Friday, February 19, 2021

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago...







G'nite.... It's been a loooooong week...........


  1. My reaction to the whole post is like the cat in #2.

    Thanks Irish!

  2. Glad to see your injury hasn’t held you back any... we appreciate you playing through the pain for us.

  3. Wholleee Coowwww very nice Irish.

    Brandi Brandt something about the playboy girls from the 70's and 80's is more appealing I guess its the O' naturowl compared to all the new fake stuff.

    OT Irish, reading a book on Madison and your great state of New Hampshire put ratification of the constitution over the top first before Virginia. I am grateful to your fellow country men because V and new york were in doubt.

  4. Gaaa rd there was some very funny stuff on this 'un. Ooo Lawd!

    As for the girlies, do I have to choose which or may I just accept 'em as they come?


  5. Another awesome post ...... right up until the Gremlin. Then a Horizon/Omni? Gack! Then a Ford Fireball, errr - Pinto. Sheesh!
    I never had a AMC, but my buddy up around Leb had a couple of them. He loved them.
    I had to work on those Mopar horror machines, back in the 80's. Sooo much garbage.
    Then in the early 80's we had a Pinto. 2.0 liter 4 banger with a four speed. I used to grab onto the seat belts and shake it back in forth going down the road - scared the shit out of my Mom. She hated that car almost as much as the 67 Cougar we had.

    Seriously, some great examples of your due diligence.
    Now if you'll excuse me, #34 and #17 are calling my name.... if only. :-(

    Whitehall, NY

    1. I had a 78 Pinto. Blew up one piston, took it to a guy who fixed Pintos. After I went back to pick it up, he said that the 78 Pinto was the worst model he had ever worked on, and never bring it back.
      I live in Michigan, and we had a woman drive off the Big Mack bridge in a Yugo. Any time I ever saw one of those cars again, which was not that often, I was reminded of the phrase " Yugo...over the bridge."
      I guess that they eventually figured out that it was a suicide, and not just the wind that blew the roller skate off the edge.
      A guy used to drive his AMC Pacer into the gas station that I worked at in high school for 2 years, at about 35 mph, then slammed it into Park and let his tranny squeal his car to a stop. Later, he asked me to buy that car. I just laughed at him.
      And before I forget, you have done very well this week. Rest up for next week, and thanks.

    2. Worked for an outfit headquartered in Silicon Valley. Every month or two we'd have a strategy meeting-meet the guys, discuss how to do things better, then go have a nice dinner. One time a fellow was telling the group about the time during his college years when he worked nights at the Pinto factory somewhere down by Fremont. His boss told him that because there were **frequent** line stops with nothing to do until the problem got resolved it was okay if he brought his books and did his homework. He said when he went home he could get lots of sleep since he never even needed to bring his books inside.

  6. 2 and 3 are nice, as is 5, although she could be a bit broader in the beam. Nice chubby on 16 and 102.

    Nice tush on 20, 39, 99, and 40, nice bouncy on 28, nice everything on 35 (although I don't think the bazoobz are real) unlike 70 and 87, nice older lady on 47, and nice lather on 23 and 101.

  7. Lots of freckles this time around-every last one of them is so unique. Reminds me of Judy at work-we called her Little Red-she was pint sized but I'm guessing you got every ounce of her when she was on. Wish I could remember her last name, though it probably has changed since then. A daughter and son, with hubby in jail for a year. One little hot potato and you knew when. Hope she got settled down and lived a good life.

  8. Always a nice blend of wit, wisdom, and women.

  9. I was going to post my favorite numbers and then I realized they were all great! Going to have to find me that red head car wash

  10. Razorback beat me to the comment. I was scrolling and thinking freckles, freckles, freckles. Not an issue; just the way the brain works. Always trying to connect the dots (pun intended? Not sure.).

    Then the memes! With age comes the appreciation for humor. Mexican WOTD. NISSAN! LOVE IT!

    1. Funny thing about the Judy story: I had not thought of her for decades, but I guess her bright red hair and her not-over-the-top freckles found a place in deep memory. Or, maybe it was those short skirts she'd wear every so often that preserved the pleasant memory. I can just hear the preacher telling her when she dropped her little ones off for Sunday School "and we are going to work on changing your ways". If anyone out there worked at Baldwin Electronics they likely knew Little Red-drop a line if you know where she is.

  11. Spectacular!! Bravo!!

  12. I visit at least a dozen sites a day as do some of the other commenters here. There are several sites, I'm not going to name them, that are picking up on the FFF theme. NONE, however, compete(I don't think that they're really trying to compete, it's just a figure of speech) with the depth and breadth of the eclectic postings here. Imitation is, after all, the sincerest form of flattery.


    1. My take is that the masters of each site are in a supportive fraternity of like kinds, respect each other and wish nothing but the best for other sites.

  13. You magnificent bastard! Don't ever quit!

  14. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still at the top of your game !!! Nice selection of matures and redheads ! Could always use more curvy meaty girls ! Thanks in advance !!!1

  15. Fridays are always a special day; but you've really outdone yourself this week.
    Thank you, Irish.

  16. Just noticed the Highway to Hell and the Train to Nowhere. Sometimes around here it's easy to miss things like that.

  17. Great, no superb collection. You have a talent for sure. I got stuck staring at quite a few this time around.

  18. Was that a Colt Python behind her back? Good job Irish!

  19. Help me understand the chinese language item

    1. It's the logo to pornhub

    2. It says "fan yi xue" which means "translation study", as in the study of how to translate between different languages. No hidden meaning to it, at least none that I can detect. No sexual word play that I can detect. It's printed in a fucked up, obviously non-Asian way, because it mixes different scripts, not only in the same phrase but within the same character, just like many of the fucked up Asian language tattoos you see on White guys.

  20. I’m pretty sure that Russian fighter pilot flys for Delta now

  21. I stole your Wheelbarrow GIF. Great lineup of babes!

  22. Dude..You know all these girls? We can hang whenever. Just sayin' Parents had the Dodge Omni. I drove the shit out of that thing.

  23. Wonderful bevy of beauties. Lots of seed spilled to #5 and #83.


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