Friday, September 6, 2024


 White House: Congress Needs To Act On Gun Control

                                I imagine there will be more of this BS in the coming days. 

                                                                                       LINK to GOA story


H/T to Bob in E-town


  1. Psych med control would probably reduce school shootings way more than gun control.

    Would be interesting to see the percentage of school shooter who were whacked on a cocktail of meds when they went off.

    1. Can't help but wonder how being fed psychotropic drugs from early childhood is going to affect that victim.
      And how many are running around so affected.
      MKultra on steroids?

  2. Its not about gun control and public safety. Its about disarming the population so only The Enforcers have weapons.

  3. This is the biggest reason millions think these shootings are setups to get confiscation going. The timing of the response right on top of the shooting. Right after "the shooter was on the FBI's radar"

    We'll just add a bunch of laws to make it more illegal-er and that'll fix everything.

    1. And of course the blase media reaction to the Trump assassination attempt just reinforces the notion that it's OK to shoot at anyone.

  4. I find her especially convincing when she leans over to her right as she's speaking.

    1. Misunderstanding: she leans over to her right when she is LYING.

  5. I dunno. This guys sound more trans by the minute. If that's the case they'll drop this shooting like a hot rock

  6. How about instead of gun control, we have more eff bee eye control, so they'll do their damn jobs and take down these little brats BEFORE they kill people. Too much time spent chasing MAGA and Christians and none left for immigrant gangs and MK ultra kids.

  7. Fbi agents phone was geolocated within 1000’ of his phone 11 times within 14 months. Make of that what you will.

  8. Orthopedic emergency rooms are full again with injured democrats dancing from joy: "an other school shooting, our preaching hatred is paying off. Again. 2A Bad, Orange Man Bad"

    1. That's what happens when you slip and fall because you're dancing in the blood...

  9. Is it just me, or does KJP look like the perfect subject for a bobblehead?

  10. I must say I could not click on this video to watch it. KJP is a congenital liar as is much of DC.

  11. We need tranny control

  12. I would say, kiss this, but don't want any infections.

  13. back in 1968, my mom went to the bank and pulled out a bit of money. when dad got home, she told him to go and get a pistol for each of them. a 1911 for dad as he was ex navy and a 4inch Smith 38 for her. also get at least 4 boxes of ammo for each. as she said, "if they want to ban them, we better get some before they do'
    funny thing as the more she looked into it all, the more she realized the so called NRA was helping them write the damn law ? she also found out that the GCA of 1968 was modeled after what the damn Germans did in 1934 ?
    and anyone who has read any history knows how well that worked out.
    and that is why I really hate some of the shit the NRA did and does. a lot of it is good, granted. but the legal side is a but shady . dave in pa

    1. The NRA has written more gun control laws than Chucky Schumer ever dreamed of.
      "If we hadn't intervened when we did, the outcome would have been much worse. Send us more money."

  14. Just so happened in a swing state.

  15. if gun control works how bout we try crime control.

  16. I didn't hear anything about gun "control" after Trump got shot

  17. Some math.....
    How much do the millions of weapons and trillions of ammo weigh ? What would be the "bulk" if all were confiscated ? What would the rage coefficient be the morning after confiscation ?
    How long would Saxon hate last?

  18. The parents are being charged with buying a gun for their minor child, who then went and shot a bunch of people. If Leviathan can make this stick, it sets a precedent to refile against Kyle Rittenhouse and his family. TPTB never forget and never give up.
    Stay safe


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