Tuesday, September 3, 2024

I am way more shocked they were even arrested

"If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck" it must be a duck. Linda Sun, former top aid of New York Gov. Hochul and Gov. Cumo, was arrested along with her husband on Tuesday and charged with acting on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party federal prosecutors said. Read the story by clicking COMMIES.

H/T to Bob in E-town


  1. Why does it take the FBI such a long time to make these people publibc?

    1. Because the Feebs didn't have a use for them anymore.
      Hence why Epstein's list hasn't gone public.

      Whitehall, NY

  2. Probably no more shocked than I am.
    The entire governing body of The People's Republik of NewYorkistan is crooked. Right from the County Seats to the Governor's Orifice.
    And here I am stuck behind enemy lines.

    Whitehall, NY

    1. Dude, leave. That simple. 40 years in the gulag myself. Let me tell you a secret.
      Your job isn't that good.
      Your house isn't that nice
      Your neighbors don't really care about you, they only seem like they do b/c you live next door.
      (How many of your neighbors that moved away still keep in touch?)
      You'll find new friends, make lots of new ones.
      Cost of living IS cheaper.
      There's good jobs here, too.
      Have you ever heard someone regretting the move?
      Dude, I'm telling you.. I fought and fought for years, decades even (my wife always wanted to move out of NY and somewhere's south)... After the fact, you know every argument I proffered was a false one? Not only did I not really believe some of it (I was just repeating what people said to me), but most of them turned out to be totally false.
      MOVE. GTFO.
      That IS the only answer. Everything else is just an excuse for you to rationalize putting up with shit you shouldn't be.
      When you do finally see the light, you'll be kicking yourself. Come to Knoxville for a football game, I'll show you the town. FLA tickets are going to 300 each in the Nosebleeds.

    2. Listen to your friend; he is trying to help you.

    3. Cry me a river. I just moved back to Oregon to bring the fight up close and personal. Nobody suspects a grizzled old biker...

  3. I Want to hit that link, but, I'm a,little worried I might get Rick Rolled to the DNC ..
    I'm gonna Do it,, anyway..

  4. Sun, 41, and her husband, Chris Hu, 40, were arrested on the morning of Sept. 3 at their home on Long Island.

    How many fully armed SWAT team members were involved in the sunrise door kicking? Which news team was alerted and on hand?

    The opulent lifestyle Might have been enough to lead to some suspicion a coupla weeks earlier. Coff, Coff..

  5. 40 and 41 year old, and they "owned" a $3.6 million home in New York, a $1.9 million condominium in Hawaii, and various luxury cars, including a 2024 Ferrari. This raised no questions? Shocked. I am shocked. Meanwhile, nipple rings & hocktail are doing the good work - mandating vaxx, and enforcing lockdowns on the plebs etc. Time for Snake Plissken.

    1. "...This raised no questions?..."

      Yeah, that's a pretty loud lifestyle, especially for a .gov employee. You might be able to make the case that the husband's fish export company (I think that I read that somewhere) was doing really, really well. However, I'd think that the Chinese would have told them to tone it down a bit.

  6. It’s election season, they knew they had to do something to stem the tide

    1. They will use shit like this to justify jailing Trump and then say see, were not just after him

  7. Democrats sure do love having ChiCom spies. Every time you turn around there’s a news story about another one. Maybe it’s a kind of fashion statement in Democrat circles, kind of like having a labradoodle in the suburbs.

    1. I am pretty sure that RHINO, MItch McConnell has got him one too.

    2. No, he doesn't own her....she owns him

    3. Who? Funny haven’t seen hide nor hair of that POS in a long time

  8. A surprise arrest. And a revealing one; with the assistance given the nation's enemies by our domestic opposition that story seems meant to placate rather than correct. What other operatives are hard at work and how does this arrest provide them cover?

  9. Whenever something like this happens, the phrase "Qui bono" comes to mind.
    Do NOT for one instant think this just 'happened'. Nothing in politics happens in a vacuum. Nothing.... Most certainly not if the Three letter Pedo-traffickers are involved. Either she stepped out of her lane, or they changed the lanes w/o letting her know.

    1. I was thinking the same thing with Bob Goldbars was arrested. We know what the pretext is, but what did they actually do?

  10. This arrest wouldn't have happened had they worked for the benefit of the Israeli government like all the other "top aids".

  11. Sacrificed to keep the spotlight off Hochul and Cuomo - the REAL guilty parties.

  12. They must'nt have been giving the big guy his 10%

  13. As has sorta been said above, how is that a .gov employee owns an opulent home, vacation condo, many high end cars and NO ONE in said .gov notices and says WTF? Then there's the whole Demonrat spy for the Chinese government tie in, which has been going on for GENERATIONS. Remember that video of some Chinese .gov guy revealing that the CCP had spy(s) "at the top level of the U.S. government" and LAUGHING ABOUT IT? Mt thought then was he was referring to Bitch McConnell and his Chinese spy wife and the revealatio ns that since surfaced about Bribem family corruption. I guess I didn't consider that if they could compromise Bitch and Bribem, why wouldn't they do it elsewhere in both federal and state governments, especially where there are U.S, trading partners with China at the state level.



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