Friday, March 17, 2023

TFIF!!! Finally Made It Through A Busy Week...


 Also dug out the inbox.

For the first course this evening it's a variety of the various.....

Pour a pint,  I'll be back later...


  1. Actually, the best way to prevent the next plannedemic is to publicly execute, in the most heinous and horrible fashion, everyone responsible for this one and every one of their co-conspirators. ONLY THEN will future mass murderers appreciate that there are REAL consequences for their actions...including those who think that doing stuff like censoring truth, etc isn't really being a co-conspirator.

    1. Hanged, drawn, and quartered. Pieces displayed in New York, San Francisco, Chicago, and Houston. Head on a pike in the National Mall.

    2. Sherm, you and Anon get together at borons place and report back on Monday with your top 5 choices, and we'll put it to a vote!

    3. Don't forget all of there close kin.

  2. Thanks and Happy St. Patrick's Day to ya Mister.
    Slam a shot for your old pal Busted.
    This used to be my favorite holiday.

  3. #48 Black crime - the number is more like 90%.

    I'm kinda surprised you didn't have a St. Patty's day post today because Irish. Maybe part of FFF???


  4. I had some comments about the getting-old memes, but can't remember them.

    I'd like to pour a pint, but have nothing appropriate here. And I used to keep a pretty good supply of ale and whisky around. Maybe a little good music? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnVk6Tt441o "Arthur McBride" by Planxty, or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_nuOyxMrMQ "Come Out Ye Black & Tans"
    -- Mr. Mayo

  5. Yet another superb composition with flashers, a couple or more of fine Irish looking red head lasses and more pointed memes in addition to the ones posted earlier, like #9 kids wondering what their parents did before TV. I can relate. I have three brothers and three sisters. We didn't have a TV until 1958.

    Thanks for another very enjoyable Friday Femme Fatale. Have a great weekend.


  6. "There Are No Electrons: Electronics for Earthlings Paperback – January 1, 1991" https://www.amazon.com/There-Are-Electrons-Electronics-Earthlings/dp/0962781592

  7. Add Farrah Faucet to the list of my generation that watched TV. I always liked the other 3 too.


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