Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Meanwhile, In The Netherlands....



  1. Sure loks like an overly complicated way to build a drawbridge

  2. The bridges around here won't open in wind over 35mph. That ain't opening over 20 I would think.

  3. While watching that my paint finished drying without me. Thanks a lot!

  4. Cycle way is just like in my country. Expensive virtue signaling with hardly anyone using it.

  5. What do you want to bet that there have been people that ride the bridge up.

  6. Best be a good boat driver to get through that narrow gap without pumping the rails

  7. It’s an engineering requirement to never make anything simple and efficient if there’s a way to make it complex and wonderful.

    Also, this needs Swedish Chef narration.

  8. If that fukker snaps everybody's dead.

  9. Had to be NL.

    In Califrutopia, some jackass in a Honda Civic with a spoiler would try to hurdle the gap...when the bridge was at about eyeball height.
    In Florida, they'd do it when the bridge was completely elevated, and try it in a vintage bondo'ed Dodge Charger. And get eaten by gators.
    In Chicongo, a Dindu would put his foot in the gap as the bridge came down, and then claim engineering was racist.
    In NYFC, the bottom of the bridge would have a LGBTEIEIOQWERTY flag painted onto the underside.
    And in DC, they'd be importing illegal alien ship captains to ram into it.

    And anywhere else in Eurostan but NL, some future rapist would've already Aloha Snackbar'ed the bridge with a truck bomb.

  10. I don't see the Dali going through there any time soon. Just sayin'.

  11. The knob taking the vid should be made to watch this daily for the rest of his life

  12. Cool. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.


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