Wednesday, May 24, 2023

I Remember .....




 My boss took his 6 year old to get a book for a book report. Here's what greeted them at Barnes and Noble in the "kids" section.




Then , last night, during my surf session on twitter I started seeing posts like these showing up.









  1. Always knew Target would do something to actually earn the title of their business. These fuckers will never learn, until they do. Keep voting for businesses with your wallet.


    1. Target is headquartered in the Twin Shitties, like 3M, General Mills, Land O'Lakes and US Bank.

      That place is evil, but at least George Floyd gets his 3-year chip today.

  2. 50 years ago, I walked into a Borders and staring me in the face was The Joy Of Gay Sex, complete with a couple of grappling guys on the dust jacket. Needless to say, Borders is no longer with us.

  3. Target has been at least anti- Christian for at least 15 years that I can recall. It’s a downward slide that’s been building. Right about back then is when is said f’em.

  4. I don't care what the reason is, if you express ANY interest in a CHILDS sexual orientation, you deserve to die, immediately. No questions, no mercy.

    1. Amen! I didn't even KNOW what sex was (apart from I was a boy and these other people were girls) until I was about 12-13. Then I went all-in with heterosexuality and it's served me well.

  5. You kinda know that something is wrong with the morals and values of a country where they celebrate a gay pride month and a black history month but only a Veterans DAY and a memorial DAY. Giving more attention to those who destroy our society than to those who defend it.
    I have no tolerance left .

  6. Since my vote in the ballot booth counts for nothing, I vote with my wallet. Target has not seen one dollar of mine since their bathroom decision.
    I spend my money on locally owned business when I can. Cost is always a consideration but the artificially low costs displayed by the big chain stores is rapidly disappearing.
    Shop local. Turn off your TV. Put down the phone. Plant a garden. Talk to your neighbor. Get involved locally. Run for county election commissioner.
    Stay prepared and stay safe out there.

    1. Yes. The “bathroom incident.” I’ve also been shopping elsewhere since then.

      I dropped the ball once for something I needed immediately and couldn’t find elsewhere. Poor planning on my part. I don’t i tend to let that happen again.

  7. The wife works at a small local library. The provincial oversite agency keeps trying to force that smut onto the library shelves.


    1. Sadly, many public libraries have children's sections with all kinds of smut. Check it out at your local library and you may be shocked.

  8. Makes me wonder if these corporations aren’t somehow receiving subsidy from our evil corrupt government to do this

    1. winner winner chicken dinner!

  9. Me and my wife stopped shopping Target many years ago and haven't been back.

  10. We've all seen the Solution in Search of the Problem. Where did this Trans bullshit come from? Why are we seeing the Authorities PUSHING it? Government, media, people who, in my youth, would have been saying No to it are somehow in support of this absolute Madness. Howizzit such a small percentage of the population is given so much power to have things Their way? I'm pretty sure there's a HELLUVA Lot bigger number of Americans who want the border SHUT Dafuq DOWN,, but we don't have a voice. Nothing makes sense anymore. That's part of the game. They force us to live in a society gone mad. But, you have to go about your life as if you're not swimming in a pool of crazy.

  11. "We're not coming after your kids..."

    In related news:

  12. Target is finally living its name. As the Bud Light fiasco has shown, the silent majority still has enormous power when we vote with our wallet.


  13. At age 10 the Christmas gifts were, beautiful all color Luftwaffe book made by crews and pilots with the Leica camera and Waffen-SS in action, Grammaw then gave me Inside the Third Reich by Albert Speer.
    I am so thankful.

  14. As Ayn Rand famously said, "Being in favor of free speech doesn't mean you buy your enemies printing presses." The power of your pocketbook needs to be employed against ALL of these folks. The political process is NOT THERE to benefit YOU. That is the role of the market.

  15. Speaking of degradation. You do know the CCP uses tik tok to further degrade American society, right? I think this would make a great meme.

    1. On a different-but related-note: ever wonder how all the forest fires out West get started?

    2. Yeah, every year. And, whatever does Start them, it would be great to limit whatever they are, but the fact that the Environmentalists have made it impossible to Manage the woodlands to make stopping fires easier. And minimize the Likelihood of a fire,by clearing dead stuff, clearing brush.
      Just more Genius demonstrated by libtards.

  16. Target Pulls Pride Month Products In Certain Stores Amid Boycott Calls

  17. Haven't shopped at Target since they decided it was ok for men to use the women's bathroom.

  18. When Wal-Mart goes woke you'll see the uprising of all uprisings.


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