Thursday, September 5, 2024

Meanwhile, In Andover MA


 I bet they are fun a the neighborhood cookouts...







  1. Getting the Halloween decorations up a bit early?

  2. Someone had to pay those clowns to do that.

  3. I'll bet the President of the HOA lives there.

  4. More Harris signs so far than Trump signs.

    It may be because the Trump signs will be vandalized and stolen. I won't be putting anything up (Massachusetts) until October because I lost four of them in 2020.
    But apparently Trump supporters respect private property. So no one bothers the morons signs.

  5. If I remember correctly, isn't Andover the hdqtrs of the IRS in Massachusetts?
    - WDS

  6. Could be a prank a fellow traveler of our kind playing on a fellow extreme traveler due home from summer vacation. Looks like something I would do because the wackos are not advertising as much as the use to I’ve noticed. They have been avoiding being put on a list.

    1. Ladder still leaning on the left side of the house, friend must have used home owners ladder, even better.

  7. I've seen a few "Duct-tape/Harris" signs here in MA, where people have taped over bidens name- this is a stronger ticket, as duct tape is far more useful than biden (or harris)-

  8. I'll counter "Nasty People Suck" with "Sucky People are Nasty"- there!

  9. Sandy Hook was a FEMA training exercise presented as an actual event- obama/holder gun grab attempt 1 month after 2012 re-election- most online info has been scrubbed-

  10. Looks like the house is sinking cause it slanted.

  11. Nasty people must refer to Kamala? Am I right?

  12. I would like a pic of the occupants. Just for fun. Do you ever play that game with the wife? Look across the room at a restaurant/other, and guess by appearance/mannerism which are Rs and Ds?

  13. A wealthy town full of snowflakes within walking distance of the immigrant crime city and narcotics distribution hub, Lawrence Mass. Soon enough the Tng's will simply stroll over and simply take whatever they want and shoot anyone that objects.


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