Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Butler County Sheriff Speaks... Listen To This Then Look At The Headlines When You Search The Webz...





 Now go read the headlines of this search...

  immigrants springfield ohio




  1. First of all, they're NOT "immigrants".
    These scum are illegal alien invaders.
    And being invaders, they need to be treated as if they were military invaders.
    And the NGOs and Gooberment agencies that brought these invaders in, should be treated as traitors.
    As to time, place, methods, and weapons, I leave that to the readers' vivid imagination.
    But the Irish Provo IRA might be a good start to study and emulate.

    1. If you plan on blowing up people indiscriminately, then please emulate the IRA.

    2. I would recommend reading Michael Collins and about the IRA Easter Rising as well. They attacked the British administrators / managers, as well as being the "one shot Paddys" firing one rifle shot, regardless of result, and dissappearing.
      The Provos of the Troubles were financed by the Soviets, and their actions and targets were influenced by the Soviet need to distract the British from world influence, rather than making it uneconomic for the British to keep N Ireland.
      N Ireland was where the manufacturing that had been in the English Midlands went after WWII when those workers wanted better pay. Wage demands in N Ireland could be controlled by hiring a few more Catholics at lower wages to keep the Protesant workers down.
      Had the Provos attacked the rail lines, roads, and port facilities, and shut down the industrial sector there, the Brits likely would have quit.
      John in Indy

  2. yeah. I have been warning people about this shit for a while now. even got a few of them to arm themselves too.
    sooner or later, it will hit a tipping point. and then people will wake up to the FACT that the clowns in so called charge have fucked them. HARD. I think the idea behind it all is to break the "system" so they can replace it with something
    they want and control. this country is being invaded. there is no other word for it really.
    there is going to be a lot of blood shed over this here soon. ammo up and get some body armor too. we are going to need it.

    1. They already control the system. That's the problem.

    2. yeah, I know. voting is a joke in this country as seen since 2020. funny how 2022 just kind of fizzled out as well. it just about time to open the third box to fix this mess if we can. anymore any time we go into town, I carry like I always did, but now I keep a AR pistol in 5.56 in the truck as well as my SA-35. magazines, 4 spare for the handgun and 8 for the AR "pistol" with a 10.5 inch barrel. and a battle pack of 5.56 and 9mm ammo under the seat for just in case. never thought I seen shit like this here, dave in pa.

  3. Thanks brandon and all commie libturds that voted for it.
    now piss off and die.

  4. First-hand report that cannot be countered by the elitists' hand-wave.
    "Nothing to see here, move along. Move along..." must infuriate every Patriot in the US. If not, those are the enemy as well.

  5. Did the Gulag search thing, only because you asked. Because Gulag. Then tried it on Startpage. Imagine my surprise at the difference in results. MartyB

  6. This sheriff started his comments by calling this regime's importation of illegal aliens an INVASION, which is exactly what it is. We are being invaded and there is a purpose for the invasion. Be on the Alert!

  7. Elastic defence, like Ypres Salient 1917. Outpost line, network of bastions, ready reaction forces. That is the defence. Offence needs to build on that and actively hunt opponents command and logistics. Going to be a funball time. DTA.

  8. Link to twitter yields "Error 400 Bad Request"

  9. When leaving the shopping area of a nearby formerly quaint little town, there was a Latin American looking couple with a sign stating they were attempting to travel to another area. They actually had a phone app to donate money to them directly. Something else to be aware of is this Real ID bull shit that is being foisted on us to travel. Ca. and NY are implementing it now through the DMV. SS has ID.me. These are all facial recognition ploys to implement WEF and UN plans.

  10. We need to elect a president that will track down those providing the funding for these invaders and then confiscating the money and imprisoning the donors.

    1. fuck prison, hang the traitors , you know, like we used to do with them. and there is a LOT of the fuckers now a days.

    2. I keep asking (like Anonymous) why do I have to pay for room and board, free medical care, free entertainment for 5 to 20 years for these people.
      You want to provide these amenities for people like this, take them into your home; I don't want to.

  11. everybody's worried that if they're assaulted (or see someone being assaulted) by an invader (major problem: how can you define an invader on sight; besides which, our state governments having been providing them with gratis ID's), they're afraid to take whatever action may be required; they know they'll be brought before some Soros judge who'll put them away (and held incommunicado) for 10 years.

  12. The left's favorite line. "NO CREDIBLE EVEIDENCE". Of course not when the media is in the bag, and the douche gov is a RINO.


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