Monday, March 13, 2023

When The Alarm Goes Off On Monday After Daylight Savings....










  1. oldy an idiot would cut a foot of blanket off one end, sew onto the other end, and be convinced he had more blanket.
    end day light savings farce.

    1. CONgress does stupider things whenever they are in session, and almost NEVER fix it by abolishing it, they just slap more rules/regulations on it. Lipstick on a pig, as it were.

    2. Talking with me mother yesterday, she told me ending the time switch was on the ballot and the voters voted to keep it. North Carolina

  2. This one day makes me hate the government even more than I already do...and that is saying a lot.

  3. Can’t link to your favorite websites from your blog. Really enjoyed these on your site. Something has changed.

  4. I have no problems with DST or "regular" time, because I have to get up to pee, or blow my nose (sinuses clogged), or need to take a pain pill. So, I only get short spans of sleep. My Circadian Rhythm clock broke a few decades ago.


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