Saturday, September 7, 2024

Soy Boy Posts Crap To MAGAWOMEN.... MAGA Woman responds... ( According to the comments he has since deleted his account)








  1. what an angry lil fucker he is, typical of the left...they own the anger & violence

    1. LOL--and yet their big campaign message is that they are the party of love, tolerance, vibes, hope, change, positivity, blah blah blah.

      They have a great PR firm because all the crazy old cat ladies, dried up shrews, and career-focused women who just found out they no longer have a chance of having a kid at 40 believe every single goddamned word out of their mouth...

    2. 06:55,
      " all the crazy old cat ladies, dried up shrews, and career-focused women "
      Screenshot, cropped, added to the screensaver rotation.

    3. No they don't. They crumple in the face of someone that knows how to direct violence. This guy would have fear sliding off him like a drug. He has a grandiose view of himself. Pride goeth before the fall.

  2. Apparently “MAGA women” are living rent free in that oxygen bandit’s head.

    Who the hell attacks women like this? I don’t consider liberal women worth the time or effort to be given a second thought.

    The party of envy, indeed.

  3. Nice mouth, homeboy. (Directed at The Hat)

    1. A real man would not use language like that to or around women, and I have never tolerated such around my wife or any of the girlfriends before we met and married. If called out in public, I guarantee that little child would fold like a soggy envelope. Which is what he is.

  4. isn't the hat suppose to be yellow and where is his monkey

  5. Dang it! Spit my coffee onto the monitor again! Wadda maroon that chump is.

  6. Four minutes of listening was enough, this child apparently does not know that people will recognize him in real life, and if the appropriate person encounters him, it will most likely be a short conversation.

    1. Are thumbs to the eyes and 3 or 4 knees to the head considered conversation?
      Asking for a friend.


    2. One can hope it will be soon.

  7. Tip your hat to the lady, son.

  8. Went to Africa and had to get 42 porters to carry is stuff for him. With the hat he's wearing I'm going to guess the porters all had to call him the Big Bawana.

    1. One of the same things I was thinking. 42 people?! For what?!

    2. To compensate for his little bawana

    3. He had a lot of butt plugs he took on his trip. Guess we know who brought monkey pox back.


  9. All hat & no cattle.
    Also, 20 gallons of bullshit in a 5 gallon hat.

  10. I have strong opinions and always seek the truth. I am more than willing to engage others and discuss my politics, religion, and outlook on life in general. Very rarely do I find total agreement on all points, but with my friends we do find some common ground. If nothing else we agree the other is an idiot and we continue as friends.
    BUT there seems to be a growing subset of people in this country that can not do that. If they find out you disagree with any of their Sacred Beliefs then they automatically Hate you. I was raised to be courteous and respectful of those who disagree with me. This group believes they get to abuse, berate and Attack anyone who dares disagree with them.
    This will not end well for these people. While those who can control themselves and Live their lives will continue to win. And that drives these Feral animals insane.
    MSG Grumpy

    1. MSG Grumpy,
      Their first step is global genocide of our species.
      After that, they pretty much run out of steam.
      "...disagree with any of their Sacred Beliefs then they automatically Hate you..."

  11. Something doesn't seem right about this. The soy guy is far too clam. Believe ya'll have been trolled.

  12. Well, as a Floridian, I am impressed! I had no idea that FSU had any conservatives in their student body!

    1. Lots, just few at the teaching level.

  13. Well, set me on fire and call me a hotdog, I thought that was Jon Stuart. Maybe it's his smarter brother, sure does look like him.

  14. Wow! A woman with intellectual capacity, ability to espouse her thoughts and ideas, and moral underpinnings. Plus she's gorgeous.

  15. Loud mouth putz. His heros can’t define what a woman is. Around here we’d call him a denious.

  16. Ain’t no way that hat gonna stay on his head iffin the wind blows. That brim ain’t touchin yer ears, the first leetle breeze il snatch that right often yer haid. Fester.

  17. Just a punk with a big mouth is all I see typical of liberals morons.

  18. I'll bet money that little pussy is a public school teacher. I've run into a few that are just that whacked. AND they only like arguing with women. After he made that video he took off the hat, put on his footed pajamas and made himself a nice cup of hot cocoa.

  19. He's a tough guy in his own mind. In real life he shaves, loses the hat, and hopes nobody recognizes him, while telling himself, "I owned her."

  20. Impotent rage looks good on that boy.


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