Thursday, September 12, 2024

Not Only Cats and Dogs Are Affected. Sad Story......








  1. This is the saddest part about this, how the fuck are these people getting drivers licenses?

    1. Or cars? Where is that money coming from? Who's doing this to us?

    2. Not sure about in the US, but in Canada the refugees get them based on swearing they had experience in their home country. Buddy was killed by a syrian refugee driving a semi. The syrian had gotten his class 1. By claiming 20 years semi experience but didnt have to take road test. Would suspect similar bs

    3. You. It's your tax dollars at work. Where did you think those trillions of dollars went? It sure wasn't what was promised. Are you mad yet?

    4. Hi Rob.... and all,
      The "Who" in your question should be quite obvious!!!!!!
      I'll give you a hint!!!
      The color "BLUE!!!!!!!!!"


    5. You can't be serious about that question. The answer is blatantly in front of our eyes.

      The elite (Marxists, GOPe, UniParty) support and promote the invasion in any way possible. Acts of war directed at your security and culture fostered by policies of the Blue Coat Federals.

      Maybe the secessionists of 1861 had a valid point about federalism.

    6. Of course they did. The South was getting hammered by the tripling of the tariffs imposed upon them by the federal government. The tyrant who started the war (by ordering the troops at Ft Sumter to stay, in spite of having been directed by the state/Confederacy to leave) used slavery as an excuse to attack and work to destroy the South (while abusing the people of the Northern states by conscripting those who did not want to go to war), but actually wanted all blacks to leave America and be taken to Africa. The Emancipation Declaration only freed the slaves in the South, not in the Northern states which still permitted slavery. Look up Thomas DiLorenzo on the subject of Abraham Lincoln and the war between the states. https://mises.org/mises-review/lincoln-unmasked-what-youre-not-supposed-know-about-dishonest-abe-thomas-dilorenzo

  2. Hey, they do this because we do not make them pay for it. Just how it is, folks.

    1. Exactly. They do it because we let them and they can. - Nemo

  3. There is a house for sale in my neighborhood in Central Florida. I hope someone like her moves in.

  4. The sad part is that the good people of Springfield voted for and supported politicians that espoused Diversity and Multiculturalism. Unfortunately for them, the wolfs now run the sheep pens. People like this lady will leave, go elsewhere, and continue to champion Diversity.

  5. Even our local Faux Snooze was running the bullshit "false info" story this morning. I almost threw my remote through the screen, but caught myself.

    After pondering the situation with copious amounts of beer, I've come to the decision that we need to make the "Eagles" song, "Dirty Laundry" a Top Ten Hit again. The song is still relevant almost 50 years after its release.

  6. All of this falls on deaf ears. Those who sit on these committees do not want to hear your voice. Too much money flowing to the corrupt and lawless. It’s only a short matter of time before law enforcement will be used on a regular basis to clear the public from the public buildings.

  7. There is a video out there a compilation of many of the wrecks by these immigrants

  8. When people in Springfield start finding Haitians in the gutter with fresh bullet holes in their foreheads, this will cease.

    Not before.

    Pissing and moaning at City Hall will accomplish Jack and Sh*t.

    1. Re-Read what Nurse Ratchet has to say.

    2. You'll get a more appropriate response when it's the City Hall employees in the gutter on fire with diesel.

  9. FJB and spreadeagle Cameltoe are giving our tax payer $$ to these parasites. If you haven't seen some evidence, its easy to find. I've seen grocery receipts left behind with over $30k balance for these parasites FJB and company have let in. Cameltoe wants to give $25k to parasites for home buying. Evidence they are given debit cards loaded with $$ upon arrival. And to avoid the border, they are flying them in, I know, I live in Florida and these flights are under the radar. The Democraps are wanting to crash this country to stay in power. As the election draws near, be ready for anything. They haven't killed DJT yet, but the fraud machine is in full swing. I am still fighting with Fulton County to get my name off the voter rolls. Moved away in 2017 and a few months ago I got a jury summons from Fulton County. The address they have is my friends, so I see all the mail. Had to contact the court to clear my name when I missed jury duty. I told the court to arrest the head of voter registration for a fraud on the court submitting my name when I first challenged being on the roll in 2020. Don't believe anything the Main strain media says, its just the opposite. Don't trust the government, they love living off the salaries we pay them.

  10. Her story is heartbreaking, but her solution is one of the most cucked, pathetic, band-aid measures imaginable. The answer isn't to make drivers licenses harder to get. The answer is to remove them from our country.

    1. You are right. People like her in that city and county need to start to become vigilantes toward the illegals and the govt for not doing anything to fix it. If the govt does not solve it and you leave it will follow.

  11. It amazes me that people getting killed, raped, robbed and losing property to ignorant Haitian drivers does not stir the country, but when they are accused of killing ducks, geese and pets, the whole country rallies to the call.

    It is far past time for a mass deportation of the 40 million illegal aliens in this country.


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