Thursday, May 23, 2024

Even The Kids Are Sick Of This Junk....











  1. Speaking of junk. It took a couple direct hits.

  2. Why isn’t he being arrested immediately….or…. Where’s the father’s to put a whooping on his ass…. Look at that self righteous attitude as he walks toward the children… better yet… how about 6-7 each 210 grain hydro shocks at 980 FPS…

    1. Save some hydro shocks for the bosses that decided hiring a tranny for this was a good idea.

    2. Amen. The fools pushing this insanity need to be dealt with in a fashion that will "encourage the others" to stop coming for our children.

    3. Amen. The fools pushing this insanity need to be dealt with in a fashion that will "encourage the others" to stop coming for our children.

    4. Awesome ideas and resolution.
      Nevertheless, lets not take EXECUTION off the table too quickly.

  3. Why isn’t he being arrested immediately….or…. Where’s the father’s to put a whooping on his ass…. Look at that self righteous attitude as he walks toward the children… better yet… how about 6-7 each 210 grain hydro shocks at 980 FPS…

  4. Tar and Feathers comes to mind!

    1. Maybe, but it might enjoy it.

    2. Ask anyone who has worked asphalt, no one enjoys hot tar meeting skin. Even tiny splashes bite the skin and leave a permanent reminder.

  5. Don't forget to appropriately motivate the administration that authorized this to get their head right.

  6. I often wonder why no dads haven't knocked the shit out of this nutcase. I mean he dressed as what ? some snow white kind of bullshit ? we really need to put a stop to this kind of bullshit around our kids.
    and just who came up with drag queen story hour ? I mean. WTF is up with that bullshit anyway.
    hey, if they don't want help getting their head right, there is always the other way of dealing with problems like this. mental hospital or maybe a more final way,, say 230 grain hydra shock at 900 fps should "cure" them.
    dave in pa.

    1. Maybe there weren't any dads watching it at the time.

  7. It's the mothers taking the kids to these things. The dads have jobs and aren't even aware.
    These day drinkers sit around and watch the view every day, they're the ones who need mental help.

  8. Big mike is the original drag queen story hour star. Along with making school cafeteria food worse than it was....

    Fjb and approximately 535 others...

  9. Can’t wait for the party to start. As Josey Wales said some people just need killin, worms gotta eat same as the buzzard

  10. ...and then Disney wonders why it's been losing multi millions over the last couple of years. - Nemo

  11. Make impaling great again.
    Vlad approves this message.

  12. I understand that trannies make excellent fertilizing mulch when placed into the wood chipper on the "Fine" setting. Its the best use of them as well as all the lettered biological errors.

  13. Freak any way you look at it. The hydra shock idea rocks.

  14. 45 ACP. Placed correctly, cures the problem.
    Bear in Indy

  15. The little kid says " I want Cinderella and you assholes sent out Cinderfella!"

  16. "Tar and Feathers comes to mind!"
    So does Vlad the Impaler.
    Something to be said in favor of corpse-on-a-stick & knowledge of why they are there.


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