Friday, May 26, 2023

Trillions of Dollars of Asset Management Push "Government by Corporations".. ESG and CEI













  1. Fuck Budweiser. Fuck Trump and especially fuck Trump Junior if he really said that but here’s the truth.

    “Clown World is getting clownier and clownier by the day. But Trump can hardly complain. This is what happens when you chicken out at the Rubicon”.

  2. ...and $Trillions of market cap have been flushed down the shitter in the last couple weeks because of their Dieversity, Inclusion and Equity stance. Ask InBev and Target how that works.

    Keep voting with our wallets, they'll get the message sooner or later.


    1. ...more stupidity. InBev/Budweiser has teamed up with ... wait for it ... HARLEY DAVIDSON.

      Just to add insult to injury, Bud is putting a Harley logo on their beer cans.

      Last I checked, Harley people are the quintessential antithesis of a Dylan Mulvaney or any drag queen you want to mention. I can't wait for some of these bikers to firebomb Harley headquarters or something similar maybe like mass murder at some queer bar.

      This has now gone from a sad/funny distraction, trying to bring these fruit loops into the mainstream, to a staged psyop to finally push some people over the edge to open warfare.


    2. "Bikers" like to play dress up, too. I mean when was the last time ya saw one on his bike with his girlfriend/livestock on the back and they weren't attired head to toe in branded leather like a couple gay pirates who got drug through the entire lifestyle section of the local hawg shop clutching at every idiotic harley logoed piece of chinese made garbage (usually 2 sizes too small) that they could lay their fuckin rat claws on? Reminds me of the old joke. Know the difference between a harley and a vacuum cleaner? It's the location of the dirtbag...

  3. Here is why!!! https://twitter.com/VincentCrypt46/status/1662451055614124032?cxt=HHwWgIDTpaqbm5IuAAAA


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