Friday, September 13, 2024

Setting Aside What The Protesting Was About.. Here Is What Happens When You Use Self Defense In Massachusetts..





 News story HERE <<


Hayes is being charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and violation of a constitutional right causing injury, Middlesex County District Attorney Marian Ryan said. Ryan said the veteran had full legal possession of the gun, according to Boston 25 News. The veteran’s fellow protesters say they were not aware he had a gun, but believe he was acting in self defense. 

These are the overlords of ASSachusetts......




  1. Looks like the Commies have already overtaken certain northeast parts of our country.

    1. That's been a fact for at least 50 years. New England used to be divided by freedom loving states; ME NH and VT vs commie shit holes MA CT and RI. Over the last 50 years, commies have infiltrated State .gov's in all but NH.

      It's wonder that NH is still the freeest State in New England as the NH voters keep sending Demonrats to represent us in DC and the ENTIRE DC delegation are women.

      The reason that's true is because the current RINO Governor allowed a bill that gives out of state college students the right to vote as residents in NH to be signed into law instead of vetoing it fighting it out in the courts and at the ballot box. Colleges in NH are the same hotbeds of commie thought as they are in every state in the union. The students are harangued by their professors to vote Demonrat and they do. Thus we get Demonrat women to represent us in DC.

      A few years ago, a Black Demonrat woman was elected to the Executive council(that's an elected body that advises the Governor and the legislature on various issues before the legislature, sorta like a Cabinet except it's elected not appointed). She immediately introduced a bill to repeal the Constitutional Carry Amendment to the State Constitution that had been passed during the previous legislative session. During the public hearing on the bill over 10,000 people showed up at the State House in opposition to the bill. Needless to say the bill was defeated in the legislature. She was voted out of office in the next election. So there are still some sane voters in NH.

      NH is now surrounded by commie shit holes; East, doubly West(VT and NY) and tripley (MA, RI and CT)South. The good news is that ME and VT are both Constitutional Carry States. The commies keep trying to change that with help from the out of state anti-gun establishment. The one good thing is that when these legislative actions are put on the ballot, they are defeated. However that may change eventually as ME is being overrun with illegals. Portland and Augusta are now Somalia West and Haiti North with a growing population of S. America Norte.

    2. Do you have any specific information about Augusta and Haitians? Lewiston Somali caliphate is well documented, as is the situation in Cumberland County, but Augusta is an unknown

    3. Found a good data source, though it likely does not reflect new invader arrivals.

      Compared to the 600+ living in the Manchester NH area, Maine has no real Haitian problem at this time.

  2. The attackers name and information was not made available, along with no charges which is sad. But could this be one of the ones the Biden administration has flown in from other countries? There have been many flights from the mid east and South America of nationals flown into the US bypassing border security.

  3. "Ladies in charge" always gets innocent people killed. Taxachusetts is ALL "Ladies in charge". They'd have been far happier if the muzzy had killed the veteran.

  4. Have noticed that it is always a bunch of cunts in the government that pronounce the one using the right of self defense to be guilty. Maybe the muslims are right - women should be locked in the house with their mouths shut.

    1. There's something to what you say. But what about the sane women who aren't like this?

    2. We can consider that option if or when we finally run in to it. The female of the specie operates on feelings, truth or reality does not apply to that world.

  5. Mass has been a freedom lovers mess for the past 60 years or so (since the era of school integration). I live north of Massholechusetts and the idea of self-defense is strong in NH. NH has strengthened it's 2A laws in favor of the citizen and continues to do so. We have been fortunate so far but everyone I see who lives here is always ready. Let the assholes stay below the border. OutOfTime

  6. She looks like Fred Willard in drag.

  7. So, if you are attacked in MA and defend yourself successfully the State will attack you again. Got it.

    1. Sounds like Honolulu, HI.
      There's a po-po Kommisar there who also doesn't believe in the right to armed self defense, not even on your own property.

      Kick Hawaii out of the US, give it back to the Hawaiians.

  8. We live in a feminized world now and it's going to Hell.

  9. Yet another reason why I left that shit hole 50 years ago. - Nemo


  10. A million years ago when I lived in MA I applied for a pistol permit. Not a concealed carry permit mind you
    it was just to go target shooting with the old man. I filed my paperwork with the req'd photos and had my prints taken at the police dept. 2 months later I received a call from the dept. saying my permit was approved BUT I had to have a "sit down" with the police chief to explain my need for said permit. Imagine, they were pulling bullshit like that as far back as 1975. I see they're still idiots.
    - WDS

    1. yeah, I got my first CCW permit in Philly, had to sit down with a cop to explain why I wanted it. this was AFTER
      the state made them grant CCW permits. before that, you had to KNOW someone or know to to pay off to get one. renewed it here in the hills of pa. and it was a easy thing to do. took about 10-20 minutes total.
      did talk with the Sheriff a few minutes but that was after the paperwork was done. nice guy, Vet like myself
      I did ask him about the weapon after a shooting. the Philly PD always TOOK the weapon and you never got it back from them. here it a 2-3 day thing to check it and it is then returned to you. WOW.
      life is better in the hills away from the cities by far. dave in pa.

