Wednesday, March 22, 2023

On Tonight's Episode Of FAFO TV, Please Welcome Our New Contestant





 Let's see which door Juan Pablo chooses.....









  1. he chose....poorly

  2. I bet he won't do that again, eh?

  3. Duh, greed can make one dead. Bad guy got greedy and looked at the money instead of the concealed carrier. Fatal error that only happens once.

  4. stupid young punks make that mistake only once most of the time. back in the late 1990's there was this little old guy up the street from me. nice guy, all of 5 foot nothing, maybe 120 pounds or so. but.. he was one of the guys who went
    up the cliff at Point de Hoc on the morning of D-Day. the "brothers " gave that man a lot of space as they thought he was crazy as hell. he still had his old dagger from back then after he broke it on or in some nazi.
    he used to hold out his money and tell them to take it. all the while he had his knife in his right hand.
    one guy told me, the way that man smiles at you scares the shit out of him. ( this one wasn't bad, he just asked the old guy for a light) the neat old guy went into a home and I never heard of him again after that.
    shame, he was a tough old bastard with some funny stories to tell. he showed me a picture of him getting the silver star from Bradley back in 44. a little old man in his 90's living in a room he rented. I never knew his last name. he was just Joe.

  5. Saw this a couple years ago. Juan picked an Off Duty Cop to rob.

    1. And note well that Off Duty Cop was totin' a full sized pistol. If yer gonna carry a gun, carry a GUN!

  6. The first observation was just how many people stood watching it happen or were actually oblivious to it going on, perhaps to be the next target? Though I know it's not the whole scene. The second observation is just how brazen the thug was, though I expect he did not fire to alert and create a panic as he was doing his deed. The third observation was if this was in the US more than likely depending on how blue your state or city is the person firing would be put to a grand jury and more as could be argued he was no longer in danger particularly if he was a lighter skin tone than the miscreant. The fourth observation is simply I love happy endings.

  7. There you go short changing us. Where the hell is victim #2 and #3. There's beauty in numbers you see.

  8. The carrier had planned those actions out well before he needed it.

  9. I'm guessing Pablo didn't survive.

  10. Thank you for your service, conceal carrier!

  11. Active Self Protection (John Corriea) did a good analysis o this a few years (?) back - note that the victim dropped the money, etc. to get eyes off of him, he peeled off around some people, and did a surreptitious draw and then brought the weapon up in a controlled fashion and shot the goblin right in the X-ring. He did everything RIGHT, butting up against the column to his back and scanning the crowd for additional baddies that might have been covering Dumbass's six.
    Perfect counter-ambush!

    1. Excellent analysis, sez 1st ANGLICO

  12. Nice shooting, Tex.

  13. Why dint he jus shoot him in da laig? Oh, that's right, his leg was not in front of his chest.

  14. “His whole life laid waiting behind door number 3”(Steve Goodman)

  15. It is amazing how chalk outlines cut down on the recidivism rate.

  16. But he was a good boy! He had some trouble before, sure, but he was just getting his life together. Why did that evil man have to shoot him? I want compensation!

    1. WE WANT ANSWERS!!!!!

    2. WE WANT ANSWERS!!!!!!

      My retort is, "You got your answer!"

    3. ...and he was going to enroll in college in the fall.

      This a perfect example of why you don't eff with old guys.


  17. I do feel sorry for that guy...he wasted 3 bullets on a low-life piece of shit. Those 3 bullets could have had a life, but now they're rotting in that human trash's chest.


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