Tuesday, April 23, 2024

This, Is The Massachusetts Transportation Secretary.... Stop the world, I want to get off.....

 One of my fellow employees shared this video clip during lunch... wtaf?

Monica Tibbits-Nutt  ( the last name is missing an 's' )

 I'm sure those plans will attract more people to the State..

Monica Tibbits-Nutt, Gov. Maura Healey’s crewcut Secretary of Transportation, is a real nutjob.


In case you’re not familiar with this latest $196,551-a-year local poster gal for leftist lunacy, this Nutt is nuttier than a fruitcake.


“We are going after all the people,” she said recently at a public gathering of her fellow tree huggers and climate cultists, “who should be giving us money to make our transportation better.”


To elaborate, she said she is “basically going after everyone who has money.”


No, not really. Nutty Nutt makes it very clear she only fantasizes about going after everyone who works for a living. Exempt from the apparatchiks’ diktats would be the non-working classes. Aren’t they always?


We work, they don’t. Some call it equity.


The legislature could not be reached for comment.


Here are some of the cabinet secretary’s fondest dreams:


Increasing the state payroll tax.

Jacking up local excise taxes.

New tolls on all highways leading into Massachusetts.

Forcing working-class drivers out of their pick-up trucks, which she claimed are “basically” 18-wheelers.

Charging more for Uber/Lyft rides, and for package-delivery services.

Writing more speeding tickets, and suspending more drivers’ licenses, and forcing motorists to appeal the loss of their licenses at the state’s kangaroo-court hearings.

Using state policy to bludgeon citizens into submission to the Deep State — “I’ll 100 percent use it as a weapon.”

Remember, among other things, Tibbits-Nutt is suggesting cracking down on law-abiding motorists in a state where criminal illegal aliens with no licenses are allowed to drive at will, in unregistered, uninsured, uninspected low riders with absolutely no consequences whatsoever.


But for taxpaying American motorists, here’s what the Democrats have in store for you:


“We’re getting really, really aggressive. We are pushing for less warnings, more citations. I’m telling you, nothing slows down someone real quick like getting your license suspended.”


She continued:




  1. It is pronouced Dumbassachusetts!!!!

  2. Taxation without representation is called democracy in California and soon the world. Good luck...

  3. Sad thing is, if the elections were held the week after cars were outlawed, she'd still have her job. Yes, liberalism is a mental disorder. Unfortunately, too often when those mentally defective fools leave, they always bring their incurable voting habits with them. You can't fix stupidity.

  4. she looks like she could use a good smack with a 2by 4 to her head too. and hates pickup trucks too ? fine. anyone who does any work for her should overcharge her by at least 200% if there are any working guys left up there.

  5. Wow, full blown Communist, Nutt job.

  6. Nothing slows that plan down real quick like people randomly shooting traffic cops in the head, on sight, on general principles.

    Just saying.

    Once that happens, I'm betting that state runs out of cops before they run out of drivers. Just a hunch there.

    1. Only to be replaced by eager heavy handed government indoctrinated goons. Basically the slow decent into totalitarian control.

  7. That pathetic state has been called "Tax-achuetes" for decades. Now it is beyond reality.

  8. I think that the plan to have tolls for people entering the state might violate inter-state commerce clauses and have the Feds tearing into her.

    1. Nothing that the usual few bribes and kick backs cant easily handle.

  9. Sounds like she got her hands on our Justin's playbook. Tax tax tax

    1. That would be “Justine” fyi.

  10. Tarring and feathering used to work great as a deterrent...just saying.

  11. Watch people and companies providing MA’s tax base flee the Commonwealth to greener less taxing pastures.. it would sure be a shame (not) if defense contractors such as General Electric and Raytheon moved their MA operations to Florida or Tennessee.

    1. Fine. As long as the people moving remember it was the Communism that ran them out of Taxatwoshits and not vote again for more of the same where they move to. They have a bad habit of doing just that! If they want Communism, they can stay exactly where they are.

  12. Guess who would likely blow a gasket if they got pulled and ticketed…. [theme from jeopardy]…

  13. This has nothing to do with transportation. This is 100% about raising funds for illegals.

    1. Exactly. Well except for keeping a % for itself. Right out of the Dem ie Communist playbook.

  14. Why did you have to include the photo? No I'm going to have nightmares....

  15. Looks like Don Lemon.

  16. Some problems can only be solved by a funeral. This criminal in power is one of them.

  17. That's a dude.... with a hyphenated name... 2 strikes...

    1. I'm a conservative church goer and dislike this crap more than most but I've got a hyphenated name so calm down.

    2. That ain't a dude.
      Dudes don't take it up the ass or suk dik.
      That is a fag.

  18. The daughter works in Assachusetts but lives in New Hampshire. She has a 2.25 hour commute one way, but she makes $160k as a senior manager. She can work from home 2 days a week. Her plan is to work there 2 years and get a director's position at the pharma corp that is 20 minutes down the road.

