Wednesday, April 24, 2024

There Is WAAAaaaaay Too Much Here To Unpack.....

 There are so many questions and so many what ifs.... The video speaks for itself.












  1. Of course, the blonde chick had bigger balls and more sense than all the men around the mayor. She, at least, was smart enough to pick up whatever that metal bar was, and made sure that help was on the way. The "men" just stood around and dithered.

    1. "she" might actually have balls, you never know anymore

  2. Become un-governable. Ignore them.

    1. Unless you're willing to kill yourself when they come for you, you aren't un-cageable.

  3. So much for helping your fellow man.... none of them stood up; they just stood around with their phones, expecting someone else to take care of the problem.

  4. 2 things.
    We were told a couple years ago by the anonymous Q that there was a time coming when politicians wouldn't be able to walk down the street safely.
    This is not the first instance just this week of a politician being confronted while out in public.
    #2, I notice not one of the lame dick motherfuckers standing around came to that guys defense after he was attacked, especially that faggot mayor.
    Shit is going to get real for these fuckers the worse the degradation of our society gets.
    This Summer is going to be one for the ages.

    1. To quote Macho Man Randy Savage.."OH YEAH!!!"

  5. I moved out of NE Atlanta 5 months ago. In the ATL I was always carrying. I am now in a small rural town in SE GA in the county that produces 20% of America's onion crop. I still keep a pistol handy but when I go to the hardware store half the trucks in the parking lot have the keys in them. Life is better than it has been for decades.

    1. @Tsquared - All my mom's people come from Glenville. I'm looking to leave Florida when I retire and am looking for something along the Hwy 84 corridor.

  6. All those "men" including the mayor was to pig pile that ratisfarin ass wipe, they would have punched their man card and put that sucker down and the cops can swoop in arrest his ass.

  7. doesn't look like the "main" asshole was attacked at all. just that the black guy was messing up his 'interview" on the street. and BTW, the old white guy who I guess was there to guard said asshole does not seem to know shit about fighting or handling others, shall we say. off hand, I say retired cop who was out of his depth if he couldn't just shoot the guy. kind of funny/weird how all of these assholes seem to have/need armed guards now, isn't it ?
    also too, the main asshole seem like your normal (?) liberal asshole who wants the world to fit HIS view on life
    even if he has to force you to do so. how much you want to bet he was never hit in the face before ?
    from the smug look he has, he damn sure needs to be.

  8. Jason Aldean has it figured out. Pull that stick and get ready for a nice long nap in my neck.

  9. The essential question is if “13%” of the population of the U.S. disappeared overnight, would the country be better or worse off than today?

    1. ...and THAT, sir, is the ultimate question to which the answer is a resounding YES. - Nemo

    2. Other than a momentary drop in NFL, NBA, etc., scheduled games, loss of Rap "music", much would go on as usual. Things would recover quite rapidly, jails would empty out, dirt bag lawyers would be scrambling for clients, IQ's would rise, and the work of border security would get back to actually doing the job. I remember the "day without Mexicans" in Cali, there was much less traffic and downtown was calm. And that was just from a small percentage of people not going to work. Of course I saw Hispanics working in the stores, they were Americans and didn't buy into the crap that was being doled out.

  10. If that was his security that was some pretty poor defensive moves.

    1. It also displays the dangers of street people, they are lean, fast, and much stronger than you would expect. They are products of a dangerous lifestyle. Always keep your distance, and stay alert.

  11. LMFAO. I'm going out on a limb here and saying the 135 pound white bald security dude just might have lied his ass off on his job application.

  12. I counted at least 4 beta-cucks

  13. Sorry for being OT, but does anyone know about WRSA? I go there now and it says something about NGINX? What the heck is that? I’m old and my motto is don’t trust until verified....I know the ferals won’t steer me wrong...thanks

    1. From another site: WRSA is having server / hosting / migration issues and may be short the money for $$ expert help. Should be back soon.
      John in Indy

  14. 6-8 fit, healthy males, every one of them too chickenshit and pussified to help the one guy struggling.
    Dude should have been eating concrete inside of 15 seconds, and would have been if even one other guy walked up and swept his legs.
    What a bunch of soy boi bitches.

    1. any one of them could have slipped in behind that guy and put a full nelson on him and ended the whole thing without harming the dude. That said, the street guy had the "security" down on the concrete and did not move in for the kill, so, it seems he was not going to be a deadly threat.

  15. That was embarrassing. If you are executive security your job is NOT to fuck around with the head case on the sidewalk, it's to get your principal to a safe area immediately. You are not law enforcement, you are a protective detail. What we should have seen was an eye gouge, shot to the nuts, something to distract the guy, then the mayor getting escorted into the building.
    What we saw instead was one body guard that looked like he had zero empty hand skills fucking around with a "bad guy" while his principal stood there (odd that it is a one man detail).
    100% agree with everyone else about standing around and watching, HOWEVER, how many of us in the current climate are going to step in? Me? If a woman was being assaulted I would probably not be able to ignore it. What I saw there? I would probably have been a "good witness".


  16. So what I could get out of that interchange was this....the black dude was telling the mayor that HE was outside speaking on his phone when THEY showed up and interrupted HIS conversation. Am I correct?
    Also, I think the black dude was correct in his assumption that the white dude broke some societal rule. BUT, as per usual, the black dude (angry as always) just needed something to trigger his latent aggression and boy howdy, the gloves were off.

  17. Not embarrassing but hilarious security faught like a sissy, chick had to protect the may. The future is going to be entertaining as hell

  18. ps Normal citizens like Daniel Penney need to only observe the attacks

  19. sigh,
    So give a street person $20 to distract the security and then walk up behind the protectee and....fill in the blank
    These idjits are so screwed

  20. What the hell is "folx"?????

  21. Kinda reminded me of Wesley Snipes in Demolition Man. If Dreads really wanted to end the bald dude, or any of the others, they had no way to prevent it. He could have smoked all of them and been in the wind before any LE showed up.


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