Tuesday, May 21, 2024

When You've Had A Long Week and It's Only Tuesday....











  1. Kinda old to be that stupid idn't he?
    I was half his age when I was doin that shit.
    Then I got married and had a kid and started a business in the same year and had to grow the fuk up.

  2. I would like to see him an hour later.

  3. Holy shit, the dude just did more drugs in under a minute than I have in the last thirty years!

  4. I think it's a troll. Or a Biden.

  5. Darwin approves, and waits patiently behind the hooded gentleman with the scythe.

  6. I bailed when he was huffing poppers. I don't understand how he was still on that stool. I'll bet he's absolutely Hell on a pizza buffet. I never saw that many kinds of drugs in a day,maybe a month.. Daayum ..

  7. Just exactly how long does this mental midget expect to live??

  8. Shoot him and burn him in pig fat.
    Just to make sure.

  9. Would prayer help, or does God no longer intervene?
    I think he does not, post-resurrection, and has given us guidance enough, leaving us to our own decisions.
    That poor soul is not long for this world.

  10. My doctor makes me think I'm as self-destructive as this guy because my blood sugar is a little high and I choose to eat ice cream.

  11. I was expecting him to keel over after clutching his chest. I was disappointed. - Nemo

    1. It'll happen. Just not today.

    2. That guy is the bald headed champ of throwing caution to the wind.

    3. Puff of this sniff of that. Just a lame show with no needles or lines on the table. Where's the Fetanyl. Amateur.

  12. He does intervene Dan, but it’s after we find what a mess we’ve made with the free will he gave us and we ask. I spent 30 years drinking and 25 snorting and smoking meth but finally realized I wasn’t headed for a happy ending. Celebrated 19 years sober last month. Thank God and AA.


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