Wednesday, March 22, 2023

What In Tarnation Is Going On?... As of last night, zip , zero, nada...


 No comments to moderate and nothing in the spam folder. This morning, 2 comments and 

170+ in the spam folder. Check out the dates.  Lately I get a random 2 or 3 that show up from as far 

as the start of the blog from followers that are no longer around.


Where the eff have these been? 

Circling around the interwebz?

 I'll have to go back and to check some of the original posts and see if these are 

duplicated, removed or never published in the first place.

Has anyone else been seeing this?





 This is the the bottom of the list .. look at the dates.





  1. May not comment on a regular basis BUT read you daily and five times on Fridays. Meat, cars, and especially the "ladies". Please persevere !

    1. 5 times on Friday, that's some funny ass shit right thar. You must stay up late.

      2K I bestow on you the innerwebz comment of the day. p.s. 2 is not enough even though 2 is 1 and 1 is none.

    2. Also read daily...Thanks...

  2. The internet and all its nooks and crannies, is such an impossibly large animal they can't possibly manage it via humans. If they shut it down and/or aggressively censor it, there will be problems.
    But you're hearing a lot about AI these days, and the WEF talks about useless eaters that can be replaced with AI?
    What if AI was crawling the web, entering comments, arguing counter-points on twatbook and blog comment sections... what if goolag based software had a backdoor where three letter agencies had access to, things?
    Did the twitter files expose not teach anyone anything.

  3. bLogger strikes again or is it still. Nemo

  4. We apologize for the temporary glitch in the matrix. Please pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

  5. Over the years i've had a couple comments never show up.


  6. Glowies just letting you know you're pawned...

  7. I received an email about an upcoming package delivery about a month after I had already received it. Phoned to clarify and heard "we've updated our system and you may receive duplicate messages." Your experience might have similar roots.

  8. I've been dealing with a family emergency. Normally I comment every week or so, if nothing else than to applaud your efforts. I'll be back soon. As for the rest of the lazy bastards, can't speak for them. ;-)

  9. Probably just some "glitch" at Google.
    Blogger has been a terrible platform from day one.

  10. my outlook e-mails seem to have taken on it's own idea of what i am allowed to receive and read. hmmm? and so it begins.

  11. Not sure what’s happening, but enjoy your blog tremendously!

  12. Trust me, Irish, we're STILL here. Especially Fridays!

  13. When I clicked on the link to the page it showed the date of 31Dec22. Clicked the title page link once on the page and it took me to the current page.

  14. It's the Illuminati, or aliens, or a sasquatch messing with your blog

  15. Yes, I’m reading/viewing your posts, especially on Friday’s (cheaper than viagra). Some days life happens and I’m a busy. Keep up your efforts as I enjoy your site often, thanks.

  16. No. it's the people...

  17. Could be someone in the department of naughty comment review decided to fuggit - clear the queue.


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