    2. Years before 1975. In 1970, I had to get a permit to even BUY a Ruger .22LR Single Six revolver.

  11. It appears as though the state (in this case it's Massachusetts, but could just as easily be NY or quite a number of others today) is proceding with Lawfare; making the innocent use their funds, which could be well upwards of $100,00 to defend themselves against bogus/spurious charges with absolutely no hope of recouping their losses.
    In the future should some court return a portion of losses to the innocent, the state will just use its funds (tax money) to repay the individual: the money should instead come from the pockets of the judges and peace officers who forced the innocent into this position; perhaps an extremely necessary change in our laws is required to effect a new outlook for these individuals (some elected, some appointed) who feel they can perform certain actions without any concern.

  12. It was once the common belief among people in general, and even turned up in sermons, that a failure to defend innocent life, including one's own, was a sin. You must defend your family, help your neighbor if thugs attack him, and a failure to defend one's own life was thought tantamount to the sin of suicide. Willfully being unable to do so would be part and parcel of such a sin, and would mark one as not just a coward but as contributing to evil. The point of this essay is that we are being propagandized into an opposing point of view, one in which it is a supposed virtue to not defend innocent life so that we are more easily controlled.

  13. Who is she? she's not the mayor or with the police so near as I can tell.

  14. Why was the guy who ran across the street and tackled the "protester" not charged as well? WTF??

    1. Another site reported that their .gov was "considering" charges.
      They will consider charges until this is out of the news, then exonerated him so that he can pile on with a civil suit.
      John in Indy

  15. Lexington
    Bunker Hill

    So many battles fought in mAssachusetts for freedom.
    It's a shame it's turned into such a shithole.

    1. Oh, it didn't TURN into a shithole, anon. Like most all shitholes, it WAS TURNED into one.

  16. If you believe in freedom and you're not in FL, you're in the wrong place!

    1. C'mon! C'mon! I'm in Florida, too, but there are other states as well: there are, aren't there? There has to be!

  17. Licensed and Bonded security guard here in my State. I watched the video and that looked like a justifiable shooting to me. No way I would let someone tackle me, slam my head into the concrete, and fist pound my head repeatedly. The attacker got the Zimmerman treatment. There is a lesson here.

    1. I agree. However Tribe colours in public is gonna bring opposing Tribe colours. This is the whole point of marxist idealogy: set the populace against themselves. I don't like other Flags than US flags being flown on US Territory. TIny hat club: the Messiah is coming he wears a tiny hat. The police state will focus on anti-tiny hat demographic. Tiny hats first! Police first! Israel first! Dumb kid, he should go die in Lebanon for tiny hat club.
      That is what the Judeo-Christian "god" wants for him,. die for oil profits. Hurrah I'm so proud to be Murican.
      Home of the farm boy who died overseas. Home of the goy sheeple.

  18. The Founders knew what they were doing when the wrote the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We the People having such hubris, have been effing it up ever since.
    Just because we could have it changed doesn't mean we should have it changed. Outside of maybe the 11th & slavery, (which they knew they were kicking the can on and would have to pay the price for). There hasn't been one change made since that has improved or made it better. And a whole host of changes that have directly lead to making things worse.

  19. I’d rather be judged by twelve than carried by six.

  20. I'm still living in Mass, it's the state of my birth and as has been said and said eloquently; "...the tombs or my fathers and the temples of my God."
    I kept very aware of which county I'm in because some counties like Middlesex and Suffolk have Soros or fellow-travelers for DA. I would not attend a rally in Boston or Newton for that reason. I could not defend myself without a positive risk of going to jail.
    Norfolk isn't that bad ... yet. Norfolk incidentally is where the Karen Read trial is being held. The main criticism of that trial judge is that they are biased towards the police. So try not to kill one here.

  21. LEO/Judiciary are presently reflexively anti-Constitution and will be the first to attack citizens' rights when given the opportunity. Such was not always the case, but we find ourselves at this inflection point now, driven by decades of female-brained motivation against success and superiority. If we had the patriarchal hierarchy once in place the embarrassment of a press briefing shown above would never have happened, the attacker would not have believed he had permission to oppress and attack another citizen, and if he'd done so the self-defensive shooting would have been a simple piece of police paperwork.

    Piss on the enemies of the US Constitution.

  22. She needs to be impeached/recalled/fired. She's pressing charges based upon her personal feelings, not the law. She needs to go.

    1. Never happen in that county. All the locals are like that now. Bedroom communities for Boston.


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