you need/want anything for your preps, you best get them soon. dave in pa.

  5. Marcus Needles KaneMay 21, 2023 at 11:35 AM

    All tactics work both ways and it is way past time for pushback on the useless idiot true CPUSA (D) believer American commies.

  6. Anyone see JoJo's real photo, without the filters? Very frumpy. She looks nothing like the photo she uses on her account. Side by side comparison is out there on Twitter.

  7. repudiate the debt.

  8. Shouldn’t all their names be Karen. Or mental midget.

  9. Neither side cares for the smallest minority, the individual. Both sides work together for their benefit at your expense.

  10. All of the democrat points would be merely absurd, making you spit your drink out in uncontrolled laughter, if it was not so serious.


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