Tuesday, March 19, 2024

This Type Of Situation Is Absolutely Mindblowing.....


 I get it, the "you get what you vote for" , " you get what you tolerate", etc. In the long run though

there is a very large percentage of hardworking folk just going about their lives trying to 

make a living and pay bills and this is what TPTB do to them. 

 Obviously there could be a back story and more to this one incident

but the laws are , IMHO totally fucked up. I can relate to this personally. A close friend had

to move out of the house they owned and had to use the court to evict a family member. It took months.

In what bizarre world does this situation make sense?


  1. If you simply shotgun the m*****f*****s, then call 9-1-1, it's your word against the corpses' that you were the victim of a home invasion.

    If you simply S-S-S, and call no one afterwards, and the bodies turn up in the East River, so much the better.

    The first mistake is trying to work within a broken system.

    1. Amen on #2. Calling 9-1-1 would be a far second - sketchy sh*t bringing those bastards into your world on purpose.

    2. Exactly right.
      There is only one way to deal with someone breaking into your home.

    3. 12 gauge eviction kit.

    4. My thinking exactly.
      President Elect B Woodman

  2. Of they had a Castle Doctrine like a lot of normal states do, that problem would be over quick, fast, and in a hurry.

  3. "hardworking folk just going about their lives trying to

    make a living and pay bills and this is what TPTB do to them"

    But, that's a lie. And so old, it's not even pretty, anymore.

    When you pay the zombie horde to eat your neighbors, as long as they split the loot with you... You (yes you[!], laddie) will never be willing to allow anyone (anyone, at all) to rid "us" of the zombie horde (let alone, end them, yourself). It's not tolerance. It's not impotence. It's collaboration.

  4. if it wasn't for lawyers, you wouldn't need lawyers. as told to me by my buddies' dad back in 1971. he was an assistant states attorney at the time.

  5. I've read several stories about people having to deal with squatters over the last couple weeks. The laws in some of these states are totally effed up in favor of the squatters. Then the authorities are puzzled when the rightful owners "take matters into their own hands".


  6. I would have shot him in self defense as he broke in. Twice in each knee and once 5" below the belly button. Then continuously kick him in the gut until he is dead. Then call the police.

  7. Squatters are a special kinda stupid, if you squat in my house, I will make sure you are never seen again. If I need help I can recruit enough family, and coworkers to make sure you see the folly of sticking around. I'm not sure why people feel entitled to move onto property that they don't own, but do know that it could be the last mistake your collective ignorant minds come up with.

  8. I saw that this morning. Not going to say what I would’ve done

  9. She should have started screaming ”Rape!”as soon as she saw the first squatter.

  10. ah, it's New York. It's not like it's happening here in America or anything. But careful, it appears illegals now have more gun rights than we do. I wonder how they're getting those guns?

  11. You all need to call 811! So you know where to dig!

    1. Bwahahaha innerwebz comment of the day Ken, stealing that.

  12. In America voting is like a Chinese finger trap. "you get what you vote for" , but you can't vote your way out.

  13. Evidently she doesn't really know much about Queens, they have people that can take care of things like this for a fee. My brother in law could make a call, just saying...

  14. Is NY Califukinfornia East or is Califukinfornia NY West? "Clown to the left of me, jokers to the right. Stuck in the middle with you"

  15. I'm here trying to figure out what the difference is between this and a home invasion. I know what my response would be to a home invasion

  16. Have them swatted a few times.

  17. There's this guy called the squatter hunter on YouuTube and seems to have a pretty good process for getting rid of them without resorting to violence. Believe me I understand the impulse to just shoot em but you all know how that would end up in the real world. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6yt7B5gCl4

  18. Shoot the little twit.

  19. So what happens if someone is a squatter on a home that is still under payment? if someone is making payments on a second home but not there for a time and someone squats on it, does the squatter become liable for the payments?

  20. Couple of the boys went by this house and whatever was said the squatters packed up and left , still a few patriots out here .


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