Monday, September 9, 2024

So True...












  1. Absolutely, I just thought I knew everything when I was 20. Here it is 2024, the class of 76 here and the downfall of this is possibly at hand. 50 years ago our teachers were drumming into our heads about the communists were trying to bring down America. I wish I’d of paid more attention Mrs Cox and Mrs Hendon.

    1. Class of '75 here. I remember history classes that taught real facts, and attending John Birch Society meetings with my dad. Fast-forward to 2002. My son took a high school civics test and wrote "republic" in answer to the question "what type of government does the U. S. have?" His answer was marked wrong, "democracy" was the correct answer. He objected, teacher wouldn't agree. He stood up, pointed to the flag and said: "and for the REPUBLIC for which it stands! " Off to the principal's office he went... Didn't get detention, but never did get his test corrected either.

  2. An old Pennsylvania Dutch sampler: "We get too soon old and to late smart"...

  3. after my dad retired, he came up with a plan. retire at 30 years of age. you got your health, married and kids by now
    and you can do things. at 45 years of age you go back to work until you die. makes sense in a way, start your kids off right while you are still able to do things. build your dream house or whatever you want. then work until you drop dead.
    granted he didn't do that and neither did I . but it does make a kind of sense in a way. dave in pa.

    1. How do you feed your kids while you play retired? I got married at 26, after I did the young, free and foolish while I was young enough to enjoy it and took a few too short, too expensive and I don't regret one second vacations along the way afterward, while playing an adult with a wife and kids. It worked for me, but I don't recommend it as a plan. My luck has been exceedingly good.

    2. You stop working but, your wife doesn’t. You could tell her you’ll switch after fifteen years. She trusts you right?


  4. Ben was a wise man, A republic if WE can keep it. WE haven’t done a very good job


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