  19. It looks like it might strap on a big black dildo and take ol peter buttgag down.

    1. This is how the decline works, put mentally damaged people into positions of authority. They are always into the total control thing. Hitler would have hired these people. Of course when their work has been completed they are sent to the camps.

    2. Hahaha, Good one. Buttgigger is so worn in, he wouldnt even feel a 4 D cell flashlight

  20. Hi Irish....,
    As I recall back a few cases of BEER ago, the now late "Mike Vanderboegh" referred to the area "NORTH" of a line from around the northern boarder of Virginia ,starting from the Coast, and extending westward encompassing all those states and Illinois!!! He referred to the area as "Behind Enemy Lines!!!!!!!' Man was he right!!!!
    Audentes, Fortuna, Iuvat!!!!!

    1. It appears Mike was correct in that assessment for a lot of the states in the boundary.

  21. People get the government they vote for.

    1. People keep saying this! They aren't paying attention.

  22. What was Monica's name before he transitioned?

  23. Massachusetts: Hey California, Hold my beer.

  24. ...another Mike Dukaka legacy. MA law named "Right to Shelter" which states(paraphrasing) that EVERYONE has the right to "dignified" shelter, i.e. the State will provide a place to sleep out of the weather. Then MA politicians and voters wonder why so many long term MA residents(read white people) are moving to Florida with nut job appointees like Monica Tibbits-Nutt running the government.


  25. If Buttigiggle ever gets sidelined, say, like his guts fall out on a merry go round, whatever this thing is could easily replace him. When hiring, Biden prefers pandering to parasites. This otta do the job.

  26. Democracy and all its mob rule marxists brothers end this way. That equality is only found in total destitution for all they survey. They deserve more so you must do without.

  27. WTF is that thing? (m/f???) Kill it with fire.
    Do you want a tea party? This is how you get a tea party.
    I noticed "it" didn't mention going after the people with real money (the rich and politicians).
    Steve S6

  28. Hmmm. A wack nut governor, elected by nut case Massholes and as would be expected, appoints a nut job Nutt to a cabinet position to which he/she/it/them/fruit/asshole/they/x/loon isnt remotely qualified. Then the Massholes, because of their every election stupidity (they one time elected Romney for crissake) get the hell out of Mass and move to Florida and screw that up too.

  29. During the run up to their eventual bankruptcy. These people will be sure to empty the treasury and every other account including yours before they are done. So much so that some governments are looking to tax wealthy people if they try to leave for another 10 years.

  30. Read the rest Here... Ohh,No.. Hell,I had to skip parts of That. That freak is So comfortable with its tyrannical ways that it Said it out loud. MassiveTwoSchitts is screwed. I'm insufficiently masochistic to read further. I never would have believed that it would be possible to Succeed in life while being a sexual deviant. If one Tried to hide their Secret Ways and acted like they were a straight shooter, Christian, family type, and rumors that they were not so straight got started, it would ruin them was The way it Was. Now, resumes start with what Would have been disqualifiers and go in the Call Back stack. I'm just sure those people are able to set their own ideology aside and put the Constitution and the ideology of the Founding Fathers into their jobs. The Bible tells of the descent. Our generation saw freedom and prosperity and common sense slowly destroyed.
    Not just being totally bummed out about it all, letting it, ( It ,,being the obvious destroyed society, economy and peace of life that Was so common) just take my motivation to move forward in life is surprisingly not difficult, but I wonder what it is doing to the young people.

  31. This should be her fate tout suite https://thetacticalhermit.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Faggot99.jpg


  32. The daughter works in Assachusetts at a bio-tech. She makes a good 6 figure salary but has a 2.25 hour commute one way and she has to be in the office 3 days a week. She lives in New Hampshire. The cost of living in Boston at her current comfort level would be an extra $65k per year. She figures the crappy commute is worth half of that. She takes the train into the city and then a water taxi across the bay where she receives a stipend from the company for public transportation. She has to pay state taxes on 60% of her pay which is about what my retirement pay is but it is taxed at a lot higher rate than GA taxes.

  33. Ugly woman, weird-looking dude.
    What are you going to, do besides take it out on everyone else?

  34. Has ANYONE in the Government considered reducing their own wages..... just a little bit? I would bet the farm if the Government workers took a 7% wage cut, they could sell the additional taxes way easier.

  35. No wonder Massholes are deserting in huge numbers. It's only going to get worse.


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