Saturday, March 18, 2023

8:30am Saturday, Overcast, Enjoying Covfefe and.... That's enough internet for me today...







Not a clue.......

Scroll down if you want to also shut off the internets and go outside like I'm doing.


I'll be back.....

Keep going...

What the... ???????




  1. Suicide within 12 months.

    1. You wish.....

    2. More likely, shortly after EBT cards go inert. No way that...entity has a meaningful job.

  2. How wonderful is the internet. In the past, you had to pay money and go into a dark tent to see a freak like that. I bet she constantly whines that nobody will hire her.

  3. The gorgeous archer better stick to her sword. That short arrow might go 20 feet if she aimed high enough.....

    1. The arm guard is on the wrong arm, the bowstring looks like shoelaces and the arrow (besides being placed way to the side) is short, point-heavy and probably with the spine of a wet noodle, but the chick looks hot so that's the main point really! :-)

  4. Well, pronouns are the least of my concerns. Adjectives are the bigger puzzle.

  5. "How NOT to show up for a Job Interview"!!

    Unfortunately, it votes. But I bet it doesn't pay taxes!

  6. This person has problems. Halloween was not the one day of the year that all of the looks could be shown.

  7. Blink Blink.
    I didn't quite realize what I was looking at the first time until it was almost over.
    It's 8:15 AM here, I still haven't finished my first cup of coffee and here we go.
    This is one of the reasons I love ya dude.
    You find this Freakshow shit so I don't have to.
    I'm gonna go make some more coffee, watch a couple of Youtubes that I subscribe to that post on Saturday morning and then I am going to go do something even if it's wrong. It's supposed to be Sunny and 65 degrees today.

  8. That creature is probably in a classroom passing on its psychosis to innocent children. In times past, that thing would have been either tossed off a cliff or put on the front lines of a charge against a heavily fortified castle in order to absorb cannon fire and/or arrows.

    Some traditions need to be brought back into vogue.

  9. My question is what job they have and who would hire them knowing they are probably gibsmedat things.

    1. One company I worked at had the most miserable and ugly receptionist whose official job title was (and I kid you not) Ambassador of First Impressions.

      That thing takes the concept to an entirely different level.

      Phil B

    2. Probly has no job. Govtit Inc. if it does.

    3. Before taking over the farm, my dad worked at a meat packing plant in Columbus, OH for a while. At one time later on, he said there was a gal at the office who had a figure that would stop any man on the street and a face that would stop any watch they were wearing. Never did say what position she held there.

  10. What happened to that person? How could they be so damaged that they would think that would make their life better?

  11. Looks like a female sucker fish.

  12. Trans-Humanism, one of the marxist lefts goals.

    1. Nah, that's not transhumanism, that's being clinically insane...

    2. Ensuring as many people as possible are clinically insane is ALSO one of the marxist left's goals.

  13. WTF did i just watch?

  14. Nope. Ain't gonna watch. Nopeitty-nope-nope.

  15. What you look like now is NOT what I gave birth to and raised to adult hood: WTF is wrong with you? A mother's thought.

  16. Probably, a spiteful mutant to begin with. Just showing it's true self.

  17. How does it lives out of its aquarium???


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