Friday, September 13, 2024

National Special Security Event "designated" by the Secretary of Homeland Security?


I am not going to point fingers, make jokes about sloped roofs, offer up conspiracy theories, etc. However, I do not believe this bunch (DHS) has the authority to be naming, declaring, or designating anything just like any other .gov agencies, departments, etc. does not have that authority for a myriad of reasons. Besides the fact that the DHS/Secret Service does not have such special dispensation, this just flat out smells of something rotten and in light of what happened four years ago and how the current administration lied and grossly manipulated events leading up to, during and after January 6th at the capitol. Not to mention the hyper-inflated propagandized events/imprisonment of patriots in a 'La concentration camp/solitary confinement  that followed. I am not prophesizing or making a predictions but I am attempting to point out a similar event that occurred in Germany in 1933 and warn against a potential "overreach" during another false flag event. After much political strife with one side demonizing the other to the point of the NAZIS framing up the commies. Hitler used this premise to alarm the German people that the communists were to the point of threatening and plotting against the government. Next, the Reichstag burns, German authorities round up the suspected Dutch communist thought responsible, President Paul Hindenburg issues the Reichstag Fire Decree, Hitler takes office after being "duly" elected a few weeks later, and under this "fire decree" ,  suspends certain rights, his administration (the national socialists), begin the roundup of political opposition. I am not a 'doomsdayer" or naysayer, but does this sound familiar? Take notes and prepare accordingly. There more than likely will be an exam.

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  1. This coming election is going to be a bigger shitshow than the last.

  2. they are preparing the steal. they have to add votes in private.

  3. yeah, this looks like we going to get fucked again bigtime by the clowns in DC. I.E. we not going to vote them out now. did you really think they where just going to walk away from the power they have now ?
    so, get whatever you may want or need for the coming sporting event of the century ! although, I not sure how they plan of enforcing their "new rules' on us. unless they plan on using the illegals as their "new army" against us ?
    I guessing FOOD will be the weapon of choice as it always has been thru out history for tyrants .
    so, stock up and tell your neighbors to do the same. besides the way prices are going, it pays to stock up before it costs even more than it does now. just saying, dave in pa.

    1. You can vote your way into communism, but it always takes other means to get out from underneath it.

  4. I don't need to stock up on anything. When you have guns and ammo you can get anything you need when you need it.

    1. Probably the stupidest thing I'll read today. One crack across the yap and you'll cry like a gurlbaby.

    2. Dishonorable loser

    3. If the SHTF I'm not going to point a gun at you and demand your stuff, I'm going to shoot you and take your stuff. The only cracking will be the sound of my .45!

  5. If the DHS, DOJ, or pretty much any Three Letter Agency told me the sun rises in the east, I'd look the other way for it.

    Credibility is zero at this point.

  6. Have they been able to define a woman yet? because credibility is lost and trust will not be returned to these people. Designating their intentions to remain in power is not the comforting assurance needed in a republic.

  7. Replies
    1. I’m tired Jefferey, ready for the show to begin so we can get it over with so I can take a few with me when I go

  8. Before my retirement over 13 years ago, I used to work (as a civilian intel officer) on an Army program that supported NSSEs. "I do not believe this bunch (DHS) has the authority to be naming, declaring, or designating anything..." Unfortunately, DHS does have the authority and does it often. Every Superbowl is an NSSE. Most Presidential conventions are as well. DHS is the highest homeland security authority, and as such can only be over-ridden by the President. And we don't know who that person (or cabal) that is right now.

  9. I've long been a believer that as a last resort (which is about where they are now) a floyd type incident will 'let' them declare martial law or some form there of - as to enforcing it - 7+MM illegals, the majority military age males (with no families in tow), could be easily supplied by containers of military gear - if palettes of bricks magically appeared at strategic street corners in Seattle, smart $ says those containers are already in place and training and organizing is going now. The main fly in the ointment is that once unleashed the swamp will have no way to control & Aurora will be common place. The other fly is the millions of ex military and serious hunters that will be really p***ed off & come out of retirement. But what do I know? Oops, it's raining... Lock and Load

  10. Elections are NEVER going to address the cancer that is destroying our nation. NEVER.

  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXGumYvILj0

  12. As long as this rotten assed gov't is able to create free money tyranny will reign supreme.
    $35 tril? Please.
    The gov't is such a mess that it has no idea how far into debt it is.
    But private sector specialists do and they believe it is upwards of over $200,000 tril.

  13. Graham Kill House Rules. Nobody is coming to save us, etc, etc...